pdu82 "Hey, it's me."
41 year old man from Charlotte, North Carolina      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About pdu82
First, let me say that my financial situation is not stable and I will not get married while in debt. It would suck to die and leave a wife behind with such a burden. Second, I'm stuck in 'guy pays even if broke' mode... so I'm not dating... which is fine because I'm very picky anyway. (But... out of 6 billion I get one... it's kinda a good excuse.) Any game programmers, I'm learning it as a hobby (dont' worry ladies... I have no intention of taking on the overcompeive underpaid world of videogame programming as a job, I plan a practical offshoot. Once my friend said, "I don't care if they pay me minimum wage and I have to live in a trailer, I will program videogames." I just... knew it was a matter of drive, and I'm fundamentally more practical than that.). I'm honest (to a fault), not rich (but if it's heavily in debt due to college you're looking for, I'm your man), and I don't drive(but I can crash ANYTHING!). Public transportation works in a pinch. I'm also a nerd and many nerd-ly/geekly things appeal to me. The MUTUAL MATCH thing is kinda annoying... I rate random people until I happen to get around to the person who rated me... it might leave people with tons of false leads... especially since I rate women who I think like me more positively(I also react more positively to them). So... if you like me... send me a message! Yay... you clicked here! My life is compleet... :P If you're from Charlotte... welcome to one of the top 10 worst cities for singles! But don't worry, your search is over... maybe! I've been on personal ad sites for a while and I've learned... I'm absolutely the last person you should listen to about who I am. I tend to say I'm broke (thrifty and don't have much spare money)... and don't have a car... and list other problems first thing. Nine times out of ten I never even get to my good qualities. (I was so tempted to stop here... so very tempted). I'm a nice guy... who's been corrupted just a bit... trying to regain what he lost. I like to make people laugh... and whenever there's an opportunity I try to lighten the mood. Disclaimer: Quality of humor may vary by situation, sense of humor of the one recognizing the joke, energy level, and phase of the moon. I'm not terribly worried about being broke or car-less. It's easier to trust that a woman will take you for richer or poorer when she met you at 'poorer'. Finally, I've seen what money does to people... it's not pretty. Disclaimer: This is not a guarantee that the richer will ever happen. In fact, it's statistically unlikely considering my future job (computer programmer). The rest of this section is a prototype... feedback appreciated. The typical woman as seen on plentyoffish (I ume just because it's not adjusted for her being a woman). High Self Confidence Family Oriented Low Self Control (this one worries me a little... but explains a lot) High openness (well... makes sense if you're really putting yourself out there). High easygoingness (Wow... after five minutes it's like I don't need to read the personality asessments anymore... I'd say two thumbs up... but this doesn't really tell me very much). My compliments to the women with low open-ness for being so brave. Amusing... a woman I consider very attractive has an average vote of between 5.77 from the 18-25 range. And yet a woman I don't consider attractive has an average of 4.47 This actually makes sense as... average is really attractive. Let me explain. What you accept as normal is the average of every face you've ever seen in your lifetime. Your definition of beauty also falls in along this line. If you average the faces of thousands of women you end up with a picture that most men would consider extremely attractive. So... average is beautiful. In terms of looks the fewer standard deviations from mean is better... but... if you actually understood that, don't worry about it, you get a p(I value intelligence). Wow... still reading... okay... some important stuff. Listen, I get a lot of crap from women online. Not that I mind... it's fun failing their little tests(fun in person too). I just have one thing to say to all of you... you throw all this out and the guys you don't want... the ones who are desperate... they take it and they still keep coming. The guys you do want, however, the guys who have options... choices... the whole human beings... they don't take it. It seems like you might be tossing out the baby with the bathwater. To be completely honest... I'm a nice guy... and I (almost) always act like it. I'm interested in what you have to say and who you are even if I'm not interested in you romantically. So... don't reel in the line till I've taken the bait. And that might be the only tip I give you. (Update:)I really need to finish a profile for this site... but I lack motivation. I've met some really interesting people... unfortunately... they never got to meet me. The real me can never be condensed into a few lines of text or a description, I'm a human being... no way I could ever be so limited. I do better in person than I do on the internet... this is another chance... but by no means my only chance or my best. I don't care where I meet the right woman, only that I meet her. P.S. My current obsession of the moment is self-improvement and memory improvement.
Profession: Student
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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