Community > Posts By > whatdoyaknow

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Sun 02/24/08 11:23 AM

seriously, whats a "spinner"??

it's a joke that you can sit on a man's lap, and spin away on his... smokin
eerrrmm, ok I guess!!!

it's called a "sit ~n~ spin" laugh laugh laugh

now that was funny

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Sun 02/24/08 11:16 AM

It was 47 yr old woman.

Yup.. and whatever it was.. she was more willing to tell you it was age, rather then the truth.

you never know... she may not date younger men... I had a hard time at first, but found that was the age attracted to me, for what ever reason..., I know the 20 yr was all about wanting an older women just because... (had to say no to that one)

some feel awkward dating young because they have already raised their children OR dont want to teach a guy what to do in bed

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Sun 02/24/08 11:13 AM

Proud member of the Cougar club. Age is not a factor.

what's that???

Older women who date younger men we get t-shirts or pins or a secret handshake??? or just another notch in our lipstick tubesbigsmile

ewww ewwww i want a shirt :D

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Sun 02/24/08 04:40 AM
no I don't...sorry

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Sat 02/23/08 10:31 PM
looks like we use the first letter if the last name?

cary grant

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Sat 02/23/08 10:29 PM
yea..sometimes ex's tend to do that consciously or not

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Sat 02/23/08 07:03 PM

I would like that. I dunno something about lookin up into his nose and seein evreything you don't wanna see!
You don't like tall men?
You know what they say?bigsmile

what do they say?

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Sat 02/23/08 07:02 PM
lmao..that was good...mind if i use it.

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Sat 02/23/08 07:01 PM
hmm all depends on the age..I have dated a guy 15 years younger.

but if i was.. lets say 30... he would be way too young

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Sat 02/23/08 06:58 PM
awww I am sorry you are in such pain. Once we begin to like our self we will not be as lonely and more people will like us. Good luck in finding happiness. Just remember it is not in others that we find happiness it is within our self... they will always let us down because no one can live up to our standards not even ourselves, happiness can only come from inside. And true joy can only come from God.

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Thu 02/21/08 12:06 AM

anonomis phone call from a pay phone and ask why her brother(use his name) hasent picked you up,your going to be late for your doctors appointment and you really want him there when they give you the rezults:wink: :wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh devil devil yes I know I'm evillaugh laugh laugh laugh

lmao good one

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Wed 02/20/08 12:38 AM

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Sun 02/17/08 12:02 AM

Oh my...that really sucks. At least the wife didn't see you two together. I hope I don't run into that. indifferent

might have been nice if wifey saw him... at least she would know she is married to a cheater.

sorry to hear about that, at least he told you before you slept with him... good luck for the future... guess that teaches us to ask before the date and hopefully they will be honest. And guys i;'m sure you all have the horror stories too...I dont mean to imply that only guys cheat

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Sat 02/16/08 10:57 AM

plays (give me three steps lynard skynard)

good choice... anyone wanna dance?

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Sat 02/16/08 10:54 AM

They serve those at a place here called the "Heart Attack Grill"

Single Bypass - single burger
Double Bypass - double meat
Triple Bypass - triple meat

Waitresses are dressed like nurses. drinker


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Sat 02/16/08 10:49 AM

Well, being someone who enjoys making others happy more than myself I gotta disagree. But human females unlike other animals are more inclined to use affection first no matter the situation.

i agree. I have met some men that truly enjoy making others happy, although it is most women's priority.

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Thu 02/14/08 10:34 PM
yep..i fell for it too... had to see what it was about lol

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Tue 02/12/08 08:19 PM
It is a good thing if they have friends... better chance that they have a personality :) not that people on here without JSH friends do not have a personality...ohhh you know what I am trying to say .. i hope lol

And I agree with "doesnt_play_well we all have friends in life, and our significant other has to be able to handle that.

good luck

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Sun 02/10/08 11:49 PM
awwww your cute.... if i were your age and you have a sense of bet

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Sun 02/10/08 10:41 PM
Im bored to