Community > Posts By > feistybaby

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 04:23 PM

It seems I never knew she was gone because I came back myself not too long ago......So without further ado, let me be the first one today to welcome her back! I never said being punctual was my strong suit!

Um ya ... I didn't know either. Actually I didn't realize she was gone .. But then I'm not on here as much as I used to be so are we surprised?

((((((((((((((( DESTINY ))))))))))))))))

(((((((((((((((judy))))))))))))))) my fav diva how are you dear?

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 04:20 PM

It was a joke Mikey. I have MET her.

lol yes you did Dan when you hopped the frog pond.....I wish I had gotton to the other get together and gotton to meet Lisa~

Yeah that would have been nice! Maybe there will be another opportunity one day.

rumor has it there may be another Texas meet this and lisa should fly back over....

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 04:14 PM

It was a joke Mikey. I have MET her.

lol yes you did Dan when you hopped the frog pond.....I wish I had gotton to the other get together and gotton to meet Lisa~

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 04:12 PM
There were several on another site I was a member at. We had a blast at the one I attended....

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 03:58 PM
:angry: where did you get MY e-mail?????? laugh

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 03:45 PM

Day late and 50 cents short huh peccy...rofl Welcome back to you as well but watch out you will make Lee jealous tongue2

Thank you for the warm welcome oh late one flowerforyou

You're in Texas now? noway slaphead

Hey cr huggles yup in houston now or a suburb of, no I didn't move cause mikey is visiting Virginia lol missed ya too flowerforyou

waving Hi my Friend... Missed ya...flowerforyou

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 03:35 PM
I missed you all I have had no one to pick on me or make me blush....

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 03:29 PM
Day late and 50 cents short huh peccy...rofl Welcome back to you as well but watch out you will make Lee jealous tongue2

Thank you for the warm welcome oh late one flowerforyou

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 03:03 PM
I agree you might want to put up a pic that shows your face, I don't think the headless horseman look is in this season. A bit more detail about yourself as well. Good luck with your search~ flowerforyou

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 02:56 PM
Her loss Lex if she can't accept you for who you are. And could very well be your loss if you don't tell her. Best of luck~

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 02:47 PM
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime" As you have seen from my other posts I lend a helping hand where ever I can for anyone in need. And while I praise every single food pantry and shelter that takes people in and gives them a hand, I truly believe that they should ALL be taken a step further to the point where they offer help with training and job searches not just food and over night shelter. As others have posted being homeless is like a round robin effect you can't find a home with no job and you can't find a job with no home. When we take steps to help rectify this situation by offering semi-permanent housing and job assistance as well as better care for the mentally impaired that end up in the streets separating the people that can't work from illness or infirmity from the ones that just need a helping hand up. Then we can say we have started down the road to truly helping the homeless.

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 08:34 AM
It is difficult not to harden your heart in a lot of cases. Case in point we had a man who came into my place of employment on a daily basis always carrying his homeless sign. Often I would buy him a meal or coffee out of my own pocket until one day he happened to come in with over 20 $20 lottery tickets and at the same time tried to panhandle a meal from another customer. I took the gentleman aside and quietly asked him to leave as well as told him he was banned from our establishment. Cold maybe...heartless not at all in my opinion.

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:55 AM
Frustration, anger, hopelessness, fear, just to name a few. I truly don't think insanity is involved in most cases, but more that people have been or feel pushed beyond their limits and endurance. In today's economy when most people struggle even in a 2 adult household to provide for themselves and any children present. Loss of a job, loss of a spouse or s/o and their income, loss of a home can all be catastrophic. Not to mention more and more loving parents are losing custody of children they adore due to financial loss and not being able to provide for them. Add to that a loss of faith as more and more people quit believing in any kind of higher power that is on their side. And you have a recipe for disaster.

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:42 AM
I have never been homeless but have come close. So when I see it I am moved to help. I keep a list of food pantries and shelters as well as books of McDonald's gift certificates. I never directly give cash because in most cases it doesn't go where one would wish food, shelter etc...But I do donate cash to established charities for the homeless.

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:35 AM
Very gentle. Nice. Love is one of a kind. Silly and fun! Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet!
AMAZING in Bed.!!!!!

feistybaby's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:29 AM
Yes I have. I was present during a robbery and caught a stray bullet in the back of my calf pushing someone out of the way.

feistybaby's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:17 AM
Edited by feistybaby on Tue 03/10/09 10:21 AM
I am sure most have heard the phrase always a bridesmaid never a bride. So when you are out in a social setting do you stay the center of attention (bride) or tend to seek out the quiet spot in the room (bridesmaid)?

feistybaby's photo
Tue 03/10/09 09:53 AM
These can be the most satisfying and most dangerous relationships of all, especially if the romantic relationship/s the people are in are floundering or in a rut. But I think more often than not it is just a case of the grass looking greener on the other side. It's easy to be attracted to someone that is paying attention to you and spending time with you, but I think the time would be better spent devoted to the relationship that you are in than spending it hedging your bets getting close to someone else. It's like looking for a replacement before the loan is payed off.

feistybaby's photo
Tue 03/10/09 09:15 AM
Beauty wise I see eyes that have seen to much sorrow and pain. I see lips that haven't had enough reason to smile lately or shared the softest of kisses. I see humor waiting to be born. Wrongs that still need to be made right. I see someone that is strong and determined. Soft of heart but with a will of steel. Someone not afraid to stand up for her beliefs or to stand up to life in general whatever comes. I see honesty, integrity, and faith. Warm friendship and loyalty. But most of all I see love, the ability to give it and receive it, and to share it~:heart:

feistybaby's photo
Tue 03/10/09 08:58 AM
Why does everyone equate looks with being high maintenance? Attractive people may be used to getting their own way, but average to plain looking people tend to be high maintenance as well simply because they are insecure....frustrated