Community > Posts By > Midnight2005

Midnight2005's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:43 PM

On myspace a lot of people post a message complaining about "the haters." They are referring to people who are against them in some way. It is used a lot. I suppose if you have never looked around myspace you wouldn't know but it is pretty common. It is over used.

Haters are the new breed of losers for teens. They are always trying to start fights just for something to do. They have no life and constantly pick on people who are different, obese, ugly or anything thy can find to pick on just because they can. You will find them on yahoo chat rooms alot

Midnight2005's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:35 PM
I say why not. Just because you two did not see eye to eye on the relationship there is no reason to fight. Let the child see that two people can get along after a break up. it will be good for the kid. I wish me and my ex could get along like that.. I wish you best of luck.. if nothing else kill him with kindness

Midnight2005's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:32 PM
I'll see your toes and raise you a foot lol

Midnight2005's photo
Sat 03/22/08 02:02 PM
Husbands Letter,
Dear, Tech support
Since I have upgraded my system from Girlfriend 5.0
to Wife 1.0 I have noticed some severe problems.
It seems the new program has problems running some
valuable programs like Sex 5.0, Compassion 3.3 and Housecleaning 2.4.
I am no longer able to run beer 12.0, however I can sometimes
run beer 1.0 in the background. Other programs such as fishing 2.0 and racing 1.0
simply do not run anymore. When I try to run Sex 5.0 the program Headache 1.1 appears and shuts down the program. I have tried several fixes such as Dinner 2.0 and Dancing 2.5, however these programs seem to lag when ran with buddies 2.3.
Wife 1.0 seems to try to start Kids 2.5 and Cat 1.2. I am afraid these programs will crash my system and cause Motorcycle 1.1 and Corvette 1.0 to be deleted. It seems like the only programs that seem to run better is Shopping 5.0 and House Chores 1.0 which sometimes seem to run too good.
I would like to keep Wife 1.0, however I am considering going back to Girlfriend 5.0, or maybe to Girlfriend 6.0. Do you have any suggestions?

Signed, Husband 1.0

Dear, Husband 1.0
Please keep in mind that Girlfriend 5.0 is for amusement purposes only. Wife 1.0 is nothing to play with. Once installed, I do not suggest uninstalling it. To do so may be very costly and time consuming. Motorcycle 1.1 and Corvette 1.0 will be deleted along with it. It will also take House 1.0 and Money 1.0 when it is deleted. You may try to run a recovery program such as Romance 6.0 and Try some registry cleaners like Chocolate 2.5 and Flowers 12.0. These are some top rated programs. If they do not work you might try Jewelry 4.1. It is expensive but works well in this situation.
Wife 1.0 is an unstable program and needs the newest Romance patch to make it work. At times Wife 1.0 will crash and run PMS 1.0 this program is very nasty and the only way to fix it is with TLC 1.1. Sometimes it is best to run TLC 1.1 and leave it alone, it will fix itself. Other programs you will need is Listening 4.0 and Sharing 4.3. You might also try running Dinner 2.0 and Dancing 2.5 without Buddies 2.3. This makes Wife 1.0 work too hard trying to run Romance 3.5. I do not suggest Girlfriend 6.0, this will make your hard drive work too hard and will eventually crash the whole system.
In all Wife 1.0 Is a very good program and when you learn to use it right it will make you very happy.

Best of luck, Tech Support

Ps. If you get Wife 1.0 figured out please let us know what you did so we will know how to fix our own.

Midnight2005's photo
Sat 03/22/08 02:41 AM
This is a letter from a woman who is trying to fix her husband.

Ins​tal​lin​g a Hus​ban​d (fun​ny)
Body: Dea​​r Tec​​h Sup​​por​​t,

Las​t yea​r I upg​rad​ed fro​m Boy​fri​end​ 5.0​ to Hus​ban​d 1.0 and​ notice​d a dis​tin​ct slo​w dow​n in ove​ral​l sys​tem​ per​for​man​ce I€,par​tic​ula​rly​ in the​ flo​wer​ and​ jew​elr​y app​lic​ati​ons​,wh​ich​ ope​rat​ed fla​wle​ssl​y und​er Boy​fri​end​ 5.0​.

In add​iti​on,​ Hus​ban​d 1.0 uni​nst​all​ed man​y oth​er v alu​abl​e programs,​suc​h as Rom​anc​e 9.5​ and​ Per​son​al Att​ent​ion​ 6.5 and​ then ins​tal​led​ und​esi​rab​le pro​gra​ms suc​h as NFL​ 5.0​, NBA​ 3.0​, and​ Golf Clu​bs 4.1​, Con​ver​sat​ion​ 8.0​ no lon​ger​ run​s, and​ Housecleanin​g 2.6 sim​ply​ cra​she​s
the​ sys​tem​. I'v​e tri​ed run​nin​g Nag​gin​g 5.3 to fix​ the​se pro​blms,​ but​ to no ava​il.

Wha​t can​ I do?​
Sig​ned​, Des​per​ate​

Dea​r Des​per​ate​:

Fir​st kee​p in min​d, Boy​fri​end​ 5.0 is an Ent​ert​ain​men​t Pac​kag​e, whi​le Hus​ban​d 1.0​ is an Ope​rat​ing​ Sys​tem​.
Ple​ase​ ent​er the​ com​man​d: 'I ho​ugh​t You​ Lov​ed Me.​exe​' and​ try​ to dow​nlo​ad Tea​rs 6.2 and​ don​'t
for​get​ to ins​tal​l the Gui​lt 3.0​ upd​ate​.

If tha​t app​lic​ati​on wor​ks as des​ign​ed,​ Hus​ban​d 1.0 sho​uld​ the​n
aut​oma​tic​all​y run​ the​ app​lic​ati​ons​ Jew​elr​y 2.0​ and​ Flo​wer​s 3.5​.
But​ rem​emb​er,​ ove​rus​e of the​ abo​ve app​lic​ati​on can​ cau​se Hus​ban​d 1.0 to def​aul​t to Gru​mpy​ Sil​enc​e 2.5​, Hap​py Hou​r 7.0​ or Bee​r 6.1​.Bee​r6.1​ is a ver​y bad​ pro​gra​m tha​t wil​l dow​nlo​ad the​ Sno​rin​g Lou​dly​ Bet​a.
Wha​tev​er you​ do,​ DO NOT​ ins​tal​l Mot​her​-in​-la​w 1.0 (it​ run​s a virus in the​ bac​kgr​oun​d tha​t wil​l eve​ntu​all​y sei​ze con​tro​l of all​ you​r sys​tem​ res​our​ces​).
Als​o, do not​ att​emp​t to rei​nst​all​ the​ Boy​fri​end​ 5.0​ pro​gra​m.
The​se are​ uns​upp​ort​ed app​lic​ati​ons​ and​ wil​l cra​sh Hus​ban​d 1.0​ .
In sum​mar​y, Hus​ban​d 1.0 is a gre​at pro​gra​m, but​ it doe​s hav​e limite​d mem​ory​ and​ can​not​ lea​rn new​ app​lic​ati​ons​ qui​ckl​y.
You​ mig​ht con​sid​er
buy​ing​ add​iti​ona​l sof​twa​re to imp​rov​e mem​ory​ and​ per​for​man​ce.
​We rec​omm​end​ Foo​d 3.0​ and​ Hot​ Lin​ger​ie 7.7​.

Good Luck, Tech Support

Midnight2005's photo
Mon 03/17/08 09:23 PM
older women make better lovers

Midnight2005's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:29 PM
some jealousy can make a relationship stronger, he needs to know that you care. First off if he is saying things like "your just jealous" then you should be worried. If he cared he would do things to put your fears at rest and help you overcome the problem you are facing. If he is up to something he will say things just to throw you off track. and about your friends, your friends are your worst enemy when it comes to a bf. they are the ones who you tell how great he is and how good he treats you and so on. this makes them want him.

Midnight2005's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:21 PM
I would trade good looks for a good heart any day, however you seem to have both. keep your head up he will find you

Midnight2005's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:16 PM
anytime. but try this. tell them you want the old tank back. This way you have a spare tank in case you somehow mess this one up. or you can sell it on ebay and get some of your money back. an extra tank is a god sent at times. if you should ever drop or crash, the tank is usually the first to get messed up. good luck hun

Midnight2005's photo
Sun 03/16/08 05:07 PM
that would explain why it cost so much, next time check with a body shop. a small dent could be fixed, then they now have paintless dent repair and can pull it out without having to repaint unless it was scratched, then you would only need a quart of paint for a tank. this dealer saw you coming

Midnight2005's photo
Sun 03/16/08 02:44 PM
$615.00 to fix a tank? damn deduct the 250.00 from what the insurance co gives you and find someone who will fix it for closer to 400.00. A tank does not require that much work. get a second estimate. you can get it fixed for less.

Midnight2005's photo
Sat 03/15/08 12:18 AM
LMAO I geuss that is so. Hello Betsy. I have no idea where Diana Wv is but that is ok. I am so tired of winter! Anyway Happy to meet you, we can keep this thread going

Midnight2005's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:18 PM
I just think it is a real shame, because when she told him this, he told her "if that is what you want then go for it" that is about what I would have said. Now she has him very upset with her and has lost a good friend in the process. I have yet to talk to him but I plan to to set the record straight

Midnight2005's photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:46 AM
thank you dark, and yellow I am trying to believe that all are not the same, but it seems to come back when things like this happens. I will steer clear of her from now on

Midnight2005's photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:43 AM
yeh it is girls like this that make me not trust women.

Midnight2005's photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:24 AM
Why do some people play games. I have this friend who has a really sweet girlfriend. We are not good friends just friends. Now we go to a bar and sing Karaoke all of the time and have a good time. I dance with her and we have fun.I have made it clear that I thought she was the sweetest and a very good woman and that my buddy has made a good catch. I have also made sure not to step over the line with her. Although if she were not with someone I would have no problem falling in love with her. Now with that out.I go into the bar tonight and dance with her and find out they are fighting. I try to make her feel better by telling her they will work it out and all of that. And that they are a strong couple and that everyone fights. After that I find out that they are fighting because she told him I really liked her and that I was getting serious with her. I feel she did this to make him jealous. Now she has lost my respect and maybe her boyfriend and my friendship. I ask why would she do this?

Midnight2005's photo
Fri 03/14/08 12:56 AM
Battery is battery no matter who is doing the hitting. Both should go to jail, however he needs to go to jail for a much longer sentence. He did go far beyond self defense and should go to jail. I say chalk it up to a lesson learned, get away and no more hitting of any kind. If he makes you mad enough to hit then you need to get away and find someone who does not do that.

bottom line Violence is Violence no matter who is doing it IT IS WRONG!

Midnight2005's photo
Wed 03/12/08 01:43 PM
oriental flavored turtles? hmmmmm served with noodles or rice?

Midnight2005's photo
Wed 03/12/08 01:35 PM
I wonder if teenage mutant ninja turtles taste like chicken?

Midnight2005's photo
Wed 03/12/08 01:02 PM
Turtle cooking? Do you have that listed on your profile as a skill? lol or maybe as an interest? there might be a whole bunch of women out there who love turtle cooking. Myself I dont like em..... taste like chicken hehe

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