Community > Posts By > LauraLynn08
oh please.. just because she cried does not mean anything except she's not (wo)man enough to be president. she flip flops on important issues- like immigration. i HATE hillary more then life itself. edit: bill was a crappy president. he made many stupid mistakes.. HELLO he was impeached! and his personal life issues have nothing to do with me not liking him- it's that he just wasted everyones time. Reagan was an amazing president- we need someone like him in office asap. Where do you get your information? Bill Clinton did more for this country than the presidents before him and after him. By the way, he was not impeached. And Hilary, was a proponent for great change in health care and many other issues, if you are a woman and don't know what Hilary has and will do for woman's issues, I suggest you read up and read up quick. |
Maybe I'm Old Fashioned...
I agree, a person should show self respect and then respect for others. Young ladies acting out badly is not attractive. I am not saying I cannot get down and dirty with the best of them and cuss and fight and all that but that is only when pushed. I act like a lady. It is my self respect that I am showing by doing it. One cannot expect to get respect if they don't even show any for themselves. JMO Very well said. |
And just a quick defense on my behalf here ![]() Again, Ethics cannot be instilled from one person to another, your ethics and someone elses ethics are going to be different, and by telling me that my ethics are wrong, you are also telling me that you are superior to me because your ethics are better than mine. This is part of the whole problem with this issue, a bunch of people who are not involved with my life want to tell me what is right and wrong for me? (by the way, I have never had an abortion, which neither here nor there) Stop pushing your views on eveyone else, we are in agreement, I don't think children should be aborted, however, it is not my decision to make, so why would I impose my views on anyone else? There is a movie out it is a few years old, the name of it eludes me right now, it is about an abortion doctor in England I think it was, before it was legal, and showed how many women were doing it even though it was illegal, and showed how many women did not get proper care before, during and after. Look at it this way, If I said that it was ethically wrong to have proceedures that enable you to have children, for those women who have healt problems. So if you have a health problem that you cannot have children, I think it is ethically wrong to superceed God's will for you to not have children. God obviously did not want you to have them, or he would have made it so. so if you go into the hospital to have those sorts of procedures, I am going to picket the hospital, I am going to throw eggs at you, and I may even find your home # and harras you at home. Ethically it is wrong to me for you to do this, so I will stop you. What a totolitarian state that would be, when does the good of one outweigh the good of many? When you have a vagina you can do whatever you want with it. |
Maybe I'm Old Fashioned...
When men stopped treating us like ladies is when we stopped being one. The last man I went out with, on a first date, asked me in the middle of dinner if I had a place for him to put his toothbrush when we got home. I excused myself to the restroom, called my friend and had her pick me up. Don't throw stones at the women, start with your own team first. I will give you a bye on the idea that some men are nothing more than pigs hun, but the very same thing is true about women also. I treat every single female I meet as a lady (opening doors, trying not to use too foul of language in her presence [I do fail sometimes at this one] going with her choice when we are undecided about what to do, etc. etc. etc.). I always treat a female as a lady unless she acts in a way to state she is not a lady. For example: cussing like a sailor (forgive me sailors, lol), pouring alchohol down their throats like they are a dried out sponge that needs to be saturated in order to survive, throwing punches at someone simply because they disagree with them. In other words if a female acts with respect towards herself and others, I treat her with that same respect and dignity. If hse is crass and crude and belligerent I dont have the time of day to even achnowledge her. Some guys, try most guys. You may not, or a few others, but for the most part from what I have seen in the last few months it's not worth getting ready for a date that is going to end badly. |
I say you should not, you say you should not, I don't think there are many people who say you should, but that is a question of morals and ethics, and who are you or I to tell someone else what they should or should not do?
Personally, I don't think people should get welfare, it is a principal of morals and ethics for me, I think if you are able to work you should not collect government money to simply live, but what I think someone should or should not do, is none of my business. I think if you collect welfare, you owe the government and you should either be forced to be in the military or clean the highways or something. But that is just what I think, due to my morals and ethics. I am not going to force them on someone else. |
I've read threw alot of this, but honestly it has become a bore to me.
1. Yes it takes two to make a child, yes both parties are responsible for birthcontrol. If a child is conceived, it is both of their FAULTS? 2. although it is judgemental women most of the time bare the burden of taking care of the children, even in a two parent household, cooking, cleaning, sleepless nights. 3. Again judgemental, however it SEEMS as though on most occasions when a parent leaves it is the man that leaves the children, and alot of times without any support what so ever. (NOT ALWAYS, BUT STATISTICALLY, although those statistics are less the men leaving and the women leaving are gaining. So a woman must decide how to handle the situation, even if the man says he will be there, People lie... you can only rely on yourself. 4. It is her body that is being used for 9 months and his body was only used for three and a half minutes. So doing that math it should be a 99.9/.01 percent decision. 5. Why debate it, no one is going to change their mind because you tell them to. Since as of now it is what it is, let it go. Stop trying to push your thought process onto someone else. It is pointless, you are not going to change anyone. |
Planned Parenthood receives almost a third of its money in government grants and contracts ($305.3 million in FY 2006). It received $345.1 million in clinic income that year, $212.2 million in private contributions and bequests, $33 million in other income and $7.2 million for the Alan Guttmacher Institute for a total of $902.8 million.[1] Some pro-life organizations that disagree with Planned Parenthood's mission and services have set up campaigns and petitions to stop Planned Parenthood from receiving government funding.[ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about Planned Parenthood Federation of America. For the international organization ![]() Planned Parenthood does more than just abortions, in fact less than 20 percent of their patients are there for that reason. Planned Parenthood, also does pap smears (a test that can detect certain types of canser) for women who are under privledged, they also perscribe birthcontrol, they also teach in the community. They do more than just abortions, but of course someone who is anti-choice would use statistics to their own advantage, you can manipulate statistics to say whatever you want them to say. |
Maybe I'm Old Fashioned...
When men stopped treating us like ladies is when we stopped being one.
The last man I went out with, on a first date, asked me in the middle of dinner if I had a place for him to put his toothbrush when we got home. I excused myself to the restroom, called my friend and had her pick me up. Don't throw stones at the women, start with your own team first. |
All of this rapture talk makes me laugh, it sounds much like the Moon Bop cult that all wore Nike tennis shoes and had bunk beds, does anyone but me see the irony in the two? It may not be called the Moon Bop, but it was something like that.
Now on to this whole "Jesus saves" therory, I have seen first hand people who were devout saved Christians, they lived good clean lives, were "saved" and then died miserable deaths, where they died slow and painful deaths, I have been at a bed side when someone like this passed, I saw the pain in their eyes, and the wanting for it all just to be over. Is this how your god treats it's most religious people? Is this his divine plan? Well screw your god. It is a little easier to believe that God simply manages what happens here, he does not interfear at all. He's not Santa, making a list and checking it twice, to find out who's naughty and nice. If we are truely all of God's children, then we are all of God's children. Just like if you have children of your own, and one misbehaves, or is a constant misbehaver. You don't turn your back on them do you? You don't leave them out of your will do you? All of you "fundy" need to take a good hard look at what you do and spew around town, would your parents ground the misbehaver or would they ground both the misbehaver and the antaginizer? My parents would have grounded us both, but then I have good parents. |
The Happiest Man on Earth
Why does an observation of logic versus blind adoration of this God always have its followers accusing the logical observer of being the antichrist? Would that mean that anyone who thought Jesus was a Blasphemer be an antichrist - based on the word itself apparently. Interesting that antichrist always get pulled out when its God being questioned, why aren't they called an Anti-God? For the same reason it is called pro-choice and pro-abortion, shouldn't it be called pro-choice and anti-choice, when people want things to look negative they add a negative spin on them. |
One false move.
Wow, Amy that's great, I thought about what you told me the other night too, and thanks, I needed that. Your not to bad yourself.
i've known this girl
Why ask, you are not going to leave her, if you would, you wouldn't have to ask that question.