Community > Posts By > Mr Good Guy

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 11/26/23 11:04 AM
"mature" does not go with anime

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 11/24/23 01:34 PM

From what I've been seeing here in the comments, I know for a fact that you're mostly Americans. I'd really like to see what your media have been broadcasting about the ongoing conflict.

I've been getting my news from actual journalists in Gaza, who post regular updates on social media. I know that none of you would bother to watch what they risk their lives for, that is showing what really is going on over in Gaza. 43 Palestinian journalists have lost their lives at the hands of the IDF

You do know that most of the major US media is in Israel, Gaza, the borders at Egypt, etc don't you? Doesn't seem as though you do. And yes, they are risking their lives, reporting live, as events unfold.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 11/22/23 11:04 AM

Honestly, please tell me, supporters of Israel - where are you getting your news from about the situation in Gaza? Fox? CNN?

We could be getting it from the national enquirer and it would be more truthful than the Islamic state run media propaganda you seem to be getting your news from.. FOX NEWS is my choice. I will not waste my time watching our liberal leaning stations like CNN, MSNBC. Fake news!…I’m curious how those Christians in Gaza feel about the atrocities that took place Oct. 7 in Israel ..
Fox News was the ONLY organization who has been at the border from day 1. For 2 YEARS straight they reported live footage as the illegals would all rush in. It took 2 full YEARS before CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and the others were forced to go there with cameras as the story just got too big for anyone to ignore. Fox may lean right at times (not always! have hardly seen Trump at all on Fox for 2 years) but wow, the others just flat out IGNORE stories completely about crime, the border, you name it and then GLORIFY the news anytime a white person does harm to a black person. They NEVER report it the other way around and seem to take great pleasure in race baiting their audience.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 11/21/23 04:02 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Tue 11/21/23 04:02 PM

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 11/17/23 11:02 AM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Fri 11/17/23 11:04 AM

J Biden is a little puppet for the communists' leaders who want control of USA. Obama campaigned to help support J Biden to get elected as POTUS.

Biden keeps meeting with China and their president is probably saying to himself, this man is sure ignorant.
:smile: China could care less about the USA success.

I hope USA Military officials are keeping close observation on our Country for our safety from the Terrorists.

Biden doesn't seem soft on China to me. He recently called President Xi a dictator, and hasn't backed down from that. Is that something a Communist puppet would say?

Sure he's meeting with Xi this week, but that's just diplomacy. It's not like we need to make enemies. It looks like China is backing down a little. China's sending pandas to American zoos, so relations have defrosted a bit.
Sometimes I can't tell if you are joking or serious but then it occurs to me you are serious. China is sending us Pandas and THAT'S comforting for you? Nothing to see here? Wow, just wow.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 11/17/23 11:00 AM
Sure, I'll take one. Please send me $500 "good faith" money and I will accept your offer. Thank you.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 11/17/23 09:53 AM

This app. Has nobody there will answer questions or give you assistance.
Tell them you've been trying to pay for their premium membership but you're having trouble with it accepting the payment. Bet you'll hear from someone then

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 11/17/23 09:50 AM

America better be concerned about all the hundreds of Terrorists already in this county since Biden became POTUS. It was on special news reports Yesterday.
Many are still behind fences guarded at the Border.
National War could come to USA.
Civil war could happen with all the HATE going on.

Idiot criminal J Biden and his administration is destroying this Country

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 11/17/23 09:48 AM
"destined" to be deactivated soon.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 11/16/23 05:49 PM

completely disappoited... wow you found that many... i must have had 100 woman hit me up in 12 hrs... everyone wanted me to email them at a google account or at i actually chatted with a couple... they idea about thing thing regarding they claimed to be from, most had broken english (obviously couldnt sell me that they were Kathy.from Kansas by the way they wrote things and their english... AND a few wanted to marry me within a few min. of conversarion.. i played with a few until the request for money cae needed 200 for her dog to get surgery .. one needed 500 be cause her parents and brother were killed in a car accident.... one asked me about my home, the value, and my mortgage... this site is absolutely a scam and potentially dangerous to anyone on line... i have a good mine to drop off this site and my experience to the NJ state attorneys office... there is just out and out theives and serious criminals here looking to do serious damage to unsuspecting victims... although I did have fun with "brown" kept her on the hook for 24 hrs... marraige, have my childrem wear my ring be my sex slave ... and finally the $500 request... bing blocked....
you should take it to the next level. Tell them you will wire/Western Union the money to the nearest Western Union office. Make up some fake confirmation number and send them there to get the money. After they say the money wasn't there, tell them you screwed up and sent it to the OTHER WEstern Union across town.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 11/16/23 05:45 PM
that should do it.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 11/16/23 09:33 AM
I think ya'll are being a little rough on Mr never eats at the Y.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 11/14/23 11:21 AM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Tue 11/14/23 12:15 PM

Off course there will be a WW3...

It's just that it could be now, or it could be in our children's lifetime...

Western countries only seem to help when a country has assets (like oil/mineral deposits etc)...

But when a country grows carrots for instance, there is no help forthcoming...

I understand that money makes the world go round, that weapons are big money, and the best way to sell weapons is to sow discord in the world between the smaller countries, this in turn ensures good sales for weapons...

I do feel the us of the a should keep out of other SOVERIEGN countries affairs and not meddle or play at world police...

All in all, I feel we should all be more humane and think about the humanity in us all, some of us have it and some of us don't...

Everyone hates on the USA until they need or want something from them, including England.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 11/12/23 07:53 AM

Veterans and People who have Disability should be the Ones Our government in USA should be concerned about, rather than foreigners seeking a more better living.
Many Poor people and families in America.

All the people crossing the borders for years now are not running from being murdered.

Amen sister. Citizens should come first and they should be deported
Oh, you mean like "America First" and "Make America great again"? Which of the two parties loves America the most and is rooting for its success, not its demise. Hint: It's not the Democrats.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 11/11/23 09:35 PM

hard to believe decent and smart people are supporters of a declared Terrorist group .... the region was quiet for a long time , till one day the terrorist group Hamas decided to commit a massacre of innocent people .... and their supporters blame Israel for starting the war ....
i am shocked there are actually supporters on this dating site too, paid or unpaid at that !!! wow .... just ... wow !'
Now you know how Republicans feel about Democrats. Hard to believe there are actual Americans that are ok with millions of illegals pouring into our country. Boggles the mind how anyone can be ok with that.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 11/10/23 10:43 AM

Just wanted to say when I first came on mingle it was fun and most on here were real fun people. But now the real fun people are a very small percentage. I’d say around 80% of the people on here are either hookers, cam girls scammers or the profiles are fake and it’s sad that you allow this to happen and do nothing about it. So disappointing. Thank you for listening. Have a good day.
Can't argue with this observation

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 11/09/23 08:27 AM

For a single person.

$732.00 a month. Payment. $3,500.00 deductible
$200.00 co-pay for ambulance. After deductible is payed. $500.00 co-pay for ER. After deductible is paid. Surgery 50% After deductible. Stay in hospital 50% after deductible. Won't cover After 30 days and won't cover meds, bandages and other special needs. Mental needs out patient $500.00 co-pay. Mental needs inpatient does not cover. Dental and vision not covered. ( separate company ) ex-rays 30% after deductible. MRI, CT scans not covered.
The percentage is what they pay!!! There's more they don't cover but that's all I remembered off the top of my head. It would be cheaper if we all refused the money grabbing insurance companies and paid $300.00 or less a month towards the bills. Thar would teach the hospitals and the insurance companies for robbing us blind. Our Healthcare has been militarized against us. Should of known we were doomed when he said " you can keep your provider " should've told the truth and called it the Unaffordable Healthcare act
Great topic and one of the most disgusting parts of America is the complexity (purposely) of our "healthcare" system and how we treat our elderly.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Mon 11/06/23 04:18 PM
lol, hilarious! Hey mature women, don't forget to "insta" or "dm" ok?

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 11/05/23 08:25 AM
I haven't read all the back and forths above but in terms of the headline post, sadly I must say I'm not even sure we (USA) deserve the label "Superpower" anymore. This country has become SOOOO freaking weak in almost every way. Our kids are a mess, fat, weak, whiny, and triggered at any little thing. Always a victim, always criticizing those that came before them for their problems. These are the kids (men?) that are going to go up against China? China makes killing machines and we are all about putting trans people in high ranks in our military JUST BECAUSE. We've loosened our standards for fitness in the military just to let in more of our marshmallow young recruits. We put transgender nonsense training for our recruits. The list goes on and on. If it weren't for our wealth and weapons, we wouldn't stand a chance from a pure fighting perspective.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 10/31/23 08:57 PM
I've never been in recovery but it seems kind of odd you'd put your main picture as one that you have worked so hard to put behind you.

Again, never been in your shoes but, for example, if I swore off cigarettes almost 1.5 years ago, I certainly probably wouldn't put a pic up of myself smoking as my main picture.

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