Community > Posts By > MrRight101

MrRight101's photo
Wed 11/12/08 02:56 AM
Well I believe that in all situations of the heart that it depends on who you are as a person. Like myself I too had trouble letting go of women in my past, I feel it is the men that have the ability to have compassion for people and not want them to hurt and it makes it difficult to let go....maybe a relationship Stockholm Even some issues of just thinking to yourself...I wonder what she would have done if she was here or certain characteristics you may miss that the person you are with now isnt or cant give you. I dont think you are unique or broken...I think a lot of men experience it but there are so few men that discuss how they feel about things...

MrRight101's photo
Tue 01/08/08 10:27 PM
I also wanted to say one other thing. If you are in a situation where you feel like you can't go on-as you spoke of attempting to take your life. Most importantly you need a friend to lean on. Someone who will listen and not be judgemental. I know its hard, I have sucked on the business end of a gun many times but it isnt as much of what you do as what you don't do in this situation. It sounds like she is looking for something my friend. To understand what it is, is the true mystery and she may not even know. If you are still having thoughts of hurting yourself you need someone who you can call on-it is very important to help you get through the valley's in this situation. Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad but it is the in between that counts. And I can promise you the hard days get fewer with time and the good days show up more often. Hope the best for you

MrRight101's photo
Tue 01/08/08 10:16 PM
I had a similar situation happen to me. I was in the "bawling boat" and couldn't help myself. The thing you have to keep in mind is for one-It is better for this to happen now instead of ten years from now when you could literally be destroyed financially, emotionally and kids could be involved. I know that is hard to hear but it could be worse and if she does it to you now when the relationship is still new and that perverbial cupids arrow is in your heart then it would most definitely happen again. And as for the second-there are many beautiful, smart, wonderful women that you would be proud to take home to mom in this world and you have to stop beating yourself up over it cause there is nothing you can do to change a womans mind once it is made up-She has to come to the decesion if this is what she wants or doesn't want by herself and you have to get a peace about that. And third-this may be the most positive information you will hear but you need to move on with your life for one reason. Once she sees that you can make it without her this will instill a fear of loss. Fear of loss is what motivates us as human beings in a lot of situations. Move on, find someone you can have fun with, if it is meant to be it will works itself out, but most of all-don't beg, don't plead just let her beleive your fine even if your heart is breaking inside. This may be the only true way she will see through the superficial feelings that have caused her to react the way she has. If she comes back-you will know it was meant to be-if she doesn't it would've never worked anyway so you really lost nothing. I hope this helps

MrRight101's photo
Tue 01/08/08 02:48 PM
Im single cause ex-wife is psycho and kept burying girlfriends in her backyardlaugh

MrRight101's photo
Tue 01/08/08 02:37 PM
What is the deal people.I mean it sems like it is impossible trying to find someone who is close enough to your area, sain, and attractive and then when you go to meet them you find out------oh yeah, their married. If I spent as much time trying to meet people in person as I have spent on this computer I would have many, many more contacts-legitimate contacts that is.

MrRight101's photo
Sun 12/30/07 06:47 PM
That was sweet-not a poet-we need one for the men:wink:

MrRight101's photo
Sun 12/30/07 06:30 PM
Hoping for an awesome New Years Eve for everyone-be careful to all and don't drive drunk-and if you drive buzzed be careful.

MrRight101's photo
Sat 12/29/07 09:38 AM
You are so right. I mean you do all the right things-open the doors, go to the nice resturants, pay the bill, tip well,pay her compliments just overall be sweet it just seems no matter what you do something always happens- good women are attracted to disfunctional people and relationships. The better I treat a woman the faster she is gonna leave. What gives ladies? I would love to know. Now I will say that when you find a crazy(and they are out there) those are the ones you cant get rid of. I don't know I guess Im cursed.