Community > Posts By > niceguynickj

niceguynickj's photo
Fri 01/25/08 09:17 AM
Okay so I'm not even sure how many people on here know who the Marx Brothers were or how many have ever seen any of their movies...BUT...

I thought it would be cool if some of us that know and love them could give a few favorite quotes, scenes, or movies from them...oh and if you are going to try and compare the stooges to the brothers...plese don't...the stooges weren't even close to being as funny as the marx brothers...

anyways i guess i will kick this off and hopefully we will have some more people follow suit!

one of my favorite scenes is when Groucho is a professor and of course he's spewing out his ingeniuous quips etc. Then Chico and Harpo are in class messing with him and it ends up turing into a huge spit ball fight...

niceguynickj's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:49 AM
thanks for the good advice tomie!

niceguynickj's photo
Tue 01/15/08 08:53 AM
I understand how you feel about not wanting to open up totally...the sad truth is 99% of people who consider themselves believers never open up totally. No one wants to be vulnerable (might look weak or not have it all together) and we have all experienced(maybe not on the same level) being hurt by other believers and church's. We think if others only knew the "real me" we would be blacklisted. And sadly the one place where we should feel totally safe and should be the most vulnerable we can't/don't. But that's not God. That's people. Who make mistakes and bad decisions and give bad advice. And as a result hurt others. I don't think the hurt and the pain ever totally goes away, but I think we learn not everyone falls into one generalization. Not all muslims are terroists. Not all priests are child molesters. But they get a bad rap because so many have been in the wrong. Same thing applies here. Not all Christians do what was done to you. I'm not trying to make excuses for them, or get you to go to church again. My hope is that after all of that BS you are surrounded by friends and family that care about you and your son. And that you can be open with some of them. Vulnerability isn't a weakness. It's a strength. We break down, so we can be built back up...stronger and better than ever!

niceguynickj's photo
Tue 01/15/08 07:30 AM
Chuck...I'm really sorry that happened. That's just not right. A church should be a community and it should be helping the people in/around/outside their community. It really saddens me to hear stories like yours, because I'm sure the are all to common.

You say you believe and if you do, keep searching and you will find a church(community) that is doing it the right way. One where both you and your ex-wife would have been counceled yes...but more importantly cared for...regardless of the outcome. Just remember its about a relationship with God/Jesus, not religion and not a church or denomination!

niceguynickj's photo
Tue 01/15/08 06:19 AM
To anyone who has ever been hurt by a church or someone claiming to be a Christ follower...please accept my sincere and deepest apologies. Try to remember that we are dealing with humans. And all humans mess up and make mistakes. And if any of you reading this are like me, we make a lot of mistakes because we try to do everything on your own. But hey even the Lone Ranger had Tonto! We need alot of grace and thankfully we can never outsin God's grace!

So I wanted to find out from everyone how they deal with baggage in relationships, because let's face it we all show up in a relationship with our own baggage. Rough home life, financial struggles, addictions, the list could go on and on. And how we deal with each others baggage in my opinion can make or break a relationship.

Now along the same line, if you are someone who goes church, has gone to church, who doesn't go to church, believes in God, doesn't believe in God...etc. We all bring our own "religious baggage" into the equation. I am wondering what are some of the differences that people have had to deal with and how they are dealing with them, or how they have dealt with them in past relationships. I mean I don't think I will ever meet someone who believes every single thing I do, down to the "T". So what are the issues? How have you worked through it, or not worked through it?

I think many of us have difficulties looking in the mirror and giving an honest assesment. And maybe we haven't sat down and figured out why we are the way we are. Maybe I'm alone with that, but lately I have been learning alot about myself. Especially things that were directly/indirectly passed on from my parents, friends, teachers, church, etc. growing up. Now that I am starting to have a good handle on "why I am the way I am" and "what makes me tick" I think I am willing to compromise when it come to it be personal, relational, or even religious!

niceguynickj's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:41 AM
Okay so you've probably heard of bar hopping, but I'm starting to realize that church hopping is quickly cathing up. Why do so many people jump from church to church. I bring this up because I have noticed so many of my friends tell me, what seems like every few months, that they are looking for a new church. And in my own church I see so many new faces just over the last 1-2 years. So why all the hopping?

I am affraid most who call themselves Christ followers might not like my opinion on the matter. Ask any Pastor of any church the #1 reason people leave a church and undoubtubly their response will be:
"I left because I just feel like I wasn't being led anymore."
However, I think what people really mean is what the pastor is speaking doesn't speak to me. If you think about it, why do most people go to a particular church. Sure you have some standards...good worship, childrens programs, student ministry, etc. But most people go because they like the pastor. More specific they like what the pastor has to say. I think we all have our own "Church Boxes." Where we decide what we will keep in them and what we will throw out. And most of us seek to find others that have similar stuff in their boxes. So when you find a church where the pastors speaks to you, it is probably because they hit on things you have A. dealt with, or B. are somewhere in your "Church Box" of theology. Think about it. When is the last time you left a church you were at and honestly had to wrestle with something? Where you were hit with something that totally made you stop and think. Were it wasn't a feel good sermon, or a you can do it/here's how to impove this are of your life sermon. I think many of us are uncomfortable wrestling with God, or anything in our theological boxes. So when someone comes along and challenges something in my box the easiest way to deal with it, is to immediately throw it out and move on.

I know I spit alot out there and maybe I didn't totally stay on topic, but does anybody agree with any of this, or I am totally alone on an island? I'm not looking for someone to respond with a bunch of canned religious answers, just some peoples HONEST opinions and thoughts.