Community > Posts By > Duttoneer

Duttoneer's photo
Tue 12/17/24 12:56 AM
Key US Air Force Base forced to close following drone sightings

Drones may be US military controlled?

Duttoneer's photo
Mon 12/16/24 01:40 AM
“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him’” (Genesis 2:18). “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh” (Genesis 2:21). “And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, ‘This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:22–23)

Duttoneer's photo
Mon 12/16/24 01:17 AM
Maybe these drones are a secret military development, but I thought all that was done in Area 51.

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 12/15/24 06:49 AM
On tv an eye witness in the US. Reported that he had observed drones most evenings for the past week and he estimated one of them at least was the size of a small car. Certainly not your usual size of drone, although the number of sightings reported to local authorities are now in the thousands still no official statements on whose responsible. Could be the 'War of the Worlds' smile2

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 12/15/24 06:37 AM
A good friend of mine once told me that his wife had spent all their married life changing him. Many years later when they were getting a divorce she told him he wasn't the man she married. laugh

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 12/15/24 01:31 AM

The rebels are back by US and Turkey,each having their own agenda in Syria. Nothing much haven't changed since the Cold war. US/NATO and Russia/(China) always attempts to place a yes man at the helm in volatile nations to serve their interests. It's never in the interests of the population or the economy. The West will push the democracy line but it's all about the resources. Russia also, it just doesn't make any pretence about it. If history repeats itself, the US-backed rebels in power will make way for western multicorporations to set up shop in Syria and begin reaping the sweets. If the rebels govern the country according to the West mandate, the citizens wouldn't be any better off than when they were under Assad. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case, however this middle east conflict seems to be widening from different angles.

On another note, the Syrian military not engaging the rebels before Assad flight, would suggest 1/ a weak military 2/ no loyalty to Assad 3/ paid off.

As soon as they saw no Russian fighter bombers taking part, they probably realised the game was up for Assad, and fled.

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 12/15/24 01:23 AM
Drones around US and UK military bases, anyone any ideas or theories where they come from, could they be Russian? Seems to be a lot about suddenly.

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 12/15/24 12:50 AM
I have been double plus good all year, and deserve all things Christmassy, mince pies, a nice bottle of wine, lots of food and tasty treats. Some peace on earth would be good, we live in hope.

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 12/15/24 12:30 AM
I guess it depends where you live in the world. Here in the UK The pay for women over the past half century has slowly been brought up to the same pay as a man doing exactly the same job. Men and women have the same rights. We have had two women Prime Ministers, the highest political office in the land. In the 2024 General Election 263 women were elected to Parliament, that is 40.3% of the total number of MPs are women, the highest ever number of females ever elected to Parliament. I doubt women enjoy the same life styles and freedoms of choice living in the Arab world, they must follow the laws of the land on what is permitted for them to do, maybe this will change over time as it has done in the UK.

Duttoneer's photo
Sat 12/14/24 01:18 AM
Reflections on the Covid epidemic when guys had it really tough, no footy, no pub nights with the lads, all sporting activities cancelled. Whereas the girls had everything normal in their lives, the cooking, cleaning, doing the washing and ironing, and all stuff like that.

Duttoneer's photo
Sat 12/14/24 12:46 AM

Duttoneer's photo
Fri 12/13/24 08:52 AM

Duttoneer's photo
Fri 12/13/24 01:37 AM
Maybe they are extraterrestrial life, or alien life, marooned here after an accident similar to the Roswell incident of 1947. If they have captured one it will probably be imprisoned in Area 51 for study and to maintain the secrecy of alien life existence.

Duttoneer's photo
Fri 12/13/24 01:18 AM
Troggs, The.

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 12/12/24 01:38 AM

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 12/12/24 01:35 AM
At least the Syrian despot Assad has been the victim of the Ukraine war, Russia so preoccupied unable to prop him up in Power, no doubt he is paying a lot to Russia to live in their country. The downside is that no one knows what will happen in Syria now that he has gone, will it end up being run by terrorists with their own agenda, or will it be their Arab Spring towards a democracy.

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 12/12/24 01:19 AM

Duttoneer's photo
Wed 12/11/24 07:27 AM

Duttoneer's photo
Tue 12/10/24 12:12 AM
I think I would be struck dumb.

Duttoneer's photo
Tue 12/10/24 12:08 AM
Kinks, The.

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