Community > Posts By > the_wizard67

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 02/06/09 10:09 PM
Really need to get some honest criticism!

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/26/08 04:25 PM
Thanks for all of the information. I found it very useful, I figured that I could use all of the same syntax for asp as I do with visual basic, but that was a mistake in some areas. I found that my main problem was that I was trying to force some of the features that have been enhanced to make it easier to build a website without writting alot of code.

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:47 PM
I haven't really changed much lately, but I just thought that I would see if anyone had any criticism for me that I could use.

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:20 PM

the other three are better...

i jsut looked at your pics..didnt read whatcha wrote.

So you think that I should use another or should I try and find some others and try again?

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:19 PM

ok, let me ask a different question. I am using ASPX and don't really understand how to bind a database like Access so that I can pull in information into difference list boxes and combo boxes.

Sorry, I can't help:cry: :cry:

Thanks for taking the to atleast read it. I am a little stuck, because it isn't as close to VB2005 as I am use to. I have alot to learn, as I look at it, it takes one day at a time and one person will to share what they know.

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:17 PM
Is that a crappy picture?

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:17 PM
Yes I have power tools, but I am not sure how you meant that, but I am going to assume that you meant it literally!

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:40 PM
Or rather if you find it easier to tell me what website that might better explain that to me I would be forever in your debt!

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:38 PM
ok, let me ask a different question. I am using ASPX and don't really understand how to bind a database like Access so that I can pull in information into difference list boxes and combo boxes.

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:37 PM

:heart: I wanna date you:heart:
I understand that you are a guy, sorry I don't swing that way. I have too much pull towards the opposite sex.

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:36 PM
ok, let me ask a different question. I am using ASPX and don't really understand how to bind a database like Access so that I can pull in information into difference list boxes and combo boxes. I think that I am going to start a new thread for this, but I welcome any help that I can get.

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:26 PM

is that a Skillsaw in your hand?

Sorry, but now that is a running shoe that I am about to go run in.

the_wizard67's photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:20 PM
Be as honest and blunt as you can manage. I strive to get as much out of this as I possibly can.

the_wizard67's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:13 PM
That's all cool, I was trying to figure out how to pull two fields out of a database and compare them to user inputs, but I figured it out. Now I am trying to implement all that I have into a website. I am trying to use ASP, but have never used it before. I do have a question about ASP that y'all might know the answer to.

If I am using just a basic template, how do I associate a text box to a value that I have stored for a variable? It is pretty easy with VB, but I don't know if I am just not using the right extensions or if it is just completely different. I picked up a couple of books today, but I haven't had time to look at them yet. I would apprieciate any help at any rate.

the_wizard67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 07:40 PM
Well the most known one which happens to be a bigger security risk than all of the editions of IE is that it secretly stores all usernames and passwords in a file that also states what websites that they go to. There are many others, but that is the most important one. Surprised that you didn't know that!

the_wizard67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 11:25 AM
I like the Macs alot more these days.

the_wizard67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 11:22 AM

In IE:

Tools\Internet Options
Select the Content tab
Settings button in the Feeds section

but better to use firefox

I would only suggest that program to someone that is aware of its little hidden secrets and knows how to turn them off.

the_wizard67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:58 AM

I know it is gay, but WTF! Are all these girls really swinging which ever direction the wind blows?
Its the new style being bi......I mean wtf is bi anyways???? Make up your mind!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh
Its like pubic hair.....Im wondering if the next trend will be braided or bleached???surprised rofl

I don't think that you are likely to see that any time soon with all of this laser hair removal. That all sounds cool, but what is a man to do when he changes his mind and wants that damned beard to grow in?

the_wizard67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:54 AM
Ok I guess that I learned two new words today, bicurious and tricurious. Hell I don't think all that existed back then. The worst thing I had to worry about was some threesome going crazy because girls get so jealous sooo easily, not that men don't but I wouldn't know about that in that setting.

the_wizard67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:43 AM
Only if it is hot out, then you might find me with alot less on.