Community > Posts By > butters1988

butters1988's photo
Fri 03/21/08 01:39 AM
Edited by butters1988 on Fri 03/21/08 01:40 AM
There is science to prove that there is at least thing is made of t something greater than us out there. Like I said every thing is made up of energy(we are made of energy, animals are and even tress are). Scientist have proven that when something dies almost over have of the energy lease the body or what ever it is, in a matter of a few second. We all know that energy has to have a source to go to. So hear me out if there is a greater source there has to be something bigger than us out there. In my opinion!!!! I believe that its God.If you don't believe me look it up.

butters1988's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:56 AM
well we are all here for a reason and we have are part to contribute to the world. He gave us free will so if you choice not to believe that so be it. I would like to change your mind but I am not going to force you to believe. If you don't then all I can tel god is I tried my best and that is what he is looking for. You don't have to go to church to believe and you don't have to read the bible but it would be nice it will and can help you come closer to god but he isn't not going to not let you into the kingdom of heaven cuz you didn't go. As long as you knowledge him and pray fro your self for your sins and pray for other. You have a great chance of going. But I am not the ring leader its all up to the big guy upstairs. So if you like to try to read the bible and to let you know the bible is a book. Its just a basic instruction before leaving earth. As you can see the first letter in each work. It spells bible that is what it means. So I hope I show you a little bit to help you. So yea hope its enough to help you

butters1988's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:13 PM
Edited by butters1988 on Wed 03/12/08 11:14 PM
That is the question is there a god? Well I have seen yes and I have seen no. But I have proof that god is real. I can tell you scientifically and metaphorically.

Here is on thing let say you were to look at a tall building down town, can you say its not real? You never seen the guy that built it but you know its real. Its is just as the same as god. You cant say this all appeared out of nothing, some one had to create it. Which put me into the scientific part.

Scientist have proved that when you did I burst of energy (about 40-60%) leaves your body right when you or anything dies. The big thing about it is that energy has a source (like a core)It all has to go somewhere, which can prove there is something bigger than us out there and I can tell you that its God.

If you don't like my facts look them up. And by the way if you read the bible lot of the so called fiction are starting to look like non-fiction now. And to everyone a bible is not a god its a book. Bible stands for (Basic instruction before leaving earth) Its just a guide to the after life. Now is the time to prove to him that we are good enough to go to heaven (quote in the bible "if you deny me in front of your friends I will deny you in front of my father" I can't remember where in the bible it says that) But hey if we are wrong it was better safe than sorry but what happens if we are right. Think that to your self and wounder what if we are right and there is a heaven and a Hell. You would be pretty much screw on going back to change your self. Its not like jail were you can get another chance its once you are there you are there forever.

butters1988's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:55 PM
degree can take you farther than without one. But it doesn't make anyone better. I know lots of smart people that have not even finished high school and they are smarter than your average college student.

butters1988's photo
Wed 03/12/08 12:57 PM
washington thats not how you say it its washing a ton lol... anybody near tacoma on here

butters1988's photo
Wed 03/12/08 12:41 PM
what you need to do is sit him down and tell him srait up that he can't kiss worth ****. And you should show him how to kiss, to tell you the truth I have never heard of any one not knowing how to kiss but if he needs to learn it should be from you

butters1988's photo
Tue 03/11/08 04:14 AM
how about your not aswome and make better poems