Community > Posts By > ImDavid

ImDavid's photo
Thu 07/16/09 06:46 AM
A blonde was shopping at Target and came across a shiny silver thermos.

She was quite fascinated by it, so she picked it up and took it to the clerk to ask what it was.

The clerk said, 'Why, that's a thermos... it keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold.'

'Wow, said the blonde, 'that's amazing.... I'm going to buy it!' So she bought the thermos and took it to work the next day.

Her boss saw it on her desk. 'What's that,' he asked?'

'Why, that's a thermos... it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold,' she replied.

Her boss inquired, 'What do you have in it?'

The blond replied...'Two popsicles and some coffee.'

ImDavid's photo
Tue 07/14/09 10:38 AM
Edited by ImDavid on Tue 07/14/09 10:38 AM
A blonde hurried into the emergency room late one night with the tip of her index finger shot off. 'How did this happen?' the emergency room doctor asked her.

'Well, I was trying to commit suicide,' the blonde replied.

'What?' sputtered the doctor. 'You tried to commit suicide by shooting off your finger?'

'No, Silly' the blonde said. 'First I put the gun to my chest, and then I thought, 'I just paid $6,000.00 for these implants. I'm not shooting myself in the chest.'

'So then?' asked the doctor.

'Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought, 'I just paid $3,000.00 to get my teeth straightened. I'm not shooting myself in the mouth.'

'So then?'

'Then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought: 'This is going to make a loud noise. So I put my finger in my other ear before I pulled the trigger.'

ImDavid's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:19 AM
Two blonds with hammers... Carol and Donna, were doing some carpentry work on a Habitat for Humanity house.

Carol, who was nailing down house siding, would reach into her nail pouch, pull out a nail and either toss it over her shoulder or nail it in.

Donna, figuring this was worth looking into, asked, 'Why are you throwing those nails away?'

Carol explained, 'When I pull a nail out of my pouch, about half of them have the head on the wrong end and I throw them away.'

Donna got completely upset and yelled, 'You moron! Those nails aren't defective! They're for the other side of the house!'

ImDavid's photo
Thu 07/09/09 09:47 AM
Edited by ImDavid on Thu 07/09/09 09:47 AM
So after landing my new job as a Wal-Mart greeter, a good find for many retirees, I lasted less than a day......

About two hours into my first day on the job a very loud, unattractive, mean-acting woman walked into the store with her two kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance.

As I had been instructed, I said pleasantly, 'Good morning and welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?'

The ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to say, 'Hell no, they ain't twins. The oldest one's 9, and the other one's 7. Why the hell would you think they're twins? Are you blind, or just stupid?'

So I replied, 'I'm neither blind nor stupid, Ma'am, I just couldn't believe someone slept with you twice. Have a good day and thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.'

My supervisor said I probably wasn't cut out for this line of work.

ImDavid's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:37 PM
Just seems to me it would carry more merit if they did when he was alive.

Waiting until he was dead seems more like a manipulation by the media.

ImDavid's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:03 PM

Here you go, direct from wikipedia:

In 2009, after the death of Michael Jackson, Chandler admitted he had lied and that in fact Jackson had never abused him.

Why did they all wait until he died instead of admit it while he was alive to exonerate him? To get rid of the accusations? To clear his name? Seems you care more about defending him than the people who know him.

ImDavid's photo
Wed 07/08/09 12:56 PM
... waking up one morning and realizing that your high school class is now running the country..... rant

ImDavid's photo
Wed 07/08/09 12:00 PM
A woman recently lost her husband. She had him cremated and brought his ashes home.

Picking up the urn that he was in, she poured him out on the counter. Then, while tracing her fingers in the ashes, she started talking to him:

"Irving, you know that fur coat you promised me? I bought it with the insurance money!"

"Irving, remember that new car you promised me? Well, I also bought it with the insurance money!"

"Irving, that emerald necklace you promised me? I bought it too, with the insurance money."

Still tracing her finger in the ashes, she said: "Irving, remember that b**w j*b I promised you? Well, here it comes!"

ImDavid's photo
Sun 07/05/09 12:27 PM
A woman visited a plastic surgeon who told her about a new procedure called 'The Knob,' where a small knob is placed at the top of the woman's head and could be turned to tighten up her skin and produce the effect of a brand new face-lift. Of course, the woman wanted 'The Knob.'

Over the course of the years, the woman tightened the knob, and the effects were wonderful, the woman remained young looking and vibrant.

After fifteen years, the woman returned to the surgeon with two problems.

'All these years, everything has been working just fine. I've had to turn the knob many times and I've always loved the results. But now I've developed two annoying problems: First, I have these terrible bags under my eyes and the knob won't get rid of them.'

The doctor looked at her closely and said, 'Those aren't bags, those are your breasts.'

She said, 'Well, I guess there's no point in asking about the goatee.'

ImDavid's photo
Sat 07/04/09 09:38 PM

One of the many gripes in your opening post was (and these are your words):

I just don't understand what makes a celebrity death so much more important than a regular person's death.

Yes, Michael Jackson was a great entertainer, but why should his life mean more to me, an average person, than mine would mean to him?

Does a celebrity morn (sic) the death of a fan, the one who made them the celebrity they are?

I answered that question. So again I ask you, are you mad because I answered your question? Or, are you mad because I was ABLE to answer your queston? OR....are you just mad because I was able to answer your question which you presumed to be unanswerable?
You are just so full of yourself. A self appointed expert maybe? You don't know me. I am not mad about anything. You give yourself too much credit where I am concerned.

You keep going back to MJ.. it isn't about him that I posted this. His death, being the third of celebrities, just made me think about the big deal made of celebrity deaths.

You are judging me without knowing me. If anyone seems angered in their response, it is you. You answered in your opinion, and I told you I respected your views. YOU on the other hand, have absolutely no respect for my views. It is only my opinion, not how I think things should be. And it actually started out as a question wondering why, to be answered. Not being given sarcastic answers as many have given just because I don't feel about a celebrity as they do. Most of the answers given were in defending a certain celebrity. Not giving me insight as to why such a big deal. Even when I mentioned doctors whose actions affect more lives, it was still given that celebrities are more important for their dancing, singing and acting.

How come no one responded on my observation on how much Joe Jackson cared more about promoting his new record label first than talking about his son?

I don't want to be in a group of fanatics. Mob mentality just gets so distorted.

I am just as sorry for the death of Billy Mays as I am about Karl Malden as I am about Michael Jackson. It is sad when anyone dies... my question was WHY IS A CELEBRITY SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT? Only a moment for someone who does good for the world, but so far a week for someone who sang and danced.

Yes, they may not touch my heart as much as they touch yours. But because we disagree in our opinions doesn't give anyone the right to be disrespectful and try to belittle the other.

I am done with responding to this topic.... People can't respond and comment as adults. Cutting someone down or falsely accusing them of "being mad" is discouraging.

ImDavid's photo
Thu 07/02/09 04:10 PM
Edited by ImDavid on Thu 07/02/09 04:10 PM
A old couple went to Jerusalem for their vacation. The woman, as usual, was complaining about the heat, complaining about the food, nag nag nag nag.

In the middle of one her nagging episodes, she suddenly dropped dead.

The husband summoned the undertaker who told him. "You can ship your wife home for $5,000 if you want to bury her there, or for $150 we can bury her here in the Holy land."

The old man thought for a while and decided. "I want to have her shipped home."

Well of course, the undertaken was surprised. "But sir, think of the money you will be saving. And of course, the chance for her to be buried in such a holy place. Why would you prefer to ship her home for burial?"

"Well," said the old man, "many years ago they buried a fellow here and 3 days later he rose from the dead. I don't think I want to take that chance!"

ImDavid's photo
Thu 07/02/09 07:50 AM

I don't care if he went on sabbatical or not. Are you too busy trying to defend a celebrity to understand the idea behind the post? My comment was only because it was dramatized that he was so upset he quit touring... like it was a big thing. To me, if he was so upset and traumatized by that event, he would have gone on to find other work.... like some other celebrities who got fed up with the limelight. He's a sell out in my opinion. He "rested" for 3 yrs... big f'ing deal. Then he got right back to doing what is probably the only thing he could do. Do you still subscribe to Tiger Beat?

Whatsamatter? Are you just mad that I was able to answer your question?

So,'re some big-shot doctor. Something happens, and one of your patients dies. Are you trying to tell me you'd have no problem being so upset, you'd give up your career as a doctor to become a cab driver? Get real.

Oh, and by the way... I do know a doctor who got so upset by not being able to handle the disappointment of not being able to "save" most of his patients who were very ill that he did quit. Now he plays more with his band that started out as an outlet to forget the day to day grind of medicine. Nothing famous, no real selling CDs, but he is much happier now.

ImDavid's photo
Thu 07/02/09 07:43 AM
Edited by ImDavid on Thu 07/02/09 07:46 AM

Sad thing about your comment is this: most of us are worth more dead than alive. Have life insurance? A house? A car? Die....if you have these things....your family will profit from your death. Hense.....worth more dead than alive. If you had cd's and they were left alone by the deseased's family it would grow and become more valuable....still more than alive.

Not always... my "deceased" parents died and left nothing, as did their parents before them. I even had to pay the funeral for my father and probate the estate. In essence, it cost me when he passed. So even though I see what you are saying, that is not always the point. So no, not still more valuable than alive.

ImDavid's photo
Thu 07/02/09 07:42 AM

I feel sorry for the boy( can you really call him anything else) as you all wont let him rest in peace....If your a fan(I am not) then you know he obviously didnt "LIKE" being scattered all over the news...LET HIM REST IN PEACE!!! Guilty of anything or not hes the one who has to be judged and now it wont be by us!!!!
The post I started is not about Michael Jackson. It just seems to have evolved into it.

ImDavid's photo
Thu 07/02/09 07:19 AM

I don't care if he went on sabbatical or not. Are you too busy trying to defend a celebrity to understand the idea behind the post? My comment was only because it was dramatized that he was so upset he quit touring... like it was a big thing. To me, if he was so upset and traumatized by that event, he would have gone on to find other work.... like some other celebrities who got fed up with the limelight. He's a sell out in my opinion. He "rested" for 3 yrs... big f'ing deal. Then he got right back to doing what is probably the only thing he could do. Do you still subscribe to Tiger Beat?

Whatsamatter? Are you just mad that I was able to answer your question?

So,'re some big-shot doctor. Something happens, and one of your patients dies. Are you trying to tell me you'd have no problem being so upset, you'd give up your career as a doctor to become a cab driver? Get real.

Doctors actually make a REAL difference in people's lives as opposed to entertaining them. Big difference. Also, doctors are trained to deal with the tragedies that occur in their profession. It is expected in their work to expect death and debilitating injuries. Not the same thing as someone singing trying to entertain the public. I respect your point of view, more it seems than you do mine, but I am sorry. I just can't feel sorry for an entertainer of any sort more than just a regular everyday person. Death is sad no matter who it is. I just can't grasp making such a big deal for an actor or singer. Yes, I expect that the announcement will be made in the media because of their celebrity status, but by continuing to make a big deal over it only lines the pockets of those who put them in the spotlight to begin with. Look at MJ's father.... he was more intent on promoting his new record label at the BET and only talked about the death of his son after it was pointed out the he neglected to say anything about it. It's not the death of the person I am griping about. It's like everything else done by the media... blowing the coverage way out of proportion. Amazing how, like Elvis, he will now be worth more dead than alive. That in itself is another disappointment I feel for celebrities.

ImDavid's photo
Wed 07/01/09 08:12 PM

Yes, they do. Here's just one example:

A 14-year-old girl named Bernadette Whelan died of heart faiure on May 30, 1974, four days after collapsing at a concert held by David Cassidy at London's White City Stadium. Six hundred and fifty were injured, and 30 taken to the hospital. The shaken Cassidy brought Whelan a bouquet of flowers as she lie unconscious in the hospital, and sent her parents a letter of regret. When she died, he was so rattled, he quit both touring and The Partridge Family, and took a 3-year sabbatical. Whelan's death was a turning point in his career, and he's never forgotten her.

So yes, it does happen.

So much so that he is now doing a major gig in Vegas....

... and your point is? The guy showed compassion for his fans to the tune of a 3-year sabbatical, but that's not good enough for you? What did you want him to do, shut down the rest of his life? We all need to move on and live our lives at some point, and I think the fact that DC showed the kind of caring that he did should be credited to him.
I don't care if he went on sabbatical or not. Are you too busy trying to defend a celebrity to understand the idea behind the post? My comment was only because it was dramatized that he was so upset he quit touring... like it was a big thing. To me, if he was so upset and traumatized by that event, he would have gone on to find other work.... like some other celebrities who got fed up with the limelight. He's a sell out in my opinion. He "rested" for 3 yrs... big f'ing deal. Then he got right back to doing what is probably the only thing he could do. Do you still subscribe to Tiger Beat?

ImDavid's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:08 PM

billy mayes just bit it..
Vince from Sham-Wow is my guess as to who did Billy in

ImDavid's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:07 PM

Is it okay to say that OJ and Robert Blake were guilty? tongue2

ok. I give up. I guess there is no topic. My apologies to the posters in the thread.

I now remember why I quit posting in forums before...oops oops oops oops oops oops oops oops offtopic offtopic offtopic offtopic offtopic offtopic offtopic offtopic

Don't quit, please. I like your posts.flowerforyou
My Post... can take it wherever I want.... tongue2

ImDavid's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:20 PM
Is it okay to say that OJ and Robert Blake were guilty? tongue2

ImDavid's photo
Mon 06/29/09 08:40 AM
Never mind... it just goes in a circle I guess... lol

That was not the point of my post. It's not about MJ. It's about the silliness given to a celebrity death over the death of someone else.

Where was the TRIBUTE to the doctors who made breakthroughs in medicine when they passed? I am sure what they did was much more important than entertainment.

Or the scientists that helped man reach the moon and other extraordinary discoveries? Isn't that a global occurrence that everyone benefited from?

I am not knocking your feelings for celebrities. Fans are fans; no one should try to take that away from them. I just can't see crying and getting so worked up for someone I never knew. I liked his music, I like Billy Mays even! Ed McMahon made me laugh, and Farrah introduced me to boyhood fantasy. I was a big John Wayne fan, Stevie Rae Vaughn fan, Vincent Price fan, even liked Elvis and John Lennon. But my world did not collapse and stop when they died.

When I heard the news they passed, I paused, reflected a little, said a silent prayer, and went on with my day. I can't see crying, leaving work, taking a day off from work, and just wanting to be left alone because someone who I never met and who was not concerned about me, a celebrity, passed away.

It's not that I don't like celebrities. I appreciate that they worked and sacrificed to get where they are. But without people, they wouldn't be on that pedestal.

People touch our lives everyday with their music, their acting, their literary works, but I feel that without us, they wouldn't be who they are.

Okay, sitting in a comfortable chair waiting to get slammed by rebuttals again.... waving

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