kevinlovett1976 "Lemme be your sunday driver"
48 year old man from Mount Juliet, Tennessee      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About kevinlovett1976
Do they have companies that can come up with this catchline crap for a reasonable price? I mean, I can write and speak well enough to bait as well as anyone, but it's just so friggin' time consuming! My name is Kevin. I'm a graphic designer formerly warehouse worker formerly professional wrestler formerly nobody has-been that nobody knows about. Currently training for another run between the ropes, but making a good living in design. I enjoy my career, but also enjoy entertaining....300 rednecks with bad teeth at a time. Try it. I live a clean life. Not a perfect life. I drink when I want to.(That is, I drink a beer now and then, but a beer never drinks me.) Smoke when I want to (it's rare if i do). Date when I want to. Love when I want to. Want when I want to. I'm polite and gentlemanly when appropriate.Can I explain something to you about being a daddy? Nevermind. There is no time. I can tend to be stuck on my own opinions, but hey, they have worked for me. Or have they? I've experienced some kind of fame....signed autographs....dated beautiful and intelligent women....and yet still....I find myself....unsatisfied! Hobbies lately have been researching the missing books of the Bible, hitting the gym, going to small music clubs, indian restaurants, showing my friends how to take wrestling moves, and heading down to logan's to talk to the bartender over a beer. Bartender's are great conversation. They get EVERYBODY'S sob story. and S.O.B. story. The wrestling thing was just a hobby....and a childhood dream realized, bringing a character to life. I performed under the name "Fable" which was a bit or a paranoid character, with a bad guy/good guy alterego, with face paint and all the trim. There's a picture on here that should appease any curiosity there. Before you ask, yes it was the same concept as WWE, just on a smaller scale. Compare it to the differences in bands that perform in big arenas and bands that perform on the club scene. Alot of fun. Nothing more gratifying than signing an autograph for a young child who doesn't know the drill with wrestling. I enjoy excitement. I also enjoy broadening my mind. The roller coaster isnt fun once youve done it every weekend. Moderation there. The bug light is only acctractive to a bug until the zap. I try to keep my second language, Mexican Spanish up to par by using it regularly. Tonight, I spoke to the waitress at El Chico without a word of English. I don't seek to get married next week, but if I say I don't seek anything serious, you'll think I'm a player with bad intentions. Let's just say I do seek the storybook ending....just not a storybook ending....after storybook ending....after storybook ending. I'd love to find the love of a lifetime, but not multiple loves over a lifetime. You know, what the heck....try me. You might knock my socks off. I'ts not likely, but you might be just what I need. Shalom.
Profession: graphic arts
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Christian - Other
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