Community > Posts By > Ravenfell

Ravenfell's photo
Sat 09/27/08 09:19 PM
Not lying when I say this!

It's happened to me before.

Fill the sink halfway up with water (if its clogged, it'll fill) and have at it with a plunger. It's worked multiple times for me.

Ravenfell's photo
Sat 09/27/08 08:46 PM
I like you! Chrono Trigger!

Ravenfell's photo
Sat 09/27/08 03:52 PM
Don't believe this clown, his pics are fake, they're obviously of some hot European underwear model, David Beckham's cousin or something.

Nice try, pal, I've seen those pics before.

Ravenfell's photo
Sat 09/27/08 10:31 AM
What are your favorite songs to sing, or the songs that you think you sound the best singing?

My favorite are:

Jukebox Hero - Foriegner
Copacabana - Berry Manilow, and
Never There - Cake

Ravenfell's photo
Sat 09/27/08 10:16 AM
I call dibs on dishing out the birthday spankings.

Ravenfell's photo
Sat 09/27/08 06:18 AM

uhm what is with that picture? Covering the nips? That is a passable pic on here?

holy canolliill

sweet stagitory!

Ravenfell's photo
Fri 09/26/08 09:12 PM
Yeah, I gotta take that off. I originally made this account RIGHT out of a 3 year relationship, out of spite and anger. I feel lightyears older than that now (even though it's only 7 [almost 8!] months ago)

My messages blocked smokers too... and I even smoke from time to time! So by the time you finish reading this, you can message me!

Ravenfell's photo
Fri 09/26/08 09:06 PM
I mainly felt obligated to reply, because it was loosely based off of medieval living, which is an obsession of mine.

Ravenfell's photo
Fri 09/26/08 09:04 PM
More metaphorical for how I sort of live out my "relationships" Always over criticizing myself to the point of frustration, and either that turns the women away, or I always end up calling it off right before she's about to fall for me, and its always weeks or months down the road, when ever I'm over the person, they return to me, and express the feelings they once had for me. Its entirely self inflicted, and its a habit I'd love to break, but have been intentionally been staying single(not even dating) for the last few months, reading a lot, and trying to destroy all negative thinking.

I wrote a song about it too!

You are the reason why my sun goes down
I look at you and I see beauty in the way you move
You harbor life and love, and death just by your every sound
You tell me that you always have one foot suck on the ground
But I know better when you're drifting off into the sea
I've seen my share of shipwrecks, and my share of mutiny
I guess I'll let the ship with red sails leave me my body
My heart goes out with it, I am land locked for eternity
Your ship is going down

I found your letter in the bottle that you sent for me
Mixed in the wreckage next to red sails washed up on the beach
Your message lets me know your final thoughts would rest on me
The next time I see you will be on the floor of the sea
At last you've learned to keep both of your feet stuck on the ground
I hope that what you died for is exactly what you found
And now the ocean is the reason why my sun goes down
My heart was lost with you, and I don't know what to do now
Land Locked for eternity
Your ship is going down

Ravenfell's photo
Fri 09/26/08 08:55 PM
I inhabit vacant castles, restoring them to their former glory, then leaving them when they thrive with happy people, off to find another miserable moss covered forgotten kingdom.

I like the new pic by the way!

Ravenfell's photo
Fri 09/26/08 03:34 PM

Wheres the love for the medium length hair? :(
Well Ravenfell after pervin your profile...I believe you would look good in any length hair sweety!!

he IS a cutie isn't he Roberta?

That he is!!

Well thank you, ladies! You're going to make a lonely man(boy) blush!

Ravenfell's photo
Fri 09/26/08 10:16 AM
Wheres the love for the medium length hair? :(

Ravenfell's photo
Wed 09/24/08 10:43 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem like the gym is one of the crappiest places to meet people at? Every guy's trying to look big, and lift alot of weight to wow the lady people, and for the most part, it seems the girls that go to the gym are just the girls that like the attention of all the personality-less meatheads. Man I wish I had a big enough place and enough money to buy a frieking boflex and olyptical...

And No, I've never even attempted to pick up a lady from the gym... I wouldnt know what to say to not look like a total creeper/meathead.


Ravenfell's photo
Wed 09/24/08 12:52 PM

or she was having a bad day and deactivated because she was stressed and frusterated..

if she deactivated her profile.. then any email she sent you would magicly disapear when she deacgtivates.. and its possible that she didnt know that

Her account deactivation didn't delete her emails we sent back and forth.

Ravenfell's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:39 PM
I really didn't get the feeling she wasn't who she said she was. I suppose it sounds most likely that maybe an ex boyfriend, or current boyfriend or something came back, and she must have just lost interest *sigh*

Guess I gotta work on being more interesting!

I completely agree with scoundrel. I only put any effort into getting to know her, because she genuinely was putting forth effort to get to know me. Every other person who I've been with contact on this site either loses interest in me after 2-3 emails, or I lost it in them.

Ravenfell's photo
Mon 09/22/08 11:25 PM
So on Saturday a girl had viewed my profile, and I thought to myself "She's hands down the most beautiful girl to have viewed my profile yet!" Obviously, she wasn't showing any interest, as she didn't mail me, but I decided to take initiative, and tell her I like how she worded her profile. She told me thanks, and I replied with:

"I have a confession to make: The intention of contacting you wasnt cause I wanted to tell you how awesome your use of the word Outlandish was(though its a badass word) The reason I contacted you was because I thought you were smokingly stunning, and had a killer kind-hearted smile.

I think with most everybody, their personality shines through in their appearance, how they present themselves I suppose, and you just struck me as a very neat person that I'd like to talk to. "

From that point on out, we hit it off really well, replying to eachother's emails within minutes of sending them, and we talked for about 6 hours straight. Early on she had told me how much she really liked talking to me, and about halfway through, sent me a friend request.

It was me that eventually had to call it a night, as I had an 11 hour shift at work ahead of me, but I went to bed with a smile, as she promised to email me with more questions, and that she was looking forward to getting to know me more the next day.

So I check my email, no reply, then I go online to look at her profile again, and it was deactivated...

I was at a loss for words. Frustrated that I wasted 6 hours of my time, frustrated that I let my hopes get up, just for them to be shattered.

For me at least, I've resorted to the online dating, because my luck with girls in the area is less than pristine. I never took this site as a place to find "the one" but I'm always open to anything that presents itself in a positive light. I guess it just feels like the one place I could go to meet people that were actually looking for relationships turns out to be no different than anywhere else.

My initial thought is that I might have scared her off by coming on too strong, but I've read and reread our conversations over the past 2 days, and I'm certain that I didn't lay it on too thick...

Is there any ideas as to what went wrong, or what I did wrong? Any insight is greatly appreciated, and I thank anyone who read this whole thing for their time, if nothing else.