Community > Posts By > dia_licious

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/24/08 01:04 AM

Do you know who tony rezko is?


dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/24/08 01:03 AM

Why do you think bush destroyed the economy when in fact it was the democratic congress that used acorn to force banks to give quarter million dollar homeloans to young punks with ramen noodle budgets who lost their homes then the same democratic congress voted to takr our tax money to bail out the banks to cover its own mistakes? Bush had nothing to do with the hyperinflated market or the congress infested bank scandal. But obama did. He was a lawyer for that supposedly non profit extortion group acorn.

he may not have done it directly, but he sure didnt do much to prevent it.

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/24/08 12:48 AM

What's your favorite toilet paper? has a cute puppy on the packaging :)

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/24/08 12:46 AM

do you like control?

i dont like to be controlling in a relationship sense, but in other ways, i want what i like...

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/24/08 12:34 AM

do you think you can awaken the freak in a man?

i dont have to think...

i know.


dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/24/08 12:19 AM

who are you supporting for president and why happy


i dont think i could handle another bush follower in office...the economy is suffering enough as it is because of bush and i believe obama has the right ideas to help fix that...IMO

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/24/08 12:17 AM

Very admirable and impressive answers! :wink:

Next question (I could keep you going all night, just ask a few of my friends I correspond here with). laugh

In this supposed *15 minute claim to fame* scenario us minions are granted in a lifetime...what would you want yours to be?

well i didnt have a full 15 minutes, but i did have a phone interview with a local radio station back in tulsa about my free hugs campaign...
but to answer the question directly, i would want it to be for something i did to help or to make a difference...

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 11:33 PM

I'm HORNY pitchfork

welcome to MY world ;)

me too.. and my hunny is almost 500 miles away... i met him on here 6 months ago... met him for the first time last weekend... and im going to marry him... he is amazing... guys i am so in lovesmitten

awwww yay for you!!!! :D

i need to find i decent man... :(

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 11:28 PM

What is a good gift for a daughter-in-law for Christmas?

gift cards are the best...if shes girly, get one to like...bed, bath, and beyond...or body works...if shes really not that picky, khols and sears are pretty good places for gift all depends on her personality type.

Guess I could do that bed/bath thing. Thought it might hurt her feelings not to buy her a gift to open. I figure if I get her a gift card she will just end up spending on the grandchildren and I would like her to have something special for herself. Thanks.

what kind of stuff does she like? not sure about your area, but theres this place in the mall around here that makes laser graphed image give them a picture and the laser cut it onto what looks like a military dog tag. i made one for my mom last year with my a picture of her and my son...she absolutely loved it! only cost about $35-40

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 11:24 PM

I caved on my no night eating rule

Me too! Want another piece of pineapple/coconut pound cake? I've had 3 pieces already...

Okay, fine! I've had 4 pieces. I LIED again. shocked


dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 11:22 PM

I'm HORNY pitchfork

welcome to MY world ;)

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 11:14 PM
i told my ex i was on a date so he wouldnt come over...

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 11:04 PM

how long are you gonna stay to answer every single question asked of you before you get tired of this

i like answering questions...some make me think more then others...if the questions keep coming, ill keep answering...granted some may have to wait til next day...but they still get answered...

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:55 PM
Edited by dia_licious on Thu 10/23/08 11:00 PM

Badda BOOM (notice the OO??) :tongue:

If you had to choose, select FIVE of the following items you would choose to live WITHOUT for 30 days:

1. Cell Phone
2. TV
3. Computer
4. Music
5. Vehicle
6. Money
7. Cigarettes
8. Make-up
9. Human Touch
10. Blinds/drapes on your windows

Please explain your 5 choices. :wink:

ooohhhh this is rough...

ok *deep breath*

1. tv- i honestly dont watch much tv as it is, so that would be no problem at all...

2. vehicle- my car is still in OK so ive done fine the past 3 months without it lol theres always the bus...*shudder*

3. cigarettes- i need to quit anyway...

4. cell phone- i rarely talk on my cell phone, i always text...and i can do that through yahoo i could live without that.

5. makeup- i was in juvi once...well twice in theory, but theres no makeup in i could do wouldnt be pretty, but i could...

-i dont think i could go a whole month without my laptop...i would go crazy...i barely went a week when it was in repair

-i live for music. im constantly listening to music...couldnt do it.

-you need money for everything these days...

-i dont think i could go even a week without hugging my little one, or anyone for that matter

-im borderline ocd about blinds...i value my

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:46 PM

too bad he lives in GA...


dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:39 PM

NASCAR has always had a 00 car

Stats for 00 cars

* Number of Wins: 0

Side*track* here...

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl


dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:38 PM

You say you love to smile...

So, what makes you smile the most - besides your child?

other than my offspring, making others smile makes me smile the most. i love making people happy...makes my day seem somewhat worth while

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:37 PM

Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?

because the color sticks to your lips...and its in the form of a stick...

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:36 PM

If you were reincarnated into any animal in the animal kingdom.... what would you want to be?

hmm...a turtle.

dia_licious's photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:35 PM

if one falls on his azz and no one's there to witness, did it really happen?

thats a matter of if he had a video camera with him and caught it on video, then yes...