why are you here?
I am here enjoying the forums and making friends!
![]() No expectations and no demands...just enjoying the company! ![]() |
the app is in
so i just put in my app for starting college and i think i'm gonna throw up. yeah. stress much? Congratulations! Do not stress. I went back to college after an 18 year hiatis from school and loved it so much I continued on to get my Masters. I know you will do well! My best to you! ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 05/25/09 05:10 AM
For $20 it must be only a toilet squat
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Edited by
Mon 05/25/09 05:03 AM
She is on 96 hour suicide watch and I have been entrusted with her children...I am now at task of tracking down family and support...absolutely I am in the fray and creating a support system as amy friend would do...
What's Going On?
Nope...just people who post that have no clue as to where to place them
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My thought for the day
![]() I'm convinced that politicians sometimes tell the truth. After all, everybody makes mistakes. ![]() ![]() ![]() DUH! ![]() |
For twenty dollars, obviously this was not a critical video and you should not be worried. As you have depicted, the "Boy" is trying to exploit a silly situation. Call his bluff and see how he recinds...
Thank you metal...I am assured that the little ones are safe...but I am not so sure that Mom is taken care of. Missouri State Law is so Mom protective and the police officers expressed concern about weapons in the house this evening and I had to call the ex over here to get everything removed and to a neighbors house so he would not have to re-register with the PIA for something that they should have talked out.
My heart still remains with my friend and I will embrace her when she is released. I am just feeling a bit overwhelmed this evening with the responsibility of two children. I am already their "Aunt" and they know me and love me and I carry them around as if they are my's just the sudden changes and mood swings that I am concerned about. Both parents are relying on my to make it all right and I am just not sure that I can accomplish this one. Any advice would be grately appreciated! |
Edited by
Mon 05/25/09 01:39 AM
Please do not play this down...I have never encountered such responsibility, nor have I ever had to make a call such as this. Your shrinkie-dink comment is certainly disrespectful...and disheartening. sorry not meant that way. I dont put much confidence in shrinks.....and some of their treatment plans for their patients. seems they only want to medicate. so it wasnt a put down on your friend. i do hope she finds a GOOD doctor...cause she might need long term treatment. I also take suicidal threats as serious. Thank you for that clarification friendship with this coule runs deep as I was instrumental in getting them together. I am feeling a sense of obligation here...especially now that they have two daughters 6 and 8 years old and I am not able to sleep this evening with the childrens' well being in my hands. I am just a bit stressed about my decision. |
Edited by
Mon 05/25/09 01:27 AM
Please do not play this down catwoman...I have never encountered such responsibility, nor have I ever had to make a call such as this.
Your shrinkie-dink comment is certainly disrespectful...and disheartening. |
I drove to Kansas City this weekend to be with my dear friend after her husband had moved out on her and two young daughters. The weekend went well, we had a girl's weekend and this evening, (before I was to leave in the morning), my dear friend became suicidal.
Without me knowing it, and I was in the house, she had called her separated husband to come get the girls because she was done and wanted to take her own life. He came running to the house asking me what to do. I took the intention seriously and sat her down to talk with her and told him that if I was not outside the house to talk with him in 20 minutes, that he was to call the police to ensure her safety. Exactly 25 minutes after my decision, 8 uniforms were knocking at the door and an hour an a half later, she went willingly with the police to the hospital for an evaluation. I was responsible for hooking these two up 15 years ago and they have two young girls. Fortunately, my BF told the police that she wanted the girls to remain at home with me, but the husband was not allowed to come near the house. Here I sit with two wonderful children camped out on the living room floor this evening so I can monitor their sleep (just in case they may have bad dreams from the events this eveing). The police did a great job and even took the girls out into a squad car to let them play with the lights and sirens as the grown-ups dealt with the matter at hand. I was responsible for making that call and now my best friend is under a 96 hour suicide watch and I am in charge of her children, at her request. I am feeling overwhelmed but responsible for the children and Mom's safety. I took the intention seriously but was met with great resistance. Did I do the right thing? |
I'm sorry
She has a voice but not much talent behind it
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I'm sorry
Watching Lady Ga Gag on dancing with the Stars this evening and she does not have much talent. Copy Cher and it will make you a star...pffffft!
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Eaten Alive
on Animal Planet. There is some realy sick stuff on this show. That is true reality. the wonderful "paid for participation" reality shows don't even come close to these epsodes. Deal with it and realize that life is much more harsh than we can fathom. Suck it up and move on. |
Favorite Place
Anywhere in the Black Hills of South Dakota....always something to explore and comething to show to friends and family and it's a cheap vacation! Love the area and love the down to earth people!
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benefits of being single
...being able to sleep the night through without listening to snores
...being able to actually "hog the blankets" ![]() |
Nope...but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night
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We would have to create interactive endings for the peeps....endless outcomes! Cut me in, we could make millions
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Ok I have to know
Initiate the sex talk in less than three sentences
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