Topic: Snacky's here have no fear!
snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:39 PM
Hey ya'll.. how's it goin.. maybe those jerks will leave me alone now
that i got this new picture up lol.. they'll really think i'm psycho now

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:41 PM
nope..i still think you're cute as lol

ya can't hide cute got that ...that cute look..i dunno how
to explain

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:42 PM
but i got my muscles showin.. that wont scare them away? :( lol

purplecat's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:43 PM
WHAY ARE YOU PSHYCIC or what girl ?!? I was just thinkin a minute
ago..." what ever happened to SNACKY!!! " AND POOF

there she is !!! hey how you doin!!!???!!! ;}

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:44 PM
lol purple.. i guess i just jump in at the right moment huh? i'm doing
good how's things with you?

purplecat's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:46 PM
Same ol' same ol' good and ..BAD . heh heh........;}

Kevin3824's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:49 PM
Mussels huh?

purplecat's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:52 PM
Been goin to the gym.?.good for you !!

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:53 PM
lol purple.. i don't work out.. never have

purplecat's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:54 PM
wow //looks like you haul around a thirty + pound kid and
chase !! so I dont need a gym ..but like to go anyway..

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:55 PM
yeah, i get people askin me if i work out all the time.. but i don't..
i've always been all muscle ;) .. the boys in middle school were afraid
of me.. i guess i looked intimidating.. *shrugs*

snacky's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:57 PM
damn, i guess those pictures didnt work.. *sigh*.. i go to my account
and i got like 4 friend requests lmao..

purplecat's photo
Fri 12/29/06 11:57 PM
HEH HEH ,, I know what thats like.

purplecat's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:03 AM
well you have missed many important meetings !!
There is a bunch of jello's piling up over there --> that we set a side
for you !!

snacky's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:04 AM
lol.. yeah i missed a lot.. but i ain't about to go back and read 3
weeks worth of bullitens lol

purplecat's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:09 AM
bleh worries ,,you didn't miss to much ..and I'm sure
you'll get filled in on the important stuff.

snacky's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:11 AM
yeah i'm sure.. well, i'm off of here for a while.. kinda slow and
boring i'll be back on later.. ttfn

purplecat's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:13 AM
adios amigo !! have a good nite!!