Community > Posts By > erinbuck

erinbuck's photo
Sat 09/29/12 03:21 PM
I saw Sarah Polley's newer movie- The Last Waltz. It was quite the powerful film...felt very real....and I really enjoyed it! I'm one of those people who will arrive in the movie store..and be completely overwhelmed trying to think of a good film to see. I simply draw a blank! So.....if you're looking for an interesting film...seriously...check it out! (Also..if you're from's extra fun to figure out the locations where it was shot!

erinbuck's photo
Wed 09/26/12 06:29 PM
Yup...same here....very new venturing into these sorts of sites..just looking for dating....nothing serious...and wanting to see what all this dating site stuff was all about. As a genuine hater of small talk...I am finding it challenging finding a real conversation.(Although I haven't quite figured out where to look...and I'm somewhat of a clutz and keep hitting wrong buttons and ending up on other sites!

I'm pretty much of the philosophy that until I meet someone on here in person...I must assume that they are a con artist...and probably 30 years younger than me...or from outer space...doing research on us humans! Eek!

If you figure out how all this works...let me know!

Happy mingling!:-)

erinbuck's photo
Wed 09/26/12 06:29 PM
Yup...same here....very new venturing into these sorts of sites..just looking for dating....nothing serious...and wanting to see what all this dating site stuff was all about. As a genuine hater of small talk...I am finding it challenging finding a real conversation.(Although I haven't quite figured out where to look...and I'm somewhat of a clutz and keep hitting wrong buttons and ending up on other sites!

I'm pretty much of the philosophy that until I meet someone on here in person...I must assume that they are a con artist...and probably 30 years younger than me...or from outer space...doing research on us humans! Eek!

If you figure out how all this works...let me know!

Happy mingling!:-)

erinbuck's photo
Sun 09/23/12 04:59 PM
"faith is taking the first step without seeing the whole staircase" martin luther king jr

erinbuck's photo
Sun 09/23/12 04:58 PM
“Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


erinbuck's photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:13 AM
tasting the sweetness of silence she smiled
cause she hadn’t been alone in a very long while
alone but not lonely…much to her surprise
a peace unfolded right before her eyes
the fight or flight left
anxiety did too
she remembered whom she was
her kids saw that too

though her actions were judged
and misunderstood
understanding would unfold
she knew that it would
cause there’s a current of truth
that flows through the air
right in front of our noses
… so unaware?

tasting the sweetness of truth
she pressed on
into this mystery
both here and beyond…

erinbuck's photo
Sat 09/22/12 08:04 PM
thank you. It's nice to be welcomed. I find this site rather confusing.....:)

erinbuck's photo
Sat 09/22/12 05:37 PM

Heart vs mind
Dilema of humankind
Only to be resolved
Once we have evolved

erinbuck's photo
Sat 09/22/12 05:35 PM

Turbine spinning in my mind
always wondering what I’d find
If for a moment it ceased to spin
what forbidden thoughts might enter in
So I used to stand right in the breeze
amidst the bending of the trees
sleepwalking through my life with ease
Damn it turbine….you need to freeze!
I shouted
as I fell to my knees
help me up if you please
it seems I’ve suddenly found my keys!