how would you prefer to die?
Bahahaha! But no, I'll take the gas chamber. Sounds faster.
Drink a gallon of Drano or dragged crotch-first into a reciprocal saw and cut in half? |
how would you prefer to die?
A lake full of piranha eating you alive while you're chained to a cinderblock, or death by Dexter?
how would you prefer to die?
****. Lol Hannibal for sure. You, sir, are a sadist.
how would you prefer to die?
Electrocution sir.
Heroin overdose or drive a car off a cliff? |
how would you prefer to die?
Hey, anytime. No question, I'll take the field of land mines.
Running out of oxygen in a space suit (outside the ship), or rolling down a hill in a barrel filled with knives and razorblades? |
Prime rib dip sandwich on a sourdough hoagie, with Swiss, horseradish, red onions and Guinness gravy. But then I do work at a Irish joint.
how would you prefer to die?
Trapped in a burning building or drowning?
how would you prefer to die?
Alright, I'll take my own choices. Zombie apocalypse!
how would you prefer to die?
Rats, I was hoping for skydiving without a parachute. I'll take the coconut. For the person below me --
Suicide in the bathtub or zombie apocalypse? |
Oh I got a good question,
The acoustics of bathrooms lend themselves well to recording vocals. I have a few DIY recording artist friends who swear by it.
| you ever think before you say something brutally honest? Or do you always say what the opposite sex wants to hear to avoid hurting their feelings? Or do you say it anyway? What constitutes crossing the line with men and women? I will be honest with you, and let you know the truth, good or bad. I will not sugar coat things, but I will try not to hurt your feelings or anything. Dang...all the good ones are taken. <--------- is not taken. |
redefining sexy I agree. Sexy time very nice! Same to you! Are you living in a town full of gay dudes or what? |
I wouldn't either. But I would definitely wear restrictive underwear. Or drink heavily.
redefining sexy I agree. Sexy time very nice! |
You got it Carolyn. I never pass up a good recipe idea. Thank you!
I absolutely will. What's your name?
Nothing wrong with seafood. I would eat more fresh fish if I could afford to. But seriously, thanks for the idea. Stolen!
Would a Guy
Talk about having your cake and eating it too.
Oh my god... Chorizo jambalaya... Marry me? Haha
Oh my god... Chorizo jambalaya... Marry me? Haha