In person or Online??
hello all.
i came upon a thought when dared to tell a girl that i thought she was gorgeous. it seems to me that when you tell a girl that online it has a negative effect with the other party thinking your just saying that to get somewhere- it is online dating i know. On the other hand when you tell a girl she is pretty/gorgeous etc.. in person there is a slight awkwardness but then a warming if you state the reasons why you think this. I beleive it shows a confidence to put yourself out there, does it not? |
In reply to 'deepthenerd'. i guess it is tricky to find an interesting girl in this area. Very remote where i am. Also i can be very shy and lack confidence.
Hello all.
Ok, well i was wondering if anyone knew of any good films that have really inspired or help to change peoples lives. personally i love 'the bucket list' 'into the wild' im hoping this thread will be useful when others start to share amazing films. OH, the motorcyle diaries. :) michael |
hello all.
i was wondering peoples' views on the importance of being happy with yourself and all aspects before going into a relationship. I personally feel that relationships are often over rated and that many people feel being alone so are with a different person each week while they try and find themselves. any thoughts? michael |
hello all.
i am wondering if A: my profile is a bit over the top in terms of expressing my interests and passions. B: what impression my profile gives. C: if adventure is attractive or not to the opposite sex. as my last girlfriend said she felt as if her life was boring compared to mine. i hate showing off and try to be humble so i thought i would open this topic up. thank you all. Michael |
hello. it was, when i was younger considered good to wait for the right person to lose your virginity to. a special event. virginity was something to be cherished, a sign of innocence.
is it in this modern era that the overall view of virginity has lost value among people? no one appears to care when they lose there virginity these days and it seems to be a growing thought that cherishing virginity is old-fashioned. it may be that people feel that they are missing out on life. that everyone is in the 'cool' group- so to speak- and your not. i personally feel that, that feeling of isolation is constant and that everyone feels lonely, lost and scared sometimes in the world. i digress. is viginity still valued? |
Epicurus once stated that only 3 things were needed in life in order to be happy.
freinds, freedom, time for reflection. However he did cultivate a very basic form of living, wanting to live in the country with all his friends and finding a block of cheese as he put it 'a banquet'. do you think that these qualities allow the conditions for a happy life? Prehaps it may be through struggle and hardships that one comes to have rewards with happiness, wisdom and knowledge. as struggling up a hill and being rewarded but amazing views. therefore it could be the matuting of overcoming hardships and stuggles which define us as people yet does it really cause happiness or allow a smoother trip to happiness and contentment with the ability to handle the bad aspects of life? |
Sexual assault hypocrisy
is everyone making this a lot more complex then it needs to be?
Attackers look for the easiest prey. Usually people who look like victims. If i may say, rapes would appear to happen in locations where the target can be moved fast, to a quieter place. People can be attacked anywhere but you increase your chances by being distracted and unaware and in the wrong place. It is not sexy clothing, its clothes that look like they can be removed easily. There are places no one should go at night. man or woman. |
Do you have a favorite book?
Into the wild! film is good too. so inspirational!
Hello all.
Have you ever compiled a list of things to do before you die? i find it gives focus and you get more done. Furthermore i find that what people want to do reflects their character. i will go first, naturally. i have always wanted to swim with sharks learn to potter kite surf learn to sing run a marathon learn to knit learn to ride a motorbike, hot air balloon. the list is endless more me. :) any thoughts or feelings of making lists to remind yourselves of your own mortality? |