Community > Posts By > bob_kemp56

bob_kemp56's photo
Wed 08/01/12 06:33 AM
Yah! High: 107 °F Thursday! 108 tomorrow! Then a cold front! Only 103 Friday and 101 on Sat/Sun! Be sure to break out your winter clothes!


bob_kemp56's photo
Mon 07/30/12 12:22 PM
Hi --

You certainly are in a tight spot. Assuming you aren't going to be violating a vow or agreement (written, verbal or silent) with a current partner by doing so, it still holds many pitfalls.

Certainly by sleeping with your direct supervisor you are changing the terms of your relationship with them. Some people can separate personal and private, but it's a rare individual who has that much self-analytic power to control themselves according to the current situation with someone they are emotionally tied.

For Doing It -
Possible benefits - you can follow her up as she's promoted. Of course, you also have the current promotion in hand. Of course you have a new lover. Maybe there are more benefits, but I sure can't think of any.

Detriments - Maybe her boss finds out and doesn't like it? Maybe your co-workers find out and think you have an unfair advantage? Maybe corporate policy is against it and you lose the job (or she does or both)? Maybe she uses your job sometime in the future as blackmail to force your behavior? Surely there are more I haven't thought about.

Of course, NOT doing it could anger your boss. But I think if you say that currently you are focused on career and not on emotional relationships, blah blah blah, throw some chickstuff into it, see if you can water your eyes on cue when describing how MUCH you want her for your woman, but must sacrifice...maybe in the near future you will feel more secure and able to commit...especially if you got a new promotion!

Like I said, it's a tight spot. I don't know about any other benefits, but the detriment list is pretty long and I don't think I'm exaggerating. I've seen all these bad things happen in offices.


bob_kemp56's photo
Thu 07/26/12 11:40 AM
Hi y'all!

Been busy days for me, just caught up on all the new pages here, whew! Lotsa reading!

Going diving sounds like fun! I dove off S. Cal and the Florida Keys a lot. I guess this isn't the time to bring up shark and barracuda stories? (grin)

Actually, for all the diving I ever did, the only time I was almost killed was snorkeling for lobster. The one I grabbed under a big boulder wedged my hand in there and I couldn't get it out! I finally decided a little skin was worth less than a breath of air. Can't hardly see the scar any more. Incidently, I didn't get that lobster either!

All a diver has to do to be safe in Mexico is keep your speargun handy!

Y'all have a great week!


bob_kemp56's photo
Fri 07/20/12 08:41 AM
Hi! Happy Friday! (like I ever get a Friday! Working every weekends kinda turns my Mondays into Fridays, except I work Mondays too!)

Well, I'm going to my first "meet" on Saturday with a nice lady I met here! I have to admit it's slow, but there are good people on the dating part of this site, if they are active members. I even have another lady I hope to be talking to over this next week from here too!

I hope everyone has a good weekend planned, it's gonna be hot hot hot and I expect to be pretty well wrung out by the time Monday comes!


bob_kemp56's photo
Thu 07/19/12 08:26 PM
Hi -

Hi Carol, I don't think we've gotten to meet yet, although your pals here sure take your name in vain enough! lol...Gladta meetcher!

Send some of that rain up here! We're drier than the Wicked Witch of the West on prom night up here near Dallas!

Well, here's an update on the Zoosk experience - I deactived and deleted my account there.

So, three women wrote me mail, I guess they wanted to meet me but the software there only showed me about 5 words then cut it off. When I tried to write back, it offered me the exciting opportunity to send them money. The advertisements called it free online dating. What kind of dating is it when you can't talk to your potential dates???

So, I cancelled and wrote them a nasty-gram and when I get a chance, I'm going to google "zoosk reviews" and write a really "good" one for them everywhere online I see it reviewed. Talk about bait and switch!

Don't even try Zoosk, it's a rip off.


bob_kemp56's photo
Tue 07/17/12 06:25 PM
Hi --

I just can't resist it....

My search terms on Zoost were

Women interested in Men·ages 38+ages 38 to 48·within 50 miles of Weston, TX

And it returned a 59-year old man! 74 miles away!

It's too funny!


bob_kemp56's photo
Tue 07/17/12 05:38 PM
oh...ouch...I just noticed that Zoost is buying ads on this site...nevermind...


bob_kemp56's photo
Tue 07/17/12 05:36 PM
Hi --

I hope you all are having a great week!

Today, I signed up for Zoosk. Talk about a cluster**** (I inserted my own asterisks, why not since the censor program is going to do it anyway?)

Zoosk is buggy as he-ck. Slow, phat, and the idiots used secure html code for everything which slows it down even further.

The search engine really stinks. I set it at 50 miles and the very first return is from 62 miles away. AND it won't keep my settings! It has a default of 100 miles and some age spread and it keeps getting reset to that default!

The one good thing is they return members who are online now first, giving me a chance to contact active users first rather than dead ids.

And get this! After several ids are gone through, the silly thing starts putting up some picture of a coastline instead of user profiles and nothing I can do will get rid of it!

So far, Mingle2 beats the....heck...outta Zoost!

Some good news! I finally met someone here and we're talking. She seems like a great person and I hope we can meet soon.

See? I criticize other websites too! So far Zoost s***s!


ps. all asterisks in the previous message are mine...bk

bob_kemp56's photo
Mon 07/16/12 04:25 PM

(perks up)


bob_kemp56's photo
Mon 07/16/12 09:34 AM
Good Lunch, folks!

At least that's what I'm doing now, warming up some leftovers, yummy! Today, fresh cantelope from a local farmer for dessert ripened up the last 2 days in the fridge overnight, gonna be tasty! Very sweet! I'm going to save the seeds from these for next year.

Hope your throat feels better, Kristi.

Y'all have a good day!


bob_kemp56's photo
Sun 07/15/12 05:37 PM
Kristi --

Oh yeah, I figgered that out fast enough. That's what I meant. Some arbitrary limit on how many messages you can send a day to first contacts. It's ridiculous. I imagine someone thought that's a good way to stop spammers. What they DID however was stop me from using the site effectively to winnow out the dead wood from active members.


bob_kemp56's photo
Sun 07/15/12 05:23 PM
Hi vivian2981,

Actually, I only sent one to each. I wouldn't waste the good calories I ate posting multple times to someone without knowing someone was watching...


bob_kemp56's photo
Sun 07/15/12 05:12 PM
Actually, it was Friday night I went out. And I'm not sure yet, but hedging my bets. Anyhow, I'm not rushing into a new relationship. I expect to take weeks or months of dating the same person before I'm ready to proposition her into something more permanent. Like fungus, I will wait until we grow on each other a


bob_kemp56's photo
Sun 07/15/12 04:51 PM
I have to type it again! lol!

Thank God for copy/paste!

Well, that's it for my bitching for now. I haven't gotten a single response to all my letters yet. Maybe it's my underarm deoderant. No, that's right, I don't wear any!


bob_kemp56's photo
Sun 07/15/12 04:17 PM
Hi -

Sorry. I read each woman's profile and typed a new message to each one reacting to what she'd typed. Otherwise, she wouldn't know I'm the clever, debonaire, witty man I am!

No, I was just running down my search list, lots of the women I had no interest in, but the ones that looked possible, I wrote them an individualized message.

I suspect that the women who abandoned this site found the same thing I did - there's no "ferment", no "froth", no responses, it's slow here. The other competing websites have a lot of action and sure enough, people have to ignore/ban harrassers and spammers, but the alternative is almost no action at all!

I agree with gating spam. I HATE spam! As far as I'm concerned, after the third idential message detected, the user should be banned for a week and another violation should ban the ID forever!

Actually, there's a limit on the total number of messages you can send a day here, no matter what the content is, and this was a decision made by management. It's arbitrary and someone picked a number of total messages a day that can be sent.

My work has been programing all my life. I finally ended up in sales/marketing/tech support and design for customers. I don't think this site is responsive to customer needs for the purpose of the site.

Have the owners/managers e-mail me at my registered e-mail address and I'll offer them my services to make a list of competing website features and comparisons to this site's features. If they'll buy me membership in the top pay-only websites, I'll include them too. This website is very discouraging. I've gotten 4 times more dates in the same time I've been here on other free websites (which I won't name but you surely know already).

Ok, this is where you ban me for bitching, right? I knew it was gonna happen eventually...


bob_kemp56's photo
Sun 07/15/12 03:30 PM
Hi --

Yeah, I want more rain! Bring it on!

Hey! I was running through the search list and sending messages and I "reached the maximum number of users I can contact in one day. Please try again tomorrow"

What's this all about? This is the first time I've ever had this happen on any online dating service and I've been using quite a few!

I was only picking out ladies that I thought had a good match to me with the profile they provided. Looks to me like this website is overmoderated or something. I have 74 PAGES of matches to my search criteria. MOST of the hits are women who "haven't been seen in over a month". "Nudging" doesn't send them an email, so I have to send a message if I want to get their attention. And now I find there's a governor on the messages! This ain't gonna work.

Please tell the owners I only got through 6 pages today of mostly useless, old and abandoned profiles before I was limited by this governor on number of messages I could send.

I'm seriously starting to get discouraged from using this website for the purpose it's supposed to be for, which is to make contact with potential dates. Someone needs to look over the successful dating websites and copy them.

Sorry if I sound negative, but really I'm not very happy so far with the rules and regs here which seem to be designed to STOP me from meeting people.


bob_kemp56's photo
Sun 07/15/12 02:58 PM
Hi --

None of this rain is gonna hit here in Collin County. Yesterday, huge wind! Lightning! Thunder! Then about 1/20th inch of rain, done!


bob_kemp56's photo
Sat 07/14/12 01:06 PM
Hi --

My date was fine, a good time was had by all. Don't know if it'll work out but we might go ou again in a week. That's what makes it iffy. I tried for Sunday (tomorrow) and she had plans...maybe she'll change her mind...

Doctors don't tell people this, but here's an almost-certain cure for any kind of throat/ear/nose infection.

One coffee cup full of water and 1 tsp salt. Heat it up so hot you can just sip it. As it cools, gargle with it as deep back in your throat as you can get and as hot as you can stand. Don't burn yourself! Don't use more salt or that could burn your throat/sinus too.

Do it three times a day. Use all the water until it's gone. One cured throat! Sometimes I follow it up with a mouthwash gargle, but I don't think that helps much, it's the heat and salt that does it. Bacteria can't stand either of them.

Hope you feel better!


bob_kemp56's photo
Fri 07/13/12 02:38 PM
Hi folks --

Good afternoon! I'm just kicking back and sucking down some coffee so I will be alert for my date in Sherman this evening. I already did the lerts joke here, right?

Having a few pre-show jitters of course, but the coffee will help (maybe I should be doing shots instead?). I'll be ok as soon as the curtain rises, I always am, and if I'm not I'll just use the old trick of imagining my audience to be naked which always makes me smile. Wait. Maybe I shouldn't do that on a date? Nevermind...

Hope y'all are all planning to have a good evening and weekend. I'll be looking back here from time to time until around 5:30pm then gonna hop in the shower and git.


bob_kemp56's photo
Thu 07/12/12 06:30 PM
Kristi --

Well, a flea market is just like any other business, had the owner followed the business plan I wrote up, we'd be viable. But he broke the contract so it ended.

I doubt I'll allow myself to be a victim of another situation like this again. I'll rent the spot and handle all the details myself from now on.

I'm a garage sale/flea market guy, I like selling used goods for great prices. Antiques too!


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