Community > Posts By > serendipitywsh
Chai is amazing! I'm not a big fan of the Big Train chai but Oregon Chai is great :)
Run - I have yet to have a guy friend who is bi-sexual who doesn't just end up saying he's gay. A few of them said it was a stepping stone...
Invest time in him as a friend, because that is ALL he has invested in you if he hasn't bothered to call, or put forth an effort other than to say "hey come to this orgy with me" Just walk away...there is someone out there who will call you, and want to see you as much as he possibly can...and will not want to share you with other guys. |
american idol
I agree...I think that Jason has a stronger following than brooke but I could be wrong. He was awful tonight!
american idol
who was half his age (16 or 17 right?)
![]() I think the bottom three will be jason, brooke (toss up between those two as to who will go home), and I think Syesha because I don't think she has a strong following. |
american idol
I say the top two are going to be the two Davids unfortunately
![]() Syesha totally rocked it tonight though! Okay anyone else get creeped out from the story of The Phantom of the Opera? I for real think he was a pedophile. lol |
lol apparently. So how are you tonight? :) Maybe some other people will eventually join us lol
I'm in Columbus. Apparently its just us in here tonight :(
Anyone on here from Ohio tonight? :)
what about
Most of these kids know that they don't want to get married to someone who is 30 or 40 years older than them, let alone those that have been married off to their cousins. But they also understand that in their religion they will be shaming their families, and basically condemned. Its amazing to me that our country has let this continue. I should probably stop now....I can get pretty fired up over all of that.
What qualities
Someone who can make you laugh, sit with you when you cry, understand what you try to say, and what you mean when you can't say anything. Someone to be silly with, and to have wonderful memories with :)
Absolutely in agreement with everyone else. Just move on. He was willing to walk away from your relationship of what 4 yrs? Don't waste your time on him, especially if he wasn't spending the same amount of time and energy on making sure you felt loved. Think back on all of the excuses you made about him to yourself, friends, family....if its more than a few....move on. Go find someone who wants to love you just as much if not more than how much you love them
![]() |
really? "
![]() Thank you urg04es ![]() |
I'm posting this just to see what others opinions are of my situation. Keep in mind that I'm absolutely happy with my life as it is, I just wonder if anyone else has been through this and what someone else thinks of my situation.
A few years ago my college roommates and I were all bored and lonely one night and decided to make profiles on a random dating site. I don't even remember which one it is now. At any rate I remember that there was a guy that I was interested in on there but neither of us were paying members. His brother was also on the site so he (we'll call him Bill) sent me a message through his brother's page. We hit it off right away and would talk for hours. We have always lived at least 2 hours apart and had opposite schedules so it was a while before we decided we wanted to actually meet each other. However that was 4 years ago and we have yet to meet. I know that you're thinking that obviously he isn't into me. kind of goes both ways as to why we haven't met. His family has had a lot of heartache over the past few years with losing loved ones, and truthfully I just haven't been ready to meet him. Anyway, so we've been pretty much best friends for over 4 years now. We've been there for each other through everything. Dating other people, breakups, losing loved ones...we've always gone to each other for support. In the beginning he was my substitute boyfriend. I'd call him for everything and anything, and talked about him like he was my boyfriend. It made my really painful breakup (now about 6 years ago) a little more bearable. For the past two years we've been...well codependent. We talk every day, often texting and e-mailing throughout the day. He seems to be having a hard time here lately with me going on dates. I had a relationship before Christmas and "Bill" was constantly telling me that I deserved better, and that the guy didn't appreciate me. Which ended up being true. The truth is that I think I am in love with "Bill". Even in my relationship if he sent me a text or called me it wasn't a big deal. But if "Bill" sends me a text or calls me I get the stupid girly grin going. If something happens whether good or bad I always called "Bill" before I called my boyfriend. Since my relationship "Bill" has tried to hang out with me but I worry that I won't be who he wants to be with and I don't want to fall into the just friends category. However - I'm also interested in dating other people. I wonder if I just love the "Bill" that I have created in my mind since I have never met him and he truly is the best guy I know. Call me a typical girl but one night I was really trying to figure out if I wanted to continue to date my boyfriend or attempt to date "Bill". "Bill" and I were talking and he told me to check out the song "Almost Lovers" by A Fine Frenzy. He didn't seem to be sending that to me maliciously but he still sent it to me. Check out the lyrics if you can. At any rate since that night (and my little crying session I had since I couldn't figure out what to do) we've both been more flirtatious towards each other and he keeps suggesting that we see each other. My coworkers are convinced that we need to start dating, I'm just not sure how I would feel about the possibility of dating him and losing him as a friend. Obviously this is still the ridiculously short version but I was just curious as to what other people think and if anyone has been in a similar situation. :) Oh and if you actually read through this whole thing, I really can't say thank you enough...I know I just wrote a novel lol |
I'm with ya girls. If a younger, cuter, skinnier girl walks in the room most guys are gone. On the flip side - they were never the nice guy who was interested in you to begin with. So guys - whether you are nice or think you are a bad boy - you are just one chance meeting away from being a nice guy, even if its just to one girl. Don't discount the "chubby" or the girls who aren't the most attractive (I can't remember the wording from one of the other posts from the ex nice guy). The girls who date the bad boys want the drama and attention, the guys who avoid the chubby girls or the non-pretty girls want the drama and more of a challenge. Sometimes being just friends is the best way to go :) Never know until you say something.
First relationships always suck at some point. More often than not its a you live, you learn, and you move on kind of a situation. Sometimes its just a matter of getting over the rough patch and the relationship gets better.
However (and this is what makes it suck more) the only person who will ever know which one your relationship falls you. The question is knowing what you know now, that she basically cheated, that you knew this information and wanted to discuss it with her and she turned it against you and then basically said you were on a break (anyone else remember the infamous Ross and Rachel break? lol) There was no "I'm so sorry, lets work on this" or a "it was a moment of weakness" or even the wonderful BS line of "its okay we're just friends and we were just kidding around" - total lie. It was pretty clear cut in what she said to him. It is also pretty clear cut in how she is handling the situation with you: she is no longer interested. (This is going to be harsh, but trust me I wish someone had said this to me in my last relationship) She has obviously already moved on, so should you. If she comes back to try to start again, make sure that you know where your head and your heart are. Listen to her but make sure that she truly TRULY wants to be with you, its very easy to come back and use someone. Its hard to come back and love someone. her defense you did check her e-mail. I think that more than enough people have said crap to you. She did give you her password (bad move #1) and more importantly you didn't date all that long. Giving her the benefit of the doubt...she could have just been confused. I know people hate long posts but I had to write all of that...hopefully it helps. Just know that you are the only one that can figure out what you want out of the relationship, and which category to put the relationship in. Just make sure that you learn from this, but don't let it damage you for the next girl that you meet :) |