Where are out bases in Iraq? Follow the oil pipeline, and you'll find them all.
Originally the name of the war in Iraq was Operation Iraqi Liberation. (O.I.L.) When we tap our reserves, rationing will begin. It costs less to refine diesel fuel than it does to refine gasoline, yet you can buy a gallon of premium gasoline for less than it cost for a gallon of diesel. It's market driven, pure and simple. By the way, the diesel engine was MADE to burn vegetable oil, and was later "converted" to burn diesel fuel. Burning ethanol has only increased the cost of the food we eat. There have already been food wars in third world nations. Why should OPEC lower the cost of crude when there is a demand for it, whether we can afford it or not? Why didn't the auto manufacturers make cars that got better MPG years ago? Why not electric cars? Why is there a market ofr Hummers and Muscle cars? After what happened in 1973 there is no excuse. Watch "Who Killed The Electric Car?" |
The Blonde Explorer
Two blondes were sitting on a park bench, under a full moon. One says, "The moon sure is beautiful, isn't it?" The other says, "It sure is" adding, "Which do you think is the furthest away, Florida or the moon?"
She turns to the other woman in disbelief, and says, "Well, DUH...you can SEE the moon." |
frack yourself by starbuck
not really pulse by pink floyd |
I am SO pissed.
I agree with the cheating spouse never being trusted...same reason I can't trust my ex. You however, already know she can't be trusted, so you kind of are one-up on her already. I suggest you call a few days beforehand, and firm up any plans, so she's without excuse. Case in point: I didn't call this week, "assuming" she knew this was my weekend to have my son.
Fact is, she DID know, but took full advantage of my NOT calling (then it can be my fault...see how that works?) and took him camping. Now we have some communicating to do. I knew better I guess, but "assmuming" with liars is like depending on them, and you already know you can't. |
I've got news for you
Ummmh! THERE! I didn't think I'd ever get the lid off that can of worms!
News? The word itself means NEW, but what's new, when like you say, it's there over and over again. It's a diversionary tactic. Keep showing OJ's Bronco on the highway, and speculate on what you know nothing about...take up more airtime, and avoid the real news. Every day, there are newsworthy things happening, but corporate owned media controls what you see. You could always watch independant news, like Democracy Now!, but you'd be criticized as a tree-hugging liberal for listening to such nonsense like global wartming actually being a threat, or another unknown fact: 100 million was spent investigating Monica Lewinski & cigars, but only 19 million was spent investigating the biggest attack against the US in it's entire history. Investigative journalism is a thing of the past, when people like Rupert Murdock own everything, denying diversification of what is reported, because they own all outlets. Fifty news outlets were what we had in the 1950s, and we are down to five. Without real news, sensationalism is not only needed, but expected. I could go on and on citing more examples, but the fact is, this all has to do with control over the average citizen of the US. What did Bush want us to do after 9/11? go shopping, and leave the rest to us, introduced us to the five color FEAR ALERT system, and decided it was alright to spy on everyone, because ANYONE might be a terrorist. Where was CNN & Fox News? In the hip pocket of the administration. The first thing an invasion force does when it enters a country is to secure the media. Sway the people, drop propaganda from airplanes. In the US, we don't need leaflets, we just willingly tune in to Bill O'Reilly, and watch a network who has turned "Fair and Balanced" into nothing more than a patented catch phrase. |