Community > Posts By > feistybaby

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:37 PM
Depends what we have planned. I try to dress for the occasion. But I admit to leaning more toward cute and casual than formal.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:25 PM

I just thought I'd let you know that Lucy died last Wednesday.

She was well on Tuesday, sick Wednesday morning. I rushed her to the vet, they stabilized her but she died anyway, possibly of a lung infection.

<----- that was Lucy.

She was 12 years old.

My condolances~ It is hard losing a long time best friend.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:17 PM
Flirting can be healthy and fun if you are single. When you are in a committed relationship it is nothing but disrespectful and dangerous and it only opens the door to temptation and we all know how easily lines get crossed or intentions get misinterpreted. I even draw a friends only line with people I talk to that are forum flirts but say they are interested in me. I just don't even want to get started with the feeling that I am in competition with a bunch of others.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:00 PM
Yesterday, went to dinner. Nice time but no sparks.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 11:57 AM
Edited by feistybaby on Mon 05/11/09 12:03 PM
Ugh I hate having my picture taken. *grin* ask anyone who has met me at one of the meet and greets I have attended. I hide from the camera. Although rumor has it that there is a picture of mine and ruthie's behinds bent over the couch floating around somewhere. laugh

But to answer the question seriously even the profiles with good pictures I take with a grain of salt. And since looks aren't that important to me when it comes to relevance in a relationship it really doesn't matter to me.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 11:50 AM
There is always hope. Without hope that our lifes will grow and change why get up in the morning? I try to keep myself open to possibilities. But have developed a very hefty dose of scepticism. lol I have shared some of my dating disasters in the past the octopus hands trap you in the restuarant booth guy, the guy who picked me up for a date in another woman's car, etc....It isn't that I don't try or give people opportunities. I just refuse to settle at this stage of my life for less than I actually want and feel I deserve.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 11:20 AM
Edited by feistybaby on Mon 05/11/09 11:20 AM
No, not that I haven't had offers or been tempted but when I make a commitment I honor it. If at some point I am unhappy enough that I would even think of cheating it is time to get out of the relationship and look for one that is more fulfilling. But you get out before you start your search leaving not only the other person with their dignity but yourself as well.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 11:14 AM
What I do now. I am extremely sceptical that love is going to find me in a romantic sense or I it. I have very old fashioned values that I can't seem to find a match for. And while I can bend I refuse to break when it comes to some things. So I enjoy my friends, family, and the things that interest me and take each day as it comes and I am grateful for each one I am given to enjoy.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 11:03 AM
While I do believe that people can change if they truly want to and are motivated, I also think that most cheaters have terminal the grass is greener on the other side syndrome and they always have to be looking for that bigger better deal. A general sense of dissatisfaction with life when usually what they are is dissatisfied with themselfs. And instead of looking for ways to "fix' themselfs they look for someone to "fix them" for them.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 10:58 AM
For voice alone sam elliott, sean connery, and patrick stewart(star trek and x-men) for looks george clooney, vin desiel the oh so good bad boy, hugh jackman...this list could get long lol

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 10:41 AM
Edited by feistybaby on Mon 05/11/09 10:42 AM
Anyone can be tempted it is what you do about it or not that counts. If you can't resist the temptation you are either a) not that good aka faithful or b) not that committed ~shrugs~

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 10:32 AM asked out for lunch but can't go I am working~

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:25 AM
Can I add the don't say you are going to call and then don't rule to this? Toooooooooooooooooo TACKY~

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:19 AM
Nice profile and pics~ Best of Luck~

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:04 AM
I think it is interesting. Houses with cold spots or odd happenings. I feel different energies in a lot of the places I have been. But I get the the same "spidey sense" from people that I meet. Sometimes the energy is just "wrong" and they will set my teeth on edge even before I know them.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:01 AM
Only when I bite off more than I can chew laugh

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 08:16 AM
Edited by feistybaby on Mon 05/11/09 08:16 AM
I tend to agree with Ms. P. I think it is just common courtesy if you have been out on a date to say thank you I had a nice time. And if a gentleman asks for my number and I share it, if he doesn't use it I will be out with someone that does.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 08:05 AM
Wuss - male or female that doesn't have the backbone and conviction to stand up for their own beliefs.

Whipped - (in a relationship)- the act of putting your s/o's needs and wants above your own. While this is good in theory it often leads to one person being taken advantage of or taken for granted.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 05/11/09 08:00 AM
Love can't be manipulated. It is either there or it is not. And often it is there but not in the way one would like ie: the love of a friend versus the love of a lover.

feistybaby's photo
Sun 05/10/09 02:19 PM
May the angels watch over you and yours. Strength and serenity be poured on you. And the light of faith chase away the darkness in your lifes~ Be Blessed~

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