Community > Posts By > devildog08

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:13 PM

that depends. do you know the owner? if so take stock of what they might be like. the dog is scared of something. figure out what it is. if somebody locked you up all day in a space and denied you the right to really use your muscles the way they were meant to, or if they just scared you shitless, wouldnt you be screaming to get out too?

I don't know the owner.
The dog does not appear to be scared of anything.
The space is not confined, he has 10,000 sq. ft. to roam.

So why is he barking like a sonofabitch and acting like he wants to kill me?

mistreated by somebody somewhere down the line and holding a grudge like most of us do. that is one dog. not the whole breed. just like if i were to ask you if you saw two couples, one had an abusive relationship, and the other appeared to be happy. would you suspect the happy couple of the same thing just because a male is involved?

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:08 PM

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) - A 17-day-old baby is fighting for his life after a sickening case of child abuse.

Little Aiden Porosky's father - Christopher Porosky - is suspected of harming his young son while the baby's mother - Rachel Casteel - was at work.

When Casteel returned home, she noticed Aiden was listless and rushed him to Metro. Doctors immediately suspected violence. The child has retinal bleeding, an indication of being shaken.

The 24-year-old father claims he dropped Aiden and he hit his head on a table but the table is padded and the apartment floor has rugs leading police - and neighbors - believe otherwise.

"He said yesterday afternoon he heard, um, the guy saying shut the (expletive) up and pounding and then you didn't hear the baby for a while and then that's when all the cops came," said neighbor Christine Gates.

Little Aiden is on life-support this hour. If he survives his injuries, it is likely he will be permanently blinded.

Porosky is jailed but has yet to be charged. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast,rewritten, or redistributed.

That is disgusting.

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:07 PM

good thing somebody can pull it off, because i can't

you have a pretty face, why ruin it so soon huh
so do you. but you can pull it off. it wouldn't look good on me like it does on you

diamond like that no, but a ring/circle style HOT
LOL ill take your word for it. Ill stick to tattoos for now.

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:02 PM

I believe in civil rights for dogs.Racism is ignorance
I'm with you on that one. Anybody that thinks they are better than a dog has some realizing to do. They operate the same way we, and every other animal on this planet do.

No one said they were any better the question was are you scared of pit bulls the OP suggested one certain breed and the others answered that. whoa
that was more directed towards cincycat and 1956deluxe as they are grouping all dogs and inferring that they are all some sort of menace.

Humm seems they have a right to say how they feel sure they have their own reasons for their opinions just as you do..... Even if I totally dis agree with your opinion to me that is your opinion and not for me to tell you your wrong............bigsmile JMO

it's not about telling them they are wrong persay, but trying to get them to see things from the other point of view. its like stereotyping people. yes you have your right to think the way you do, but is it wrong to try and get someone to see that its not always the way they think it is?

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:00 PM
that depends. do you know the owner? if so take stock of what they might be like. the dog is scared of something. figure out what it is. if somebody locked you up all day in a space and denied you the right to really use your muscles the way they were meant to, or if they just scared you shitless, wouldnt you be screaming to get out too?

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:59 PM

good thing somebody can pull it off, because i can't

you have a pretty face, why ruin it so soon huh
so do you. but you can pull it off. it wouldn't look good on me like it does on you

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:56 PM

I believe in civil rights for dogs.Racism is ignorance
I'm with you on that one. Anybody that thinks they are better than a dog has some realizing to do. They operate the same way we, and every other animal on this planet do.

No one said they were any better the question was are you scared of pit bulls the OP suggested one certain breed and the others answered that. whoa
that was more directed towards cincycat and 1956deluxe as they are grouping all dogs and inferring that they are all some sort of menace.

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:51 PM

I believe in civil rights for dogs.Racism is ignorance
I'm with you on that one. Anybody that thinks they are better than a dog has some realizing to do. They operate the same way we, and every other animal on this planet do.

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:46 PM

Why would anyone want to own one? They are bred for one purpose, to kill. pitchfork

Why would anybody want to own a German Shepard? They are no different. Its not about the type of dog. Its about who owns the dog

Okay, so dogs don't kill people. People kill people. Same argument with guns....the only difference is that my .45 won't jump the fence on it's own accord and eat the neighbors children.

neither will a dog. it has to be provoked somehow.
i've had dogs jump fences at me...i did nothing to fact...only heard barking and here it came
Somebody provoked it or scared it down the line. That doesn't mean that it was you, or your fault. Nor was it the dog's fault. Think about it. If you were the dog, and you were cornered and scared, would you stop to think about it? no. its instinct. We put so much emphasis on how humans are better because we have a brain, but in reality, we are not any different. Why are we always at war? because somebody got provoked or scared. It is exactly the same thing.

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:38 PM

Why would anyone want to own one? They are bred for one purpose, to kill. pitchfork

Why would anybody want to own a German Shepard? They are no different. Its not about the type of dog. Its about who owns the dog

Okay, so dogs don't kill people. People kill people. Same argument with guns....the only difference is that my .45 won't jump the fence on it's own accord and eat the neighbors children.

neither will a dog. it has to be provoked somehow.

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:36 PM
good thing somebody can pull it off, because i can't

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:32 PM

Why would anyone want to own one? They are bred for one purpose, to kill. pitchfork

Why would anybody want to own a German Shepard? They are no different. Its not about the type of dog. Its about who owns the dog

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:31 PM

Mine is a big baby.

Yes, and I'm afraid of babies too.

drinker only some of them

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:27 PM
Absolutely not. They are like all animals. Every creature will get violent when they feel threatened. That doesn't make them evil or mean dogs just because they are a pitbull. It has to do with how they are treated.

devildog08's photo
Wed 06/24/09 04:45 PM
the second one is almost better than the first. they are both like orgasmic. they are awesome.

devildog08's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:15 AM
welcome and good luck. oh. and does former count?

devildog08's photo
Tue 05/05/09 11:05 AM

kissing and cuddeling smooched love ..........NAKED bigsmile
doesn't always have to be naked, but its nice. sometimes just cuddeling on the couch in front of the fire wathing a movie, or light conversation is more than enough

devildog08's photo
Tue 05/05/09 11:02 AM

shocked you mean men don't want to be cook for anymore?
we always love a nice homecooked meal, but sometimes we like to give you a break.

devildog08's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:32 PM
mighty is the power of the cross by Chris Tomlin is one of my favorites.

devildog08's photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:57 PM

Nope, because if there is a chance to save a marriage, they should take it!
there are always exceptions. such as woman abusers. they dont deserve to breath let alone a second chance.

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