Community > Posts By > EmoCin

EmoCin's photo
Sun 03/09/08 03:47 PM

EmoCin's photo
Fri 02/22/08 04:22 AM

The only reason I'm awake is because my allergies have kept me awake all night. I can't hear out of my right ear, and I have snot in my eyeballs >_<

Not exactly random thoughts, but they sound pretty random.

been there. mine is coughing and can't breathe. it's going around here. throat is so sore you can't eat or drink and the doctor's just say it will go away. if you aren't better in 2 weeks come back. after 4 days of no sleep and only getting worse, i just want to go back and if he still won't give me anything i will stab him in the eye with a spork.

Sporks are good. I'm about to stab one in my eye >_<
whats a spork ?

The little spoon fork thingies you get from Kentucky Fried Chicken ^_^

they usually come in plastic.....however you can get them in titanium..... going to order one of those. beware the spork! lol.

TITANIUM SPORKS!!!! They make those? Gotta get me one.

yeah..... found them on some website my ex used to surf. told him i wanted one and he wouldn't let me get one. he said i might try and kill him with it. lol

Beware the titanium spork of DOOOOOM!

I like the plastic ones better, cause you can flick people with it. But you can't do serious damage like you can with the metal ones.

EmoCin's photo
Fri 02/22/08 04:17 AM

The only reason I'm awake is because my allergies have kept me awake all night. I can't hear out of my right ear, and I have snot in my eyeballs >_<

Not exactly random thoughts, but they sound pretty random.

been there. mine is coughing and can't breathe. it's going around here. throat is so sore you can't eat or drink and the doctor's just say it will go away. if you aren't better in 2 weeks come back. after 4 days of no sleep and only getting worse, i just want to go back and if he still won't give me anything i will stab him in the eye with a spork.

Sporks are good. I'm about to stab one in my eye >_<
whats a spork ?

The little spoon fork thingies you get from Kentucky Fried Chicken ^_^

they usually come in plastic.....however you can get them in titanium..... going to order one of those. beware the spork! lol.

TITANIUM SPORKS!!!! They make those? Gotta get me one.

EmoCin's photo
Fri 02/22/08 04:14 AM

Nope ^_^ A lot of people get on before work. I think.

I want some cheese >_<
famonda cheese u like ?

Never heard of it. But since it has the word "cheese" in it, I'm sure I'd enjoy it
it's from under my balls laugh

Wow. Walked right into that one >_<

EmoCin's photo
Fri 02/22/08 04:13 AM

The only reason I'm awake is because my allergies have kept me awake all night. I can't hear out of my right ear, and I have snot in my eyeballs >_<

Not exactly random thoughts, but they sound pretty random.

been there. mine is coughing and can't breathe. it's going around here. throat is so sore you can't eat or drink and the doctor's just say it will go away. if you aren't better in 2 weeks come back. after 4 days of no sleep and only getting worse, i just want to go back and if he still won't give me anything i will stab him in the eye with a spork.

Sporks are good. I'm about to stab one in my eye >_<
whats a spork ?

The little spoon fork thingies you get from Kentucky Fried Chicken ^_^

EmoCin's photo
Fri 02/22/08 04:10 AM

Nope ^_^ A lot of people get on before work. I think.

I want some cheese >_<
famonda cheese u like ?

Never heard of it. But since it has the word "cheese" in it, I'm sure I'd enjoy it

EmoCin's photo
Fri 02/22/08 04:09 AM

The only reason I'm awake is because my allergies have kept me awake all night. I can't hear out of my right ear, and I have snot in my eyeballs >_<

Not exactly random thoughts, but they sound pretty random.

been there. mine is coughing and can't breathe. it's going around here. throat is so sore you can't eat or drink and the doctor's just say it will go away. if you aren't better in 2 weeks come back. after 4 days of no sleep and only getting worse, i just want to go back and if he still won't give me anything i will stab him in the eye with a spork.

Sporks are good. I'm about to stab one in my eye >_<

EmoCin's photo
Fri 02/22/08 04:07 AM
Nope ^_^ A lot of people get on before work. I think.

I want some cheese >_<

EmoCin's photo
Fri 02/22/08 04:04 AM
The only reason I'm awake is because my allergies have kept me awake all night. I can't hear out of my right ear, and I have snot in my eyeballs >_<

Not exactly random thoughts, but they sound pretty random.

EmoCin's photo
Sun 02/17/08 07:27 AM

The new Star Wars Game should be out soon.!!!!

OMG The new Star Wars game is going to kick so much butt! I can't wait! I'm practically peeing myself at the thought of it. The trailer is awesome. He pulls a Star Destroyer down >_<

And Mass Effect is my *FAVORITE* game. My Top 3 List is as so:
1. Legend of Dragoon
3. Devil May Cry 1

I haven't gotten to play DMC4 yet. We have a demo, I just haven't gotten around to it. I've watched a bunch of stuff about it though, like the lesbian tentacle thingies. I wanna play it...

EmoCin's photo
Sat 02/16/08 11:26 AM

after what he did you still talk to him?

i wouldn't

He's really nice and stuff. Sometimes.

understandable but if he really wanted to meet you, he should have made an effort and called and tell you that there is a slight change of plan and that he apologize and that he still wants to reschedule. ---> now that's a man!

his a wuss.

Where can I find one of those? Haha.

EmoCin's photo
Sat 02/16/08 11:24 AM

Ooooooooohhhhh! You're only 18. You'll learn how to not take peoples sh*t as you get older. :wink:

Yeah, I'm a newbie, LOL. Maybe that's my problem.

EmoCin's photo
Sat 02/16/08 11:21 AM

you totally have the right. If he doesnt have enought respect for you to let you know he wont be able to make it for a PLANNED meeting then he probably wont give you respect in other things in a relationship. No body deserves that. If you are with someone you should be partners 50/50 and that means you respect your partner and have to trust them to respect you.

True true true.

EmoCin's photo
Sat 02/16/08 11:20 AM

Maybe he was nervous, granted thats no reason to just leave someone hangin like that. Have you tried meeting again?

No, not yet. I don't want to be left waiting for 4 hours again >_< There's only so many stores in the mall, and only so much stuff you can buy with $50, LOL.

Yea thats pretty lame. I would just chalk it up to experience and move on. Ive been with girls who would do things like that to me but I would always give them another chance. It was a mistake but I learned from it.

I don't learn my lessons easily >_< I try, but I'll fall right back into it the next guy who's cute and gives me a little attention.

EmoCin's photo
Sat 02/16/08 11:16 AM

after what he did you still talk to him?

i wouldn't

He's really nice and stuff. Sometimes.

EmoCin's photo
Sat 02/16/08 11:16 AM

Maybe he was nervous, granted thats no reason to just leave someone hangin like that. Have you tried meeting again?

No, not yet. I don't want to be left waiting for 4 hours again >_< There's only so many stores in the mall, and only so much stuff you can buy with $50, LOL.

EmoCin's photo
Sat 02/16/08 11:11 AM
Edited by EmoCin on Sat 02/16/08 11:12 AM
Oh my gosh. I met this guy originally on this site, and then I found him later on Myspace. We talked for a long time, and exchanged phone numbers and the like. I really liked/like him.

Last weekend I went to the mall, and we were going to meet there. I texted him and he said he was busy and what-not. I told him I was going to be at the mall for 4 hours, and he could come when he felt like it. Later on, after about the 3 hour mark, I texted him and asked what he was doing, you know, real casual litte "what's up?". He said he was on his way to another town to visit his sister >_<

I was so upset. Luckily, I was with my friend, so, I wasn't alone, but I felt so abandoned and hopeless. We had planned this meeting for weeks, and he just bailed out on me. We still talk and stuff, but I dunno. I really felt hurt. Do I have the right to feel that way? Or am I just blowing this out of proportion.

EmoCin's photo
Sat 02/16/08 10:45 AM
Boop boop! I'm from Arkansas too.

It's nice that they're catering to Arkansas now >_< Just because we're not California doesn't mean we don't have feelings!

EmoCin's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:19 AM

Darling at 18years old I don't think you need to worry what your profile sounds like ! Sure you will meet many young guys in your home town and they will only look at your face and body laugh laugh

Yeah, I get those a lot >_< I dunno, I was just hoping to find something more...real? I guess I can't expect much at this age :cry:

EmoCin's photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:23 AM
Okay, I just have to ask, what does everyone think of my profile? I was honest, but maybe too honest? Is it too long? Just tell me what you think.

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