Community > Posts By > jadedmelody

jadedmelody's photo
Mon 02/04/08 04:20 AM
A good friend of mine and I have recently started a mild flirtation we are both wanting to take to the next level. He is about thirteen years older and of course society has a hard time dealing with the age difference, but I believe his biggest reservation is his three children. His oldest son lives with him and is 13, the other two he has every other weekend and they are 5 and soon to be 3.

I realize that this is going to be difficult for both him and myself, not to mention how tough it could be on the children. I love children and hope someday to have my own, though I always thought I would adopt. Should I just forget about him now, will it be to hard on them? If not, would it be better to introduce myself as a friend? Any advice would be helpful.

jadedmelody's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:24 AM
Thx! I didn't expect everyone to be so nice.

jadedmelody's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:17 AM
I have never really looked at these sites but this seemed kind of fun. My name is Jade, I am 23 and newly single. I came out of a four year relationship, and though I am not quite ready to settle down, I really miss having that important someone to talk to. However I am a hopeless romantic, and if someone actually came along who could sweep me off my feet, then I might actually consider settling down. As long as there is no passion and magic(almost mean isn't it), I am just looking for a few laughs and a good time.

jadedmelody's photo
Sat 01/12/08 03:23 AM
In loving memory of my father.

I dedicate this to Danial Wayne Hollinsworth. I'll be seeing you.

Rain fall coats the world in wondrous dew
Time strangely altered, moments pass as though on cue
I dance through puddles, splashing any who dare pass
Engulfed in a droplet paradise, just emulating class!
My appearance severely unkempt; this I do not deny
In a nearby puddle, a smudged reflection floats by

Familiar eyes gaze upon me, glistening with life
Upon closer inspection, I glimpse a look of strife
Just a reflection of myself, yet you must be from afar
Strangers would see me, but I know who you are
A time long forgotten courses through my soul
Diamond memories, so long simply of coal

Dimensions cross, old & new are now one
Together once again, our acquaintance no longer done
Life escaped you, as though you were a mere pawn
But our love binds us still, as dark & light bound by dawn
Now you hide inside of me, for this has always been true
Father you are apart of me, and I still know you