Community > Posts By > pdu82

pdu82's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:24 PM
Moved to NC when I was 4 (don't remember anywhere else). Lived in Hickory and grew up in Winston, currently living in Charlotte.

pdu82's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:09 PM
Mine is... of course I'm catholic so it's love and guilt... but mostly love. 'Love thy neighbor as thyself'.

By neighbor... I mean fellow man.

I wish I could explain love... but... it's unlike anything else and can't be broken down to describe in bits... and analogy is pretty much screw'd. Love is like a broken fire hydrant??? Um... no.

Oh and it's really not easy... seriously... you'd think it would be.

pdu82's photo
Tue 01/01/08 08:56 PM
Edited by pdu82 on Tue 01/01/08 08:57 PM
Don't cha hate it when the thread you're about to post in is deleted.

MissKris87, I'd love to discuss religion with you some time... and if you're really good at debating religion I'd love to give you one of my family members contact information (as soon as I bother getting it... she's a bit of a pain)... to start a knock-down drag-out no holds barred religious rumble sometime. (they're always fun). Though the 50 miles block stops me from messaging you.

I think this is miss kris' post
I'll try to be more clear... I do not believe in god, heaven or any of that other crap. What I'm saying is you can't prove his so called existence to me so it makes no difference to me.
Unfortunately I must agree with this one... the existence of god can't be proven to most people... I think, however, that god wants faith... and that proof... would force people to mindlessly believe (those that weren't in denial).

As for the direct proof of god... well jesus christ has a number of recorded eye witness testimony's of miracles, some of which are fairly spectacular... walking on water... water to wine... impressive stuff. Though you probably want video evidence (where is my circa 20 bc videotape... hrm).

As for another measure of proof... people have been weighed at the time of death and there is a measure of weight loss that cannot be accounted for by air, or other means we've yet realized. But if weight is lost at the time of death, something must account for that weight. For this I propose the human soul. "Once all other possibilities have been accounted for, whatever remains, however preposterous, must be true." Unless you have a better explanation.
I'm not going to argue semantics... soul, spirit, life force, chakra, ki, whatever you want to call it... I call it a soul.

Anyway... If I've made you question your reality... write down a list of those question and go to that girl you like with them. ;)

If not... go to her... tell her you like her and let her try to convert you(what have you got to lose... and she may fall in love with you as she's trying). Tell her you're not going to 'pay lip service' (god doesn't like that) and be honest with her about what you believe. And if she does manage to convert you... :). That's kinda what I'm hoping for.

Oh and one little tip... remember to tell her that 'actions speak louder than words' if she gets a bit too preachy... and try spending a day down at a soup kitchen or somewhere feeding the poor. I wouldn't worry about this thread being closed down... enough good people can recover it.

Finally, I have no clue if any of this will actually work. Though I do have one last ditch idea. Print this:

The final reason that I'd marry someone who wasn't christian is simple... I think I could show her god. And... well... peek through the bible at the points about saving a soul. Though I don't mind if she doesn't convert... but personally... that's only because I really enjoy religious debates and having someone to debate against would make the debates much better... and eventually... I'd get good enough that I might be able to save a few more souls.

Good luck and god bless.
- Shaun

P.S. I'd write a direct response... but your original post is gone and I hope I answered your question. The original was a guy who didn't believe in god who likes a woman that does.

Finally, please don't delete this thread because of a few small people with closed minds... it's just letting them win. Ignore them and don't justify their actions.

So... what do you think? Should I write shorter posts? Have I converted anyone?