Community > Posts By > vass3rd

vass3rd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:56 AM
war/violence is caused by 3 things :
'intellectual' differences *any excuse you can name EG religion,hatred*

the complete destruction of the human species is the only way to end all war and violence

i would love for all my brothers and sisters to come home,to let the rest of the world continue to destroy itself as it always has and always will

vass3rd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:48 AM
qft - exactly

vass3rd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:46 AM
intelligence would still trive because most humans possess 'curiosity' which while at one point is emotional it is also intellectual.Curiosity is the 'hunger' for knowledge,so its also sort of an instinct *hunger,pain,fear*

so yes i believe that even in a word devoid of emotion intellect would still thrive as the HUNGER for information would still drive us to seek answers

now if you could strip away both instinct AND emotion,then yes you would have the human equivilent of a rock.Through chemistry/surgery this IS possible,but again no legality fearing scientist would do it without the govts say so

vass3rd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:37 AM
@OP truth is theoretical 'real' information --> truth is the real/factual/accurate versian of information.ITs theoretical in the scientific sense because truth is subjective,which is WHY we have words like FACT

as for energy being thought and VV,energy itself is made of still smaller particles.Those particles work together to build forms/shapes and eventually take the patterns that then become thought

the smaller you go the more intricate things become,as each level down adds more to the level above it..more variables,more 'forces'.At the same time things become simpler as there are less forces intereacting with each other on each level.But as i am sure you have see in LIFE,you can add simple things together to get some extremely interesting AND varied results *drama*

all things are energy of some sort or another,and all things are constantly in motion whether seemingly stationary or 'solid'.Energy is then made of yet smaller particles,and then smaller down to the current point of our human ability to view them with our current technology

the blueprint for ALL things will be found on the BASE level of that which forms all particles.The first floor as it were,in a place so tiny we have not yet the terminology to describe it.That is where the power of assembly/creation lay.

vass3rd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:11 AM
emotion is not needed for intelligence,they are seperate aspects of the human mind

if a baby had never recieved any loving attention it would never desire such attention *learned behavior* :being held,soothing voices,rocking etc.
Even being held is more of a survival issue than an emotional one,but it builds an emotional base..that base is 'comfort' or feeling safe *again learned*

if a child never recieved any emotional attention they would not desire it just the same,but the training must start in infancy.
If you never yell at or hit a child and they NEVER get HURT they then will not LEARN to avoid those things :pain/damage.IF you never hold them they will not desire being held,or kissed,or praised,etc,etc.Pain is natural but damage is learned,you learn that damage causes PAIN

sadly no true long term observations have been done on these things because most doctors/scientists would consider the experiment to be neglect/abuse.You must break a few eggs to make the perfect omelette,the same can be said of raising a new breed of human being

vass3rd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 07:57 AM
short answer desire

sexual desire is completely driven by chemical processes,these processes CAN BE blocked by other chemicals completely negating ALL desire for sex AND all enjoyment you might get from physical contact
*no the vibrator is NOT broken,your brain has been altered/nerfed/rewired*

naturally there are chemical that rev up the process as well

in short sex is an aspect of human culture that CAN be taken away and can be enhanced

its funny the commercial lately about 'low-T',yea dont blame it on aging..blame it on low-t..which happens why ? aging..duh !

its all chemical though,remove those chemicals and there is no lust,no desire,no love..ppl are then just roomates that probably cannot stand each other because the mindaltering effects have been balanced out..goodtimes
*EG they 'sober' up*

of course there will be exceptions to no-love especially with those who have been together a long time.humans are creatures of habit and habits are harder to break/erase,but given time they too will pass

vass3rd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 07:42 AM
Edited by vass3rd on Sat 12/19/09 07:44 AM
quick answer = NO

its all a friggin wealth redistribution scam,the 'uncontrolled' coal fires in china ALONE most likely produce more ACTUAL toxic greenhouse gases than the industry of most countries combined.
That fact also combined with china being the worlds largest industrial infrastructure constanly pumping out pollutants

oh and co2 is poisonous and dangerous, give mother earth a break..please stop breathing.Last time i checked we had these awesome high tech machines that process co2,they are called 'trees'

these climate nazis cause me to desire violence,savage,savage violence..maybe the esrb or congress can step in to muzzle them before violence happens..oh too late..yea.......

man i wish i could be paid to lie and make up 'stuff'..that would be awesome

and all this practically on the heels of new and improved healthcare-taxes
oh yes its a great day to be an american,looking forward to my new red flag

vass3rd's photo
Wed 03/05/08 02:30 PM
yawning -- not an insult..just a word :)

vass3rd's photo
Wed 03/05/08 02:29 PM
is based on the picture ?

charon - not a god,but just as important

vass3rd's photo
Wed 03/05/08 02:25 PM
bored - yup,always

vass3rd's photo
Thu 01/17/08 09:42 AM
i think its great that you know what you do and do NOT want
-and if the judgements of mere busy-bodies mattered the world would be wildly different

now wouldnt it ?

if ppl bother you in the future,simply tell them its a private issue and not up for discussion
-or remind them that they are not an important enough FRIEND to discuss the issue with

some of my favorites go away lines :
"what was your name again ?" "where are YOUR children ?"
"gossip running dry ?"

and the ever popular "thanks mom !"
*if said to actual mom then walk away*

a pretty universal deterent is
"thank you for your opinion"
-then promptly turn your back to them and walk off

i realise some ppl cant handle even a hint of conflict,in this case realeasing a heavy *sigh*
-then excusing yourself can equally get you dislodged from them

and finally,as i tell everybody
-the only opinion that matters is yours


vass3rd's photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:12 PM
HA i already got the first emo response :)

but the book of revelations says that the end will come when the arabs ingage in an all out assault on -israel-

so it could be soon :)

i would really really really like to see :
:syria,palestine,pakistan,egypt,or iran start a full assault on israel

i will vry much enjoy watching the minute by minute footage

of israel --NUKING-- most of the middle east :)

that would rock

ppl..the arabs in particular seem to forget that
####israel IS a nuclear power !!!!!!####

and they wont hesitate to use it

vass3rd's photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:03 PM
havent seen any serious -male itch- commercials for a while

the gold bond commercial is very toned down..but close

vass3rd's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:50 PM
its wishful thinking..but i could get behind it

this world cant die soon enough