Community > Posts By > dbad111

dbad111's photo
Fri 12/12/08 01:19 PM
Edited by dbad111 on Fri 12/12/08 01:20 PM
Heres what me and this girl have been texting but shes going on a date tonight then to bake cookies with him after i just idk if this text ill point it out was ment for me

me: are u still coloring put drp in some ones hair with a heart lol
me: i cant waitttttttttttttt to see you saturday :]]
her: Yeaa right

me: what i cant come over saturdayy?
her: No about the drp in someones hair

me: do it i promise u wont get in trouble and be like it just came out that way
her: Haha no

me: LIES lol
me: i wish we could kiss right now i really need one

her: Cuz now i wont feel guilty about wantin to f*** u <--------- thats the text
me: (3:58:58 PM): what???
me: i didnt get that
me: wrong message?

she hasnt replied could she be thinking of an excuse cuz she sent it to me by accident

dbad111's photo
Fri 12/12/08 01:11 PM

i guess this is just an ongoing post lool
but yesterday i was the better man and went up and ended it with her i was like hope he makes you happy cuz 5 days means more to you than 6 months.

Well i left and went to her brothers (in law)
and talked to him about it hes like david shes done this to every guy shes been with
out with the old in with the new
and he helped me get over her

then i go over to a friends and got online and she imed me and was like f u you went to my brother and she saw i didnt care

and she was like blah blah blah
then she was like come pick me up
i picked her up to talk to her and she kissed me she said she felt somthing and i did too

one thing led to another and bam
shes not dating him but earlier in the day she was like i cant have sex with you because its not right for him and there not dating well
we did have sex and i was like honestly what are u gonna tell him cuz he kept calling her she goes idk
i go you better tell him the truth
she goes uhhhh and gets out of the truck
great way to start 5 days

Is this the script for a really lame soap opera?

If this is your lifestyle.....noway noway

its not a lifestyle its just blahhh

dbad111's photo
Fri 12/12/08 01:04 PM
i guess this is just an ongoing post lool
but yesterday i was the better man and went up and ended it with her i was like hope he makes you happy cuz 5 days means more to you than 6 months.

Well i left and went to her brothers (in law)
and talked to him about it hes like david shes done this to every guy shes been with
out with the old in with the new
and he helped me get over her

then i go over to a friends and got online and she imed me and was like f u you went to my brother and she saw i didnt care

and she was like blah blah blah
then she was like come pick me up
i picked her up to talk to her and she kissed me she said she felt somthing and i did too

one thing led to another and bam
shes not dating him but earlier in the day she was like i cant have sex with you because its not right for him and there not dating well
we did have sex and i was like honestly what are u gonna tell him cuz he kept calling her she goes idk
i go you better tell him the truth
she goes uhhhh and gets out of the truck
great way to start 5 days

dbad111's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:30 AM
i know i have a lot of growing to do
i wanted to grow with her

dbad111's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:15 AM

So your 19 your going with a chick but your on a dateing site and your going in the service in less than a month and your worried about some girl that you've gone out with 6 months ? If I've got all that straight and now your talking marriage too ? Grow up a little more and just enjoy her for your 26 days a let her go . YOUR ASKING FOR A DEAR JOHN LETTER WITHIN 3 MONTHS .Deal with it and move on .I f you were for real you would'nt be on here you'd be building something with her !You've still got so much to learn and matureing to do ! Get smart .

i was on this site way before i met her
and i check in and talk on here every once and a while

dbad111's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:53 AM
but what else really got to me was that she was like if david dated another girl i would want to kill the B****
i was like then why is she doing it to me shes like we arnt dating or anything david. like she sat in her car last night and we talked shes like idk what to do i want to pull my hair out

dbad111's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:42 AM
Well i had a little post up a few days ago about me and my girl
well i guess she like found another guy and is starting to like him.

shes known him for 2 days
but like she still tells me how much she is in love with me and doesnt want to lose 6 months
this is really hard for me ive lost 15 lbs in 4 days from not eating

Its just i spilt my heart to this girl and her friends and family are like telling her how dumb she is because i treated her so good.

But like we talked yesterday and she was like he kissed me and i was like was it better than one of ours she told me no it wasnt comparable. but shes like this guy tells me everything perfect and this and that. she used to say that about me

i just like really am trying to get through to her how much i care for her. Her ex before me dumped her for some other girl he met to and now shes doing it to me which really hurts. if she tells me shes truly happy with me but she doesn't know why she cant take me back whats that mean???

and last night she came over and we talked and shes like he tried to kiss me again and i pulled away. and like idk we just were talking and the led to kissing passionately like how we used to. and she just tells me she doesnt know what to do because if she gets rid of me she loses me for good cuz i go to basic training in 26 days but if she tells him no every one at school will hate her.
i just wish i knew what to tell her
its really killing me on the inside because i want to be with her so bad
any advice

like we had a fight worse than this and we got through it easily and now some stupid fight about me not texting her till she got home caused all of this.

but then my friend was talking to her and was like if u 2 get married before he leaves are you gonna stay faithful and this and that and she goes, i would wear his ring proudly and be like my husbands a soldier <3 i just dont know what she is feeling or why is it so hard to take 6 months back over 2 days

also she says she doesnt love him
and she couldnt love any one more than she loves me
then what the heck is wrong why cant she take me back
she was like im tired of fighting but when she said about the kiss shes like i miss you
i miss some of the fighting with you blah blah blah

dbad111's photo
Sun 12/07/08 03:50 AM
ya i have.... sad to say were fighting now

dbad111's photo
Sun 12/07/08 03:48 AM
i have taken responsibility but i mean she didnt have to flat out of no where say to stop fkin texting her she could have been like baby ill be home in 5 please stop texting me the roads are bad

dbad111's photo
Sun 12/07/08 03:45 AM
well the fact that its that time of the month too might me what caused it

dbad111's photo
Sun 12/07/08 03:33 AM
well im up i cant sleep had a fight with my fiance today

idk things have been different all day
but she was driving and i was texting her the roads were bad and she was like stop f****** texting me and i continued to cuz i was irate she just said that to me.

So i told her that was the last straw and now i guess were broken up
shes supposed to be my fiance and im supposed to marry her before i leave for the military in 31 days
and i was like are we still getting married and shes like i dont marry people who im not dating.

then she trys to make me jealous by putting a guy i hate on her top which she did last time we got into a fight like this but its a different guy.

then i just looked he isnt even friends on her myspace no more cuz i asked her about it and she must of deleted him

then i texted her and was like i miss you and shes like
stop it david, i miss you too but i cant give in yet
any 1 have any idea what this means or what i should do or what

im just ready to leave for the military now i cant get any sleep and blah i just am so confused angry heartbroken everything

dbad111's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:21 AM
dont really know anyy 1 from mingle 2 cuz i was an original jsh member

how are u all doing today

i slept from 1-4 this morning and i cant sleep

got army recruiting today so that will be fun

have a good day every 1

dbad111's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:57 PM

Rock on! My daughter is in Basic Combat training right now at Fort Jackson.

my cousin just got back from basic and ait she was at fort jackson

dbad111's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:49 PM
i leave on january 7th
when i come back i go to iraq :\
stay safe yall

My fiance is going with me
were both going to be military police

dbad111's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:03 PM
im almost positive before i leave my girlfriend is doing the same thing i am were going to boot at the same place and at the same time

dbad111's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:00 PM
the army has lots of opportunities my cousin is in the marines and he got around 80k alltogether

not every one is in it for the money i want to go to school and this can help me do that and start a life get a house.

dbad111's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:57 PM
the marines aint my style sorry bud haha

i got 20 grand signing bonus and a montgomery gi bill which gives me 40 grand for school

dbad111's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:56 PM
a man may have came up with a natural way to cure cancer and now the fcc is trying to fine him and shut him down... or is that a rumor

dbad111's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:51 PM
i quit just say hi a long time ago but i always promised to keep in touch cuz i have lots of friends on here so thats what im doing.

I found the perfect girl shes amazing..
I joined the army my ship out date is january 8th
im an MP {military police}
illl be back in 20 weeks :[]
thats a long time

well im pretty bored soooo

myspace me its

wats every one else doing

dbad111's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:56 PM
ahhh pats long time no see

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