Community > Posts By > LisaVa

LisaVa's photo
Mon 10/29/12 05:41 PM

the media coverage, I believe, is a response to the cultural reaction to it

when people dont watch, it doesnt air,,, so there must be SOMETHING to those decisions

not exactly... with the advent of the internet this too has changed. there are a certain percentage of Americans that tune to their favorite local or national news, but the net is different, i read many many many news stories (so hits rise) but do not approve of most. i do not "like/dislike" ever. these same stories are picked up and carried to a multitude of forums, many of which dissect and debate their merits. the media coverage is a direct result of the advertisers, not so much the public. they air the stuff before it is rated. if you watch the news, and you are among the Nealson sample, you are not asked if you like every story, or every aspect of each story. just are you watching that channel. the media presented something, and it was noted; it does not negate the taking of any other life or the value of any story not aired. they do not concern themselves with the news but with the dramatic presentation of what they chose to report on.

Maybe i live in a unique area, but here, people were devastated upon hearing the news about the theater deaths. people are tuned in and saddened by any local servicemen harmed or killed. but heck... here the whole town shows up at the high school football game! the media definitely does not reflect the feelings of the locals.

i do not feel it is an either/or case. i just do not agree that because the media pushes one story over another that Americans value one death/life more over another. it seems as though that is a huge leap in logic to me.

LisaVa's photo
Sun 10/28/12 04:09 PM
no, no god exists. if you need to blame/credit, however, god sure sounds like a common target.

"We are all atheists about most of the gods humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."
- Richard Dawkins (1941-)

LisaVa's photo
Sun 10/28/12 03:56 PM
know the plural of y'all?

all y'all!

LisaVa's photo
Sun 10/28/12 03:54 PM

I just wonder if and why people rank the importance of others lives?

it seems, our culture especially reveres some lost lives more than others and Im just curious as to why?

how many were killed in a theater watching a movie ? did they go there with a reasonable belief that they were risking their lives?

how many go into the line of duty and get killed? do they go in with a reasonable belief they are risking their lives?

how do we decide whose death should cause uproar and whose death is just all in a days news?

dont all those people who die untimely deaths(Whether in a theater or a consulate) have people who will love and miss them?

it seems you are asking straight forward questions, but you are not. the "if" on the first part: i am just guessing a personal (someone close to you) loss would "rank" higher than any other. The why part; because it is personal. Other deaths than the personal ones; in all of my travels and meeting and greeting people, I have found that most people value life, most all life. Why? because they can relate to it, they are alive and do not want to be dead. there are some that are not in this category, but they are few.

Our "culture" does not revere some lives more than others, I do not accept this as a given.

I do not think that the theater goers thought about the possibility of dying, at least no more or less than they normally do on any given outing.

"We" do not make that decision for our "culture", another item I do not accept as a given. It seems you are referring to the media, if so, that is a VERY small representation of our "culture", and they do it for money; it is their job.

the last question: of course. duh. did that need to be asked? Do you really think so poorly of your fellow man, of your "culture", as to think they/we are weighing out the lives of strangers based on media coverage of them? is there an agenda in that question? I suppose there might be the odd person whose death has no meaning, but I would think that to be so rare as to not need consideration in this particular question.

It would seem you are put out by the media coverage of death, not by the way people feel about it.

LisaVa's photo
Sun 10/28/12 02:59 PM
I have traveled a bit and lived in several parts of the US of A, my accent has been modified. The southern accent is my favorite and there are different ones depending on where you are.

I think the normal accent would have to be where the most people live, so California, Texas, New York then Florida. Since Florida is full of people from California, Texas and New York it can't really count (just kidding... maybe!)! by this logic, California is "America's accent".

LisaVa's photo
Sun 10/28/12 02:40 PM

don't know what i would be consulted about but the thought of people wanting my opinion instead of me just offering it is sort of intoxicating!

LisaVa's photo
Sun 10/28/12 02:33 PM
interesting question. I would say that my thoughts are seldom set in stone. I do enjoy facts, but there are so many things that cannot be determined by tossing facts about. There are things that have facts that can prove and other facts that can disprove; charismatic expression of opinion is the delineating factor. Is someone eloquent, charismatic and interesting enough to sway others to their views? I have noticed throughout life that facts matter most when presented by the charismatic. Facts can be omitted or tweaked to fit most stances on most highly debated subjects.

Back to the question, I have not been here long (about 30 min!), but I am open to change, but not often swayed on many things. I rely on research and experience mostly; but have altered my opinion or portions of it, due to discussions. I find that many things are just plain fun to argue... er... discuss.

LisaVa's photo
Sun 10/28/12 02:11 PM
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality."
- Ayn Rand (1905-1982)

LisaVa's photo
Sun 10/28/12 02:06 PM
Hi! I am new here, live in Northeast TN (yes, I'm a hillbilly!), just wanted to meet some people to go places with. I have been single for 14 years, was married for 20. I have two grown daughters both married and both wonderful! I enjoy intelligent (and often not so intelligent - but for different reasons) conversation, i am sometimes called smart, but more often smart aleck.

I see a lot of folks here say things like "I don't play games", just want to say, I like some games, but in the general gist of the notion of a games free person, I think I qualify.

Never sure what to say on the subject of myself, in an environment where we are what we can write in just a few sentences I find it difficult, not because I don't have lots to say, but because I might not say everything. I am not so much concerned with saying things properly, or saying things that matter, but with knowing what might matter.
