Community > Posts By > kevinlovett1976

kevinlovett1976's photo
Tue 04/12/11 08:25 PM
why does it have to be in spite? shouldnt i be able to make a friend regardless? just say it. its ok for women, but not for men. right?

kevinlovett1976's photo
Tue 04/12/11 08:15 PM
As I digress.....the fact that one woman in my life is enough for the point that i don't need female friends in my life...shouldnt disqualify my inaleiable right to bring a female friend into my life if my significant other chooses to keep close friends of the opposite sex.

These posts seem to be saying, "Well, all you need is one woman, so you shouldn't hang around more than 1. Your S.O. is different, and you shouldnt need to hang out with other women, just because she needs to hang out with other men."

kevinlovett1976's photo
Mon 04/11/11 05:00 PM
let me tell ya somethin. that hurts my feelings.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Mon 04/11/11 04:56 PM
you don't think i feel inadequate in comparison with other men?! ;p
sarcasm intended....

kevinlovett1976's photo
Mon 04/11/11 04:51 PM
you know, even when i make a female friend just to set an s.o. never points to that. all they ever say is "i know she wants to be more than just friends with you." then i say "so your male friends wanna be more with you, right?" then she says, "no, that's different". and the cycle of hypocrisy in most of my relationships goes on.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Mon 04/11/11 04:32 PM
You're missing the point. The point is I'm expected to trust them to hang out with other men, without getting the courtesy to hang out with other women in return. The fact that I choose to introduce my significant others to "Busty Brittany" should be irrelevant. If I introduced them to "Sweat Sow Suzy", it shouldnt be any more acceptable.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Sun 04/10/11 11:42 AM
There seems to be a general assumption that it is completely acceptable for a woman in a relationship to have friends of the opposite sex and to spend time with those friends accordingly. However, put the shoe on the other foot, and I have never had a significant other that was comfortable with me having friends of the opposite sex.

And I rarely do. Face it, if I'm not in a position to pursue romance with you, or in such case, I'm not attracted to you, the interest to hang with you is just not there. The only time I ever make a friend of the opposite sex, is when I need to set an example to a significant other that they are getting too close to another man.

In that case, it's very easy to make quick friends with very attractive, fit women that will make my significant other uncomfortable. They always tell me "that's different!". Then they sulk for days, and cut back on spending time with those male friends, or they end the relationship and wind up with the male friend.

I'm told women feel this way, because men are such a one way street with women. My point is, if they know that men are indeed such a one way street, is their intent in hanging with male friends not to test the waters relationshipwise? Thoughts?

kevinlovett1976's photo
Sat 04/02/11 12:23 PM
Ahhhh......the whole situation of finding a sweet deal of woman only to run into the roadblock of her children clinging to the hope that one day the family will reunite. That's a tough one.

Then there's the mom that wants you to play daddy for awhile, then not, then back in, then back out again.

Then there's the mom that's terrified to death that her children are gonna get mad at you and go live with daddy.....when the children are going to eventually do that anyway.

Big mess there, and unless mom is at peace with the chance that that can happen, it's never gonna work.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Sat 04/02/11 12:15 PM
I never got the whole friends thing. If I wasnt attracted to a woman romantically, I just didn't want anything to do with them. I mean sure, I have female friends, but not friends per say like hang out with them type of friends. So to answer that question, no, I would not date someone who is just a friend, because if they are just a friend, then I'm not into them. I think most people are the same way.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Sat 04/02/11 11:41 AM
Hold the phone, cats and kittens....Whitey's got this one all figured out for you. First of all, let's set it right and realize....that there's a big difference between education-knowledge and wisdom-experience.

Most men probably look at a well educated woman much like they look at a drop dead gorgeous woman....thinking, "she's out of my league".
I think that's the case here, but the simple fact is, you can have years and years of education and still be an idiot.

But I do think that men see a woman with credentials as some sort of mountain....that they can't chop down.....with the edge of their hand.

And after years of dating everything from a Budweiser model to an illegal alien....I came to the realization that we are all essentially made up of the same biological materials, just in different amounts.

What the heck did I just say?

kevinlovett1976's photo
Fri 10/01/10 04:14 AM
There's an old saying that goes, those who fail to remember the past.....have a tendancy to repeat it. It would seem, however....that I have forgotten....nothing.

Perhaps I may be single for a long time.....which is fine.....I've always loved by the creed of "it's far better to be single and lonely, than hitched and miserable." And yet after a 1 year relationship and a 2 month fraudulent marriage...she didn't follow up on her divorce...i still find myself thinking about what I could have done differently.

Then reality smacks me in the mouth and says no matter who I had done it, the end result would be the same. I met a woman on a Christian dating site....perhaps the first red flag....Christians are great at heartbreaking. We dated for a year. I spent that year investing in getting to know her children, etc etc. After she moved to Nashville, she began making male friends at a geometric rate. One of them got way too close for my comfort, and when I confronted her about it, I hit a brick wall. Ignored it. Big Mistake.

After we married, her and the kids pulled a 180 on me. I was on the outside looking in. She began spending more and more time with her male friend. The first chance she had to bail out of the marriage, she did. But when she went to file, she found out her divorce papers never got signed. So there never was a marriage.

She took the kids and moved out. Said she wanted me to go on with my life....I did....met a woman who once modeled for Budweiser, hit it off, and while we are in the beginning, starting off as friends, the would be wife completely flipped out when she found out about my new friend. I immediately defended myself, citing the would be wife's behavior with HER friend.....her excuse is that I shouldn't hang with a woman who drinks. Tsk Tsk.

So I let the would be wife go. No point is trying to keep someones heart that wasnt in it from the start. No point in pursuing the heart of a hypocrite.
So I'm doing what I have to do to get over it. Cut ties with mutual acquaintances. Stopped frequenting the places we used to go. Got the heck off facebook. Starting fresh. An uphappy ending still led to a new beginning.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Sat 09/25/10 01:04 PM
no, but i did notice TWC music playin during porn. isnt that odd? Shalom.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Sat 09/25/10 01:01 PM
You know, the grass truly is always greener. You're single and missing the company, the love, lookin into a woman's beautiful eyes....then you get what you want....and after awhile the norm sets in and you're missing the benefits of being single. More money, doing what you want, etc etc.

Maybe both sides are equally green, just depends how color blind you are. If I can have a date once a month, I'm good. A lover is not going to complete you if you were not complete beforehand. Enjoy life for what it is, single or married. Shalom.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Sun 04/20/08 04:56 AM
could be the time change muckin' with your internal clock....

or perhaps the malevolent sleep demon "Hornswoggle" haunts your sleep.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Thu 02/28/08 06:20 AM
Vanity? heh.

"You see....I have this....friend. And I...I mean..."he" has never been.....with a woman before. And I was wondering if you could teach me....I mean...."him"......

some moves."

I should email random women that.

kevinlovett1976's photo
Wed 02/27/08 07:19 PM
Catchin' bullets with his teeth?!

kevinlovett1976's photo
Wed 02/27/08 08:17 AM
If I wasn't so ravishing, I might think about it, but no need throwing more paint on a masterpiece. I can sense the eyes rolling now.laugh

kevinlovett1976's photo
Wed 02/27/08 06:17 AM

I seem to be attracting older women to my profile. Nothin wrong with that, but I mean, am I doing somethin' different to be attracting women, like 10-20 years older than me? I mean, it's not to discriminate, but should I divert back into adolescent behavior if I want to stick to attracting females, say, of the age of 25-32? That is, should I take back up smoking, drinking, and the like?

-Wondering Whitey in West Wilson

kevinlovett1976's photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:47 AM
somebody been watchin robin williams?

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