Community > Posts By > MCLOVIN4ALL

Wed 03/19/08 09:00 PM
gotta start with the ears, until it's a chocolate chipmunk. Then chew off the head. It's cannibalism if we were bunnies, too.

Wed 03/19/08 08:48 PM
Edited by MCLOVIN4ALL on Wed 03/19/08 08:50 PM
I use fluorescent lights all the time and enjoy a low bill. In the three years I used them only one ever had a serious issue but never broke. I don't see it recommended to put them in area where a lamp may get knocked over or if you are prone to dropping things- they aren't for you. The mercury is in most fluorescent bulbs including the circular and long bulbs.

A trick when getting rid of them is if you know they will sit around before being picked up, wrap them in duct tape. This will contain the glass and phosphorescent powder.

As for the issue I had, buy name brand higher wattage CFL's. After only 60 days a generic branded CFL shorted out and the filament inside blew up. While the bulb stayed intact it raised concerns about quality and safety if the problem had been worse or no one home when it happened. They are rated to last much much longer. The GE CFL's are fine so far.

The original marketing strategy for the bulbs was use in areas that are difficult to get to, really high ceilings, cellars etc. But do whatever suits you. I live in one of those states mentioned we have all kinds of places in the city to get rid of toxic substances.

Tue 03/18/08 07:25 PM
tell my neighbor to get the dog off or I'm paying it forward.
Ahh the gift that keep on giving

Fri 03/14/08 07:50 PM

Fri 03/14/08 07:09 PM
I was, not as much as she was in love with her plan to try and fake a pregnancy to get me to marry her sooner. Guess she shoulda kept her story straight when lying to me - at the time I worked around REAL pregnant patients.

Wed 03/12/08 06:25 PM
ohh that is crass, but I almost pissed myself laughing. Telling that one at the next office party :-)

Tue 03/11/08 12:14 AM
fall 2003, only because it was one of my best friends wedding day. Otherwise, there is no one in this town worth dancing with.

Fri 02/01/08 12:56 PM
I'm not too sure, but, and I cannot stress the "but" too much- the reason you probably are being asked to turn off user controls is so the recovery software to be able to do what it does without being flagged as malware. I put the but in here because it has been a while since I have worked with the stuff, and there are 13 year olds out there that can figure this stuff out quicker than I can now.

But when you "delete" stuff from the hard drive (HDD) there is a digital print left behind. With special software like what you are probably trying to use- it can go into sensitive areas and reconstruct certain files within a certain time frame. This is why when you dispose of an old computer you don't want to just pitch it in the trash. There is big money to be made in "wiping" old HDD's clean to prevent your sensetive info from being recovered and used. US gov't found this out in the 90's when some old PC's of theirs were found in a dump.

Anyway- if you trust the source of the program you can do that, if you have firewalls setup you can try and grant access to the program, but that may not work due to the nature of the software. It may be viewed as a attack on your system and blocked. If you do turn off the controls- make sure you back up the computer (backup disks/ recovery) before doing so, and make sure you are not connected to the network. I tend to shut off my cable modem when I do that stuff. This will make sure nothing goes out and most importantly, while the personal control is "relinquished", nothing and no one tries to take advantage and get in.

Now there may be more knowledgeable people out there and a super smart 13 year old in the bunch even, so if they say I am full of crap- I already stated I have been out of the tech support game for a few years now. (that is forever in computer time). But maybe this helps.

For future reference- from a phtographer to another- I always immediately back up my image files in triplicate for such an emergency. straight to a disk and stored in a safe place, and in my image library on the computer, and then there is a backup on the computer in an area rarely accessed by any users on my PC. I have lost a whole portfolio years ago, never again.

Sun 01/13/08 12:21 AM
Edited by MCLOVIN4ALL on Sun 01/13/08 12:21 AM

Sun 01/13/08 12:14 AM
i hate to say it, but the internet is like that. This site isn't a close-knit community like some others I have seen- and no i do not mean myspace and facebook where people have killed themselves over the e-bullies being too tough. It is just when some people know they are for the most part anonymous they don't have to, or want to show any kind of restraint on childish cruel behavior.

and the kiss of death is the, "rate me". I have seen decent looking people get blasted.

Sun 01/13/08 12:00 AM
i don't see how you are having a problem finding someone. But i keep hearing this alot in the forums. I have no clue how this site works. it just seems like it would be myspace if it did a lot of heroin.

all laid back, and kinda sleepy.

Can't be anything with you. You read manga and watch anime? Half my Japanese class would be knocking down your door for a date.

just saying.

Sat 01/12/08 11:52 PM
seriously, if she is going to try and get all possessive now- that is a warning she is playing games from the start or a nut. It is the internet- friends list doesn't mean anything unless you are meeting up with these ladies for "intimate" encounters.

Although I only have two people on my list, it could be 2 or 20, I correspond to them and don't expect anything out of it so there for if one tries some weird "...drop the other." crap, forget it. I have noticed on here how people tend to just disappear from contacting you because their boyfriends, or whatever, in real life don't approve.

Unless you met her and there is something there- fugetaboutit.


Sat 01/12/08 09:10 PM
a sat/nav phone- for when i'm ready to rejoin civilization.

Some MRE's - you military people know what I'm talking about.

some matches- it may get cold at night.

Fri 01/11/08 02:54 PM

i could be wrong but i think dating is just that dating but a relationship is when you commit to something more or agree to not see other people. maybe? lol

I meant on here. So if someone says they want a "relationship" they want to immediately be in one without dating?

I believe on this site the person is looking for serious like-minded individuals looking to settle down. So it may start as dating, but if it works they want to know you plan to be around. One would hope. :)

Fri 01/11/08 02:52 PM
I think dating is just going out on a non-comitment basis, unless otherwise agreed on between two people. Or more if that is what you're into.

A relationship, a normal one, is usually an agreement between the two parties involved to be with each other exclusively.

Yeah I am aware that there are variations on these, but that is why you set out what the ground rules and expectations are first.

Thu 01/10/08 04:52 PM

I highly suggest trying other sites, since this one seems to have too many boys and not many friendly, real men on it. drinker

real men don't chase married women.

Thu 01/10/08 04:43 PM
the married thing is probably going to slow anyone worthwhile down from saying anything. that and definitely add in a bit more about yourself. Likes/dislikes, or all the cool points that make you interesting. If you are married- horrible or not, perhaps don't say you are looking for a relationship- try friends, first.

The seeking "relationship" with a married woman will just bring out mostly a scumbag contingent. You don't need that kind of hassle.

Tue 01/08/08 04:55 PM
lots of people say a lot of things about when the end would be, how it would come, and the method of the apocalypse. The world should have come to a screeching halt too many times before, yet hear we are. Paying closer attention to different translations you will see depending on who translates a doomsday prediction, the end doesn't mean we all die, or the world will blow up. It also translates the world will change. There have been major changes in the planets history that didnt manage to kill everything.

I would hold off on purchasing beach front property all the same within the next 10 years and anything that may rely heavily on geomagnetic fields. You can research this on your own. It has to do with the earths natural cycle and it is due to flip again soon.

Thu 01/03/08 05:53 PM
Edited by MCLOVIN4ALL on Thu 01/03/08 06:24 PM
. sorry removed the post. may help but only for commercial calls. not private stalker-types. and contrary to belief. the gov't has made it so it will not expire. been on it from the beginning. work lines, home, and cell. no calls. prior to that some online gambling site was calling me at work- i do not gamble at all so it was weird.

Wed 12/19/07 09:19 PM
Edited by MCLOVIN4ALL on Wed 12/19/07 09:23 PM
who wants a guy who is shallow enough to think waif is the only way to go? seriously. Don't break a sweat over it. Those guys are stuck in some fantasy that has been coddled by Barbie dolls and supermodels. The original ideas of the beautiful woman go way back to a time where wide hips, thick women, and a healthy appetite were signs of a healthy woman. No underfed, waifish, coke model who obsesses over weighing little more than her own skeleton should get you down.

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