Community > Posts By > Mr Good Guy

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 10/28/23 03:02 PM
What's with all these people putting down the wrong gender on this site?

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 10/27/23 09:17 AM

Any thoughts/experiences on doing this?
Yes, save your money and do NOT pay for the "upgrade" to this site.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 10/25/23 05:58 PM

I strongly disagree. if both parties understand each others needs and boundaries casual arrangements like a fwb can work
and work QUITE well in fact. :)

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 10/25/23 12:05 PM
He's outside trimming my trees as we speak.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 10/25/23 09:13 AM
The "Biden/Harris Horror Show" has been pretty frightening these last 3 years.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 10/24/23 12:14 PM
You give those in Cebu, Cebu city, and all of the Visayas a bad name.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Mon 10/23/23 12:19 PM

how to unblock

nice question lol
Let us guess, this 100% fake woman in EVERY way wants a "real" man.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 10/22/23 09:44 PM
Poor guy was seeking legit advice and all he gets is car talk.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 10/22/23 09:38 PM

If Trump is scum, what is J Biden! Biden should have already been incarcerated.

Incarcerated for what? What do you know that the Congressional Republicans don't, because they openly admit they've got no real evidence against Biden. Some of them have already admitted that they're only holding the hearings to politically damage Biden for the elections next year.

Trump, meanwhile, has four indictments (not including the superseding indictments) with 91 charges, and those are just for the easy-to-prove crimes Trump's done. If they went after everything he's done the list might be 4x longer.
Welcome back. I noticed you've been gone for several months. I had high hopes that you went to rehab for your Trump Derangement Syndrome but it doesn't look that way or you broke out before the program was complete. Oh well, you gave it your best shot. TDS is a serious illness that few are strong enough to overcome.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 10/22/23 09:16 AM
The women will tell you to smile more.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 10/22/23 09:15 AM
I might need CPR after all this

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 10/19/23 08:49 PM
As others have mentioned Gia, its a bit long. Yes, paragraphs would be much better. Maybe use just 1/3 or 1/2 of it and save the rest for those who meet your first cut and someone you continue chatting with? Just a thought. Most men won't read all of that UNTIL after a few chats then they want to dig deeper into who you are. Personally, I'd shorten it way up but you do you.

I kind of like your 2nd picture best although this one is good too.

Honestly, I don't think it matters much either way. Long bio, short bio, pic 2 or pic 1, you'll probably get the same responses. But maybe try a much shorter one that is easier to read?

Just my 2 cents.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 10/15/23 04:17 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Sun 10/15/23 04:17 PM

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 10/14/23 12:45 PM
I wasn't around in the 50's but somehow I don't think there were a lot of public spankings going on then. Maybe your household was different.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 10/14/23 09:20 AM
Hi from Cebu City!

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 10/14/23 08:29 AM

Israel and Hamas.
Hamas was founded in 1987 at the beginning of the first Palestinian protestation against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
In August 2005, Israeli forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip and left it to the Palestinian Authority.
In 2006, Hamas won the majority in the Palestinian legislative elections. Israel and the United States cut off aid to the Palestinians because Hamas refused to recognize Israel.
In 2008, Israel launched a military attack on Gaza that lasted 22 days. 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed before a truce was agreed upon.
In March 2018, Palestinians protested on the Gaza Strip border with Israel and Israeli forces opened fire on them. More than 170 Palestinians were killed in the months-long protests that also led to clashes between Hamas and Israeli forces.
In May 2021, after months of tension, Israeli police clashed with Palestinian protesters near Al-Aqsa Mosque over a lawsuit in which eight Palestinian families face eviction from their homes in East Jerusalem in favor of Jewish settlers. Hundreds of Palestinians were also injured in clashes with Israeli security forces in the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex over the course of two days.
Israel bombed Gaza, and the death toll increased as the bombing continued, with the collapse of a 13-story building due to an Israeli air strike. Palestinian militants fired rockets deep into Israel. As the Israeli air strikes continued, Palestinian militants fired missiles at Israel. Violence broke out in mixed areas inhabited by Jews and Arabs in Israel.
Israel used warplanes, tanks and artillery to strike a network of Palestinian activists' tunnels in Gaza followed by the firing of more Palestinian rockets.
An Israeli air strike destroyed a 12-storey tower that housed the offices of international media organizations and Palestinian militants responded with a barrage of rockets on Tel Aviv.
An Israeli air strike in Gaza destroyed several homes and killed 42 people, including ten children. Rockets continued to be fired at an Israeli town.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says that about 450 buildings in the Gaza Strip, including six hospitals and nine primary health care centres, have been destroyed or severely damaged since the start of the conflict, which has also displaced more than 52,000 Palestinians.

Interesting and informative

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 10/12/23 03:33 PM

I may have missed the topic if it was discussed before, but how is it someone can send an email without showing they have viewed your profile?

I must get about 10 a day from obvious bots, because I don't really think porn stars would be contacting me of all people, and those contacts never show as having viewed my profile.

Am I missing something?
Don't underestimate that smile of yours. It might just be irresistible to porn stars

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 10/11/23 08:29 AM

Anyone out there?
Oh, they are out there alright. I put an ad on Craigslist the other day looking for a handyman to help with a few projects around my home. I can't even put up a legit ad without every gay, queer, whatever they are trying to "convert" me. "Hey, I have the tool you are looking for" and a bunch of that nonsense were most of the replies I got.

It's as if they troll anywhere and everywhere and just reply to ANYTHING in hopes of landing some dude. No wonder most everyone can't stand them (gay men specifically)

So yeah, they are out there but it sure was alot better when they kept their bizarre behavior in the closet where they belong. I don't need to hear from them anytime I need a plumber, landscaper, or electrician.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 10/10/23 07:04 AM
Terrible events unfolding in Israel. 5 days in and not a single comment on this in the forums. Does the world just not care?

Mr Good Guy's photo
Mon 10/09/23 06:24 PM

Ask their doctor if family members need to take Covid precautions around them. If doctors says yes, do it.
I get about 10-15 minutes with my Dr. at any appointment. Ask a few questions and one gets a sense they are annoyed by questions and rushed. This has been with more than just my current Dr. and seems prevalent in the city I live. They seem to be mostly there to refer you to specialists and/or just write scripts for meds, not much more. I don't trust these doctors to give me any better advice than I can find on google to be honest and that's not saying very much.

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