Community > Posts By > Army_Strong

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:41 PM

the bonus programs is as stated to fill certain jobs that are critical.... BUT.. I have to ask why go into something that won't do a damn thing for you after 4 years in the armed forces be smart pick a filed that you quailfy for and and can use later..... or another branch and by all means see it typed in on your contract if its not there don't sign... I say this as a former recruiter... I never lied to anyone just to fill a quota.. and always said the military is like a bed of roses... this much beuty and way to many thorns......and never never trust anyone but yourself.

I'm hoping to retire out. That's if everything goes to plan... We shall see.

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:52 PM
Wheres my money!?!?

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:38 PM

They offer bonuses based on what jobs they need to be filled. The bigger the bonus the more that specific job is needed, and so on.

If you allready signed up and have enlisted it should be in your contract.

If you havnt enlisted be careful the recruiter could just be saying that to get you to enlist rite away to fill his quota.

That's what I figured. I'm planning on going 11B-infantry. They always need people lol

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 01/13/09 03:33 PM
Got that as a forwarded text. But it was something along the lines of a retard was seen riding a big wheel naked up I-96.. Stay there I'm on my way or something like that haha

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 01/13/09 03:14 PM
Does anyone know what will happen once Obama takes office.. That it's under presidental control... Had a sargent tell me they would dissapear the 31st of this month.. I took it as him blowing smoke up my rear... They think everyone is dumb lol and I hate it.. With 2 wars going on and them needing people you'd think that they would need to keep those...... Does anyone know anything about enlistment bonuses?

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 08:10 PM

i have seen them, and that makes me beleive in the spirit leaving the body and thus an after life

something along those lines yeah

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 08:08 PM
Edited by Army_Strong on Sun 01/11/09 08:08 PM
Blame the dog... Or ask if they heard that frog.. Hey that rhymes lmao......... Or look at her in disgust and be like "better out than in right?"

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 08:05 PM

Most people on this planet believe of such things as spirits, somekind of energy inside of us, or a soul, yet it has never been truly proven. It is a belief and nothing more and I am aware that most people will disagree with me because of the fact that most people believe there is such a thing inside of us that will somehow seperate from us when we pass away. Yes I am aware that there are also different stories on how it works also.

It is a ongoing debate with no end.

Perhaps one wants to believe this to feel better knowing that it doesn't just end when one dies and that there is still alot more to go afterwords and alot more to see.

It is in our human nature one would say, although I am contempt if nothing else happens when we pass away. That it all just ends from there. Into nothing.

I don't disagree.. It's true.. I really think "ashes to ashes bones to paste we'll wither away in our resting place" is prob the best quote about death I've heard in a song.. It's more likely when we die we die.. It's true.. Doesn't explain the spirits I've seen over the course of this lifetime.. But, none the less

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 08:02 PM

have u ever seen a spirit

Many times

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:56 PM

well i believe that the body is a shell that holds r energy and when we die, we will leave the body,our spirit r some people say soul is free of the shell,now i know i have been on this earth before in a differant shell,so i do believe,we have steps to go up in the spirit world there are seven each time u die u choose to be reborn into something u can grow and learn from when u have reached all seven u will have much wisdom and know what everything has been for.

Well said!

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:54 PM

So you would push them off or let go of their hand even though they are accepted to go to a place of serenity just like you.

Well if they were already accepted.. I guess I'd deal.. Can I have my Ipod.. Then I'll be truly happy.. Wait! An Ipod with all the music in the world lol. No band or genre left behind.. And, if we're already accepted why are we standing in line to get there? Is true happiness at Disney Land/world? haha sorry I'm an a$$ tonight

Wow.. Deep! I agree.. No one knows.. That's part of why it's hard for me to buy into religion.. But, that's just me.
It was just a thought for we don't know what happens to us even if many claim they do. Perhaps this is a option. I know a wild option, but no one can claim it to not be true. Well yes many can, but those who truly are true with themselves would agree that we ultimately don't know.

Just like my friend has said to many on here that those who are truthful in heart would agree that we don't know and are ultimately agnostic believers.

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:48 PM

So you would push them off or let go of their hand even though they are accepted to go to a place of serenity just like you.

Well if they were already accepted.. I guess I'd deal.. Can I have my Ipod.. Then I'll be truly happy.. Wait! An Ipod with all the music in the world lol. No band or genre left behind.. And, if we're already accepted why are we standing in line to get there? Is true happiness at Disney Land/world? haha sorry I'm an a$$ tonight

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:45 PM

The question is their such thing as a soul or are we getting it confused with imagination or feelings instead

That too

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:44 PM

I wonder if a soul has a color?

does a black person have a black soul? or a anglo person a white soul?

Hmm good question.. I dunno.. If your white now have you always been and will always be white?

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:40 PM

Well even a agnostic person dies. Let us say that you find out that when you die you end up holding hands as a spirit walking up a hill with many each with different belief systems.

There are some who are not happy and others who are. Maybe they are not happy to leave Earth so soon is one possiblity out of a hundred.

In the long run you are holding two hands that don't believe in what you believe.

Would you personally still hold their hands and continue to walk up the hill or would you let go knowing that you are accepted with your brothers and sisters to also end up in a place full of happiness, joy, and serenity?

Would it matter who believes what? I mean I could suck it up to be happy.. Wouldn't matter who's hands I was holding.. If they were real douchebags though.. I'd push them and they would fall out of line lol. And, I'd like to think it wouldnt take that long to get to happiness

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:37 PM

I feel as though youre looking at me through your picture.

I am.. drool winking lol

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:32 PM
I'm going to try and avoid a religious debate here.. Just something I was thinking about earlier, and it kind of surfaced again just now. I'm not sure that I believe in god, heaven nor hell.. I am on the other hand pretty sure about souls. I think that if anything when we die, if we aren't in some "spirt like" state for how ever long to do what we didnt in life, then we come back as a baby.. So reincarnated basically. Anyone agree or dissagree.. Without making this about religion for the simple fact I'm agnostic and don't care either way..

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:19 PM

Personally?... I'm agnostic. But what you're describing is the difference between individual beliefs, and one common direction toward one state of being. Most like to be happy. I think any that would let go... don't want to be, or don't know how to be happy. Or maybe even don't deserve to be happy.

Couldn't of said it better.. I'm stealing this answer word for word lol

Army_Strong's photo
Sat 01/10/09 11:19 AM

I can see laughing at the person in general. But being happy for their failures. it's is just not very classy

Not happy... Just chuckle? God.. I'm messed up.. That's it.. Oh well. That's who I am I guess.

Army_Strong's photo
Sat 01/10/09 11:18 AM

I'm working on it.. Chineese sounds awesome! But, I'm broke.. Damn economy!

well, you could find a stray cat or dog or laugh

Fair enough haha.. But they fry them up soo good!

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