Community > Posts By > kayliz88

kayliz88's photo
Sat 06/14/08 01:36 AM
Edited by kayliz88 on Sat 06/14/08 01:36 AM

Did any of you have strange dreams right before you found out you were pregnant?
flowerforyou I did flowerforyou

Yeah thanks for your imput...NOW if some of the WOMEN could answer my question I'd greatly appreciate it.

kayliz88's photo
Sat 06/14/08 01:25 AM
Did any of you have strange dreams right before you found out you were pregnant?

kayliz88's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:59 PM
to bed everyone. Night!

kayliz88's photo
Wed 06/11/08 03:03 AM

that afro-americano had some good tunes...he sounds dang good too. and yes, i'm only praising him, like everyone else on the show is, because he's black! no, i kid i kid...dude just seems mighty fine genuine!!!

smokin yes, i only kid...

hee diggity damn!

Yeah he was one of my favorites.

kayliz88's photo
Tue 06/10/08 11:01 PM

kayliz88's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:59 PM

p.s. yeah, the dude slept with jewel.


HA! I knew it!

kayliz88's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:58 PM

that model/singer dude's voice ain't too great. what the duece! how did he get by...? everything on that show is too damn poppy man! aint nothin' real no mo!

HEE HAW!!! (shoots guns aimlessly in air)


He will make it farther but only because all the little teenage girls will vote for him.

As for getting on the show...maybe he slept with Jewel?

whoa, whoa...hold ur' horses! i said hold'em! now that your horses are cool, i can finally say, little girls should not be able to vote. why can't they just have the judges vote for them. i understand these shows are trying to get america involved...but the true people who vote are really just little teeny boppers. they're voting for image...not talent!!! hey i said hold your horses! i used to like she seems ka-razy...a little bit like paula abdule(is that right?). whatever...



Yeah they should put an age limit on voting. And yes Jewel does seem a little bit like Paula Abdul.

kayliz88's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:37 PM

that model/singer dude's voice ain't too great. what the duece! how did he get by...? everything on that show is too damn poppy man! aint nothin' real no mo!

HEE HAW!!! (shoots guns aimlessly in air)


He will make it farther but only because all the little teenage girls will vote for him.

As for getting on the show...maybe he slept with Jewel?

kayliz88's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:33 PM
As I get older, I get more emotional.

kayliz88's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:34 PM

Yep, Friends with my Ex GF's.

I don't understand how people that were suppose to be everything to each other can't get along a short period after they break up? I mean were they lying to each other as they were confiding in each other and becoming best friends? Doesn't make sense to me...noway noway noway
Sounds like a complete waste of time to me.....

Well it may depend on why you break up. If its mutual, then it may be easier to be friends afterwards. But if its one person breaking up with the other, and the other still has feelings, it can be hard to accept. Trust me I know.

kayliz88's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:23 PM

Okay so I care for my ex, even though he beat me and put me in the hospital and a million other things, at one point he was nice. But my question is have you ever had an ex you could be friends with after the relationship ended?

I was friends with my ex for a long time...a little too close actually. Then his best friend wanted to be with me and he(my ex) got jealous and started a huge fight between me and the best friend and for a long time we(the best friend and I) werent friends. Then I decided to talk to the best friend again and now my ex doesnt want anything to do with me anymore.

Complicated and long, I know.

kayliz88's photo
Mon 06/09/08 08:49 PM
Who watched it tonight?

kayliz88's photo
Mon 06/09/08 08:47 PM
The two girls who sang Stand By Your Man by Tammy Wynette were awesome too.

kayliz88's photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:52 PM

kayliz88's photo
Fri 06/06/08 02:47 PM

Well I try to talk to people from Illinois all the time...and so far only one person will really talk to me.
Two words... Unrealistic expectations.
"I know exactly what I want in a guy." No one can live up to that. Then at the end of your creative writing essay you tell us you found your guy.

So what's the point. We're here to hook up and meet someone that fills that empty spot.

As far as anyone else give it time. It took me about a year here to get a date and the same on another site. I actually requested no chatting and no IM in my profile. Changed my preferences to be more picky. Then I had some luck.

1) Back off, dude. The lady knew what she wanted, and she got it.

2) Maybe that's why YOU'RE still here. You're obviously looking for someone that doesn't know what they want. Helllo...get it together, son.

Thank you Dave :)

kayliz88's photo
Thu 06/05/08 02:56 AM

Well I try to talk to people from Illinois all the time...and so far only one person will really talk to me.
Two words... Unrealistic expectations.
"I know exactly what I want in a guy." No one can live up to that. Then at the end of your creative writing essay you tell us you found your guy.

So what's the point. We're here to hook up and meet someone that fills that empty spot.

As far as anyone else give it time. It took me about a year here to get a date and the same on another site. I actually requested no chatting and no IM in my profile. Changed my preferences to be more picky. Then I had some luck.

Actually I just started dating this guy and I just put that on there yesterday. Even before then, nobody from my area talked to me.

kayliz88's photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:24 PM
Haha I'm not really annoyed anymore.

kayliz88's photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:20 PM

My thread has taken off without me...

You're a trail-blazer Liz

I am?

here's to trailblazer kayliz! you go girl

Well thanks...I think. Well anyhow I am going to head to bed. Night everyone!

kayliz88's photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:16 PM

My thread has taken off without me...

You're a trail-blazer Liz

I am?

kayliz88's photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:13 PM
My thread has taken off without me...