victormagnificent's photo
Mon 12/30/13 02:01 PM

victormagnificent's photo
Sat 05/18/13 03:22 PM
nice post.

victormagnificent's photo
Thu 03/07/13 12:07 PM
nice post.

victormagnificent's photo
Sat 03/02/13 02:15 PM
one based on mutual love and respect.

victormagnificent's photo
Sat 03/02/13 01:11 PM
u r faithful.

victormagnificent's photo
Sat 02/23/13 05:56 AM
depends on the god/gods u r refering to.if it is christian God,it sickens me as it is hypocrisy.something christ was very much against.

victormagnificent's photo
Wed 08/15/12 03:04 AM
colossians 2:10.u r so right msharmony.

victormagnificent's photo
Wed 08/15/12 02:58 AM

what Ladywind said

media and movies has most of us believing partnership is the only fulfilling life, but I am believing more and more that not everyone is meant to be a part of a romance anymore than everyone is made to be a parent

IT takes alot of will power, and the human side of me does cause me to fantasize on times, but consciously I concede to the fact that my 'him' is God and that HE may or may not decide a partner is whats best for me in this life,,,but having HIM is more than enough

victormagnificent's photo
Tue 08/07/12 02:08 PM
I love Jesus because He teaches me to love.

victormagnificent's photo
Tue 05/22/12 02:45 PM
evolution is in direct comflict with the law of chemistry ie enthropy.for science to have any credibility its basic laws should agree and reinforce each other or be alligned in that I ask has evolution explained the origins of life or only purpot to?morever cosmology has yet to explain the cause of all processes that led to existence of this universe having started with only energy.

victormagnificent's photo
Tue 05/22/12 02:43 PM
evolution is in direct comflict with the law of chemistry ie enthropy.for science to have any credibility its basic laws should agree and reinforce each other or be alligned in that I ask has evolution explained the origins of life or only purpot to?morever cosmology has yet to explain the cause of all processes that led to existence of this universe having started with only energy.

victormagnificent's photo
Tue 05/22/12 02:43 PM
evolution is in direct comflict with the law of chemistry ie enthropy.for science to have any credibility its basic laws should agree and reinforce each other or be alligned in that I ask has evolution explained the origins of life or only purpot to?morever cosmology has yet to explain the cause of all processes that led to existence of this universe having started with only energy.

victormagnificent's photo
Mon 05/21/12 08:38 PM
And God said implying a God not gods.could it be possible that the let us refers to spirit beings rather than gods per say seeing its written,God said and not gods said.

victormagnificent's photo
Sun 05/20/12 05:39 PM
From biblical point of view a Christian is a Christ like person.Many people will claim to be christians but the question should be are they christ like.In Timothy 2:14-21,this is allured to where one wants to call on the name of the lord minus departing from sin which God is not in support of.I dont refer to perfection but sincere repentance.Acts 2:38 talks about the afforementioned.Repentance should be big part of christian living and I for one dont think its given its due significance in christian doctrine nowadays.To answer the question I feel the same way only with hypocrites but pray for people sincerely trying to repent.Like Paul I pray that christ be fully formed in them.

victormagnificent's photo
Sun 05/20/12 05:06 PM

I have been a christian, devoted 100% for 20 years. Now I cant stand 99% of Christians. The religiousness and pretentiousness and deceit repels me. I refuse to have my child and myself near them. Yet I adore God? Anyone been there? Or am i the only one?

victormagnificent's photo
Fri 05/18/12 06:48 PM

Where's all the christian believers!!! :-)
living for christ I guess.