Community > Posts By > Pirate1908

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Sun 06/03/12 03:05 PM
absolutely at the depths of crap. It passes beause it always does, or so I have found recently. I am hoping the copious amount of vodka I have just had will ease that by making me sleep. But the last three nights, I have sobbed in my sleep and the moments after you have woken up, but before you come to are blissful. But then you remember, and wish for more sleep. I know this is normal, however, it is also intolerable, and so far away from who I am that it feels like I have lost the essence of my being. And so I sob, I drink, and i feel empty. I fill my time destroying and repairing things, in the hope of some catharsis. It never comes. And the more I destroy, the less of me remains.

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Sat 06/02/12 03:24 PM

If your partner is not your spouse, then there is no cheating because your partner hasn't made a permanent committment to you. You are a free agent until you get married.

whoa... so being unfaithful doesnt exist until youre married? you can make a permanent commitment to somebody without getting married, married is just a piece of paper... the commitment between people and the feelings are totally seperate arent they? cheating is disrespectful and a violation of the commitment you show to each other. unless its okay with you both to have an open relationship, monogomy is the default isnt it?

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Sat 06/02/12 09:08 AM

((((pirate))))....does the squish of the cuddle depend on the amount of brackets one uses do you think? :smile:

I think it might bigsmile that, or you have grown extra arms and turned into the buddah, either way, the karma is good flowerforyou

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Sat 06/02/12 04:26 AM
LOL!!! Jemare, the photos are amazing! happy happy
C'mon people, twelve posts and a hundred odd views... active cuddles!
Torgo, thank you for the cuddle smiley flowerforyou
Krupa, you are a genius, slightly kinky, but a genius. try to resist rubbing anything okay laugh
There's scientific stuff about cuddling people that make you feel good you know... its supposed to release those happy hormones. happy
I may start walking up to randoms and cuddling them bigsmile

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Sat 06/02/12 04:20 AM
Maybe the reason you felt guilty was that you shared something intimate- something that defines the difference between friends and lovers- with someone other than your lover...that's not right.

The fact that you told your partner, is good... personally (and its just my opinion) that one relationship should be the one where there isnt anything youre afraid to say, nothing has to be hidden.. you can truly be you without wanting or needing to put a mask on.. it should feel loving and supportive.

Ask yourself why? Why even talk like that to someone else? why someone else and not your lover? is there something missing, why did you want that with someone else and not your partner?

Physically cheating is the final nail in the whole thing.. but long before that people sometimes emotionally cheat, and thats the point, where if you truly care about the relationship you are in, there is an opportunity to look at whats not right and make it better together.

Don't do it.. it burns everyone involved.

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Fri 06/01/12 02:51 AM

Thats just brilliant! Like pure flowing philosophy. Henceforth I shall always ask myself 'would an idiot do that???'
I had planned on not growing up, always seemed a bit overrated, but i'm coming to the conclusion it's no excuse for being a dips***.
I shall openly apologise here for the copious amount of red bull i drank last night as it seems to have resulted in me going nuts with the posting threads all over the forum blushing You know when you wake up in the morning and its all a bit 'noooooo....' oops.

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Thu 05/31/12 05:08 PM
Okay, i'm young, and I keep messing up.. lets see if we can all share some of the good stuff.
1. what's the best advice you were ever given?
2. who told you?
3. did it make a difference? if so, how?

My dad looked me in the eyes a few years ago and said 'You know you can't save everyone love...' It reduced me to tears and I realised in a nano second more about myself and the mistakes I had made than I had learned in the twenty years before. I'm still working on the listening part.

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Thu 05/31/12 04:36 PM
Right, cuddles make the world go round. Fact. So... lets see if we can get every member of mingle to benefit from a massive forum stylee cuddle. Cuddle the person above.... It's like a giant game of dominoes, but more.. cuddly!

I'm chucking my cuddle out there.. (can;t find a cuddle smiley, sorry) Close your eyes and imagine it instead!

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Thu 05/31/12 04:31 PM
Aye, thats what the man in the white coat said to me before he gave me the little green pills.

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Thu 05/31/12 04:22 PM
ooh, foreplay happy or maybe thats where i'm going wrong... note to oneself... wrestling is not foreplay laugh

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Thu 05/31/12 04:13 PM
wrestling!! Arrr happy

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Thu 05/31/12 01:44 PM
blushing blushing oooh, sir irishyness is lovely though. I'd ruin him with my piratey ways, savvy? :tongue:
all the girlies would like a bit of irish happy

What about starting a thread where every member of mingle shares a cuddle... like a mingle cuddle circle... cuddle the person above type thing... makes the world go round, cuddles do. happy happy

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Thu 05/31/12 01:10 PM
I may be young.. but I have sadly (past tense) had experience of this. I would like to still be able to say that age gaps don't matter.. its how you feel... no. 14 years was too much. God, I loved him. But we were at different stages in life.

I wanted to do the things he had already done, i dont think he wanted to do them again. I always felt like he was avuncular, he probably alwasy felt like i was a child. The relatiosnhip didnt feel equal, and there were no shared moments of 'do you remember that from your youth' He was all space hoppers, and I was all transformers. We couldnt learn about life together as a shared experience, we could only experience the same thing from two very different perspectives.

Those firsts build a connection when they are firsts for you both and you grow together. And... ouch. It was the most painful thing to know you love someone... nothing to do with age, but because of the essence of that person yet there was so much missing. And i have an old head, apparently, and he acts like a child.

No details, theyre private. But this is what I have learned. very. sad. smiley.

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Thu 05/31/12 12:56 PM
bulldog... why thank you :-) you are kind sir, and I do hope you are right.
Torgo... mwahahahahaha. I shall take that as permission to unleash the final few marbles rolling round my little peanut and share them with you lovely people. (I blame you tongue2 )

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Thu 05/31/12 12:41 PM
Thank you :-) I am indeed posting a little bit in an effort to say 'hi', but still attempting to maintain an image of sanity.. give me a week or so! smile2

Just to clarify... at what age does one become able to be deemed 'unmatchable'? Is it age related? I figured I was just s**t....

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Thu 05/31/12 08:16 AM
1. I like the shape of a man, triangular shoulders, and the ones with muscly thighs make me go giddy blushing Sorry, I think it's a dawn of time, that's my caveman type thing, can't help it.

2. Occasionally, I meet someone who has the most amazing way of looking at the world, and he makes me think in a different way. I love that electric moment when I meet someone like that. Men are more honest, a spade is a spade, no games.

3. The blissful bit where you can curl up with a man, fall asleep on his chest, feel safe and loved, and love in return.

4. It makes me laugh hysterically to see the rules which govern such things as 'when to puff up your chest', 'how to die of man flu', 'how to give the impression i know everything about cars/power tools/wilderbeast', 'i can't dance, but i'll throw some shapes and smile' etc in action. Men are brilliant.

5. They can always fix stuff! (a thank you to every man in my life who has had the patience to teach me how to do the practical things I can now do for myself)

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Thu 05/31/12 07:51 AM
Can I join in? blushing I am what is commonly known as unmatchable sad Any suggestions, ie the invisible man, a tiger, a quirky looking squirrel shall be given consideration.... (There's no smiley for 'needs a cuddle')

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Thu 05/31/12 07:27 AM

Two girls were talking about their significant others and the one girl was upset because her lover was so passionate about his hobbies that she felt neglected, the other girl said she was jealous because her man had no passions about anything. It was like he just existed. . .

Which one would you prefer in a partner?

tell them to swap, and quit bytchin...

HAHAHA!! You Moe, are a genius, with a beer on top :-)

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Thu 05/31/12 07:20 AM
Ahh, chess. The knight on my board always seems to be a t****r in tinfoil. I shall become bridget jones and buy a cat. Or not :-) I figure if you don't like the game (whatever it may be) stop playing, and just be comfortable being you. The irony of the whole thing seems to be that as soon as you genuinely stop looking, that shiny knight appears in front of you, but you have to stop looking for him first.

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Thu 05/31/12 07:11 AM
mmm, tasty :-D