Community > Posts By > Dandilyon

Dandilyon's photo
Sun 04/20/08 08:49 AM
My sacrasm is as relentless as Cortney Love at a Pain Management Clnic. And yes. I just made that up. Feel free to use it


Dandilyon's photo
Sun 04/20/08 08:44 AM
So usually I do sing out loud. If I am outdoors, then it is VERY loud. Indoors, I don't sing loud, but I do continually sing throughout the office, and have been told more often than not, how nice it is. I don't thrash out to Pantera in the law office, so I am considerate of others, but I just like to sing. But I started singing in my church @ 3 yrs old, so I guess I don't sound all that bad to others.

Dandilyon's photo
Sun 04/20/08 08:34 AM
Edited by Dandilyon on Sun 04/20/08 08:38 AM
This is what I do when someone sings and I do not want to hear it: I go to the person while they are singing and when they stop to see what I want to ask them, I ask them - like I am just trying to remember something that just slipped my mine "Who sings that song again?" To which they reply "Amy Winehouse", to which I reply "Well lets try to keep it that way." I smile and walk off. It never fails. I simply diffuse the insult with humor, and they think I am being funny when I am in all reality being very serious. F w/people more often. The dumb ones don't know and the smart ones appreciate it.

MY OWN INCORRECT LYRIC - Big ol jet airliner - don't take me too far away. Thought it was "Big kohl jet eyeliner . . . . " I thought they were trying to say it was like the eyeliner, smooth (kohl), jet (fast) - who knows!!!! I was a weird child.


Dandilyon's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:28 AM
Could someone explain to me what a 'thread' is.

Dandilyon's photo
Thu 04/17/08 07:11 AM
Edited by Dandilyon on Thu 04/17/08 07:12 AM

Dandilyon's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:18 PM
Don't despair. Love is everwhere.

Dandilyon's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:15 PM
Edited by Dandilyon on Wed 04/16/08 04:17 PM
The Boondocks ROCK!!! I saw an episode last night that COMPLETELY portrayed correctly what happened down here and how some of the - lets say, 'folks' are down here. I live in NOLA and was here for Katrina. I did not leave. I watched it and my bf videotaped it. So, I know what went down. I know what the media said and I know the truch. NOLA welfare queens (and kings that freeload off their baby momma) want something for nothing. Think the world owes them b/c of past wrongs. Well, one of YOUR KIND raped me. What about that for justice? Do I get to kill him? Do I get to cut off his balls? AM I OWED ANYTHING BY THE ENTIRE BLACK COMMUNITY FOR HIS MISTAKE?
Of course not. That is ridiculous.
So I say to anyone that has a problem with the working class folks of NOLA not wanting those welfare queens ruining our city, get a f-ing job. The difference btw those kind of people and a pizza is that a pizza actually CAN feed a family of four. If you get too hungy, you probably left your food stamp card under your work boots. I bet they have not been moved for years.

Dandilyon's photo
Wed 04/16/08 03:56 PM
You cannot find love outside of yourself. Love comes from within. Once I realized that and stopped looking, it found me. I once heard someone say, instead of coveting your neighbors garden, start your own. So - I just stopped looking at what I wanted, and started to BE what I was actually looking for. It worked. I've been w/my boyfriend since 1993

Dandilyon's photo
Wed 04/16/08 03:46 PM
I half agree w/you and half w/your gf. I WANT to believe everything happens for a reason, but the children's deaths, elderly women getting raped - what reason is that for? OK, maybe the child's death will bring the parents closer to God and the lady getting raped will put the rapist behind bars prohibiting him from doing it again.

For me, I know I have a purpose. To tell my story. I don't speak to crowds, I don't write books and I am not a therapist. But I have been to the Dark Side of the Moon many manty times, for many years at a time too.

So my purpose is to let people know where I was, what I did to change it, and where I am now. For me, that is fulfilling enough/.

Dandilyon's photo
Tue 04/15/08 05:28 PM
Yeah, I did today as a matter of fact! I was eye-flirting with a guy @ the deli downstairs for minutes. While we were eye-to-eye, I went to sip my soda and missed my entire frigging mouth and spilled and entire beverage down my cleavage, on my shirt, everywhere. --- He helped me clean it up. ---- We are having dinner @ 9 :)

Dandilyon's photo
Tue 04/15/08 05:28 PM
Yeah, I did today as a matter of fact! I was eye-flirting with a guy @ the deli downstairs for minutes. While we were eye-to-eye, I went to sip my soda and missed my entire frigging mouth and spilled and entire beverage down my cleavage, on my shirt, everywhere. --- He helped me clean it up. ---- We are having dinner @ 9 :)

Dandilyon's photo
Tue 04/15/08 01:19 PM
This is a poem that I wrote while incarcerated. I spent 3 yrs in LCIW for poss of marijuana. However, I had hit my bottom in the world of drugs and alcohol. I hope this inspires someone today.

Farewell to Perdition

Razor wires wrapped around my vision
Birds don't even land here anymore
The day laid out before me once more
Unlike the birds with their wings, I cannot soar
People come but they do not stay
The crime they committed requires no pay
But I was stuck, down on my luck
I could not find redemption
So I looked above and saw what was love
And since that time, I've changed my intention
I try to love and try not to judge
I use tough love and must not budge
I will try again to be what I intend
The hardest is knowing where to begin.

Copyright ©2008 Tammy Piker

Dandilyon's photo
Tue 04/15/08 10:59 AM
I found this site two days ago. It is much quicker to put pictures on than MySpace. Can't title them, though. There is a site called that gives you tips for web pages.


Dandilyon's photo
Mon 04/14/08 02:11 PM
The Outsider - A Perfect Circle. I read the lyrics almost daily like some kind of a prayer type thing. It reminds me of what I don't want to be.