Community > Posts By > snacky

snacky's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:11 AM
yeah i'm sure.. well, i'm off of here for a while.. kinda slow and
boring i'll be back on later.. ttfn

snacky's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:04 AM
Welcome to the site.. have fun :)

snacky's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:04 AM
lol.. yeah i missed a lot.. but i ain't about to go back and read 3
weeks worth of bullitens lol

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:57 PM
damn, i guess those pictures didnt work.. *sigh*.. i go to my account
and i got like 4 friend requests lmao..

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:55 PM
yeah, i get people askin me if i work out all the time.. but i don't..
i've always been all muscle ;) .. the boys in middle school were afraid
of me.. i guess i looked intimidating.. *shrugs*

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:53 PM
lol purple.. i don't work out.. never have

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:44 PM
lol purple.. i guess i just jump in at the right moment huh? i'm doing
good how's things with you?

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:42 PM
but i got my muscles showin.. that wont scare them away? :( lol

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:39 PM
Hey ya'll.. how's it goin.. maybe those jerks will leave me alone now
that i got this new picture up lol.. they'll really think i'm psycho now

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:17 AM
ewwwwww lol animal.. and thanks

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 08:43 AM
*blushes*.. now i feel special hehe

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:28 AM
man, i ate a bunch of brocolli a couple days ago lol

anyways i'm off to bed now goodnight

and if someone sees bad before i do tell him he's a fkface for ignoring
me but talkin to everyone else :( anyways i'm off ttyl

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:23 AM
lol yeah.. i guess i did 'over-do it' on the break thing eh? lol

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:22 AM
yeah i don't know where dabad is.. that fkface hasnt even sent me a
message.. he ignoring me :(

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:21 AM
hello shadow

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:19 AM
Hello CCP! *throws a naked frog at you*

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:17 AM
yeah i guess you're right but it still gets annoying

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:15 AM
a bunch of crack heads that never sleep! haha j/k goodmorning everyone..
i'm not gonna read 4 pages of goodmornings so i'm just jumpin in right
here in this spot that was made just for me :) hehe

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:11 AM
yeah a bunch of jerks and perverts after me lol.. i guess i attract them
for some reason.. had a couple guys tell me i looked special in my
pictures so i took them all down.. then i keep getting IMs from
perverts.. had one guy IM me that told me i was beautiful then said
'NOT'.. so i hope they're all gone.. sorry haven't been on much.. just
tired of people i guess.. but i'll try to be on more.. jump in every now
and then to say hi and stuff

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:01 AM
havin a great time.. sorry took so long to respond was reading jokes..
was zoned out lol and it could be the fact that i haven't been to bed
yet.. how are you doing iam?

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