Community > Posts By > John8659

John8659's photo
Tue 12/27/11 05:27 AM

Hi John8659. This is the first time I've had to stop by here for a while so I'm a little late responding to your newness and your posts.

Emotions are personal, and no one but the self is responsible for moderating them.

I'm not sure if I agree with the above quote yet becasue I need some claification.

Attraction, what is it that causes a strong attraction with a desire to be physically intimate between two particular individuals, instead of a desire to simply be platonic friends? Are you saying that said attraction is a self-moderated emotion? Or are you saying that our behavioral response to the emotion called attraction is what should be self-moderated?

I have nothing to say about cause, other than the definition of an environmental acquisition system. But we are responsible for our own behavior-- would you agree with that? And behavior is driven by emotion?

What I am saying is that we are responsible for how we express our emotions.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 08:50 PM
My posts are not what I do here, but the work I put on the net. This site seems to be a lost cause.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 06:24 PM
Edited by John8659 on Mon 12/26/11 06:25 PM
Actually, I post because I am looking for someone. I am just making it more possible for them to find me.

She will not know me by looks, but she will know me by mind.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 06:08 PM
When I go to a restaurant, and food is placed in front of me, I would consider myself to be a complete idiot if I asked, "What does it taste like?"

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 05:34 PM
Edited by John8659 on Mon 12/26/11 05:34 PM
Maybe it does not. If it did, it would have a life of its own. Perhaps the purpose is mine.

You asked about Lucid Dreaming, I will say this. One of the things one is constantly confronted with while learning there, is ones own emotional response. One cannot progress until they master it. The same is true of reading a book.

When I started by Study of the Yoga Sutra's as presented by I.K. Tiamni, it made me ill.

When I started my study of Plato, it made my head swim in wonderment.

If you cannot master your own emotional response, you will forever remain in the dark.

Running to children's work that amuse you, is not a good way to learn anything.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 05:25 PM
Ever heard the lines "line upon line, precept upon precept"?

If you are not willing to walk up a flight of stairs, it is more than rude to ask someone to carry you.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 05:20 PM

John, what does "Language and Experience" (your essay) have to do with Lucid dreaming?

Another question. Can you summarize the primary purpose of the essay?

Your joking.

Cliffs notes are pending.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 05:18 PM

Wiki says:

False claims of doubling the cube with compass and straightedge abound in mathematical crank literature (pseudomathematics).

Yes it does, This only shows you did not read The Delian Quest.

Each figure is done both in Geometers Sketchpad, but also Mathcad.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 05:01 PM

Language is used for the modification of human behavior. One of the tenants of true psycho-linguistics is the use of metaphor to move emotional content to shore up ideas where it is otherwise lacking.

Plato was very good at psycho-linguistics, So was what ever had the Scripture written.

Varying levels of intelligence can process information only to that degree of understanding, and a great deal of that understanding is contingent upon the realities of that person's life.

Well, no matter, I have a vid to view.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 04:23 PM
Edited by John8659 on Mon 12/26/11 04:24 PM

The FSM is a masterpiece of parody. Much like the book animal farm was a masterpiece.

We have very different standards of what a masterpiece of literature is. I, for example, consider the terms "masterpiece of parody" to be an oxymoron.

It is not one clown trying to make another look like a fool that is a masterpiece of anything.

Two cripples boasting about the cost of their shoes does not make either of them walk.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 02:51 PM
The Internet Archive is done with the derivations of the work, and I have to say, they did a very nice job.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 02:17 PM
Edited by John8659 on Mon 12/26/11 02:28 PM
Actually, it is rather pathetic. One does not attack the individual beliefs and statements, but how people think and how they use language.

On those grounds, those who mock, are only mocking themselves, for they employ the very same errors.

No one with any real sense would say that one heap of non-sense is better than another, unless one were getting paid by the word.

Now wouldn't it be a shame to realize that there is more substance behind religious sources, than a great many PHd thesis of the Universe?

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 12:54 PM

I was once in a lucid dream where I was in this creepy house with two really demented people who did not have good intentions towards me. It was very scary. I realized it was a dream so I decided to exit. I simply woke up.

Its funny because I wondered about those two people who must have witnessed me disappear. LOL

Of course they didn't even exist......

You did not realize, something was being said about you. If you had, you would have been very angry.

I once had a fit about visual metaphor, I wanted plain English. Well, the result is in the essay.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 12:04 PM

this is cool, not a term I was familiar with, and I have been a 'lucid' dreamer my whole life

partly why I love to sleep so much, I feel more control there than in Real Time on most days,,,,

Like real life, you can choose your response to a given situation, but more often than not, you cannot choose the environment.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 11:58 AM
I should have put the original doc in the directory. Sorry.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 11:50 AM
Edited by John8659 on Mon 12/26/11 11:52 AM
Math is just a language. It is neither taught well, and there is a great deal of myth taught that the mind naturally rebels against.

Lucid Dreaming: No one has written a good book on it yet. Like some other things, it is probably still sealed to man's understanding.

It is a very big project to address though--but it is also a dangerous one.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 11:48 AM
We are born into a vast and wonderful, and often very terrible reality, so, my biggest mistake was being born too retarded to appreciate it.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 11:46 AM

How is lucid dreaming analogic? What does that mean?

Also, what would be your suggestion to someone who wants to do more lucid dreaming?

I would recommend Lucid Dreaming.

However, I don't expect anyone to get far in it if they are not dedicated to understanding and truth.

The Lessons there are specific to that specific psychology.

The bulk of your question is answered in an essay, pdf form and audio book form, listed on the Internet Archive,

Not a well put together thingy, but I am just practicing.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 11:26 AM

Exercise is both of body and mind.

For the body, I have quite a gym in my basement and I let the Weider system guide me in that. However, due to circumstances, I have not used it in a few months.

For mental exercise, I started Lucid Dreaming at about 8, and that led me to language, logics and analogics.

What does lucid dreaming have to do with language, logics and analogics?

I learned it is an analogic. I was guided by answers I received to questions I asked. When I was in college, I was actually tested there on something I would not understand for decades, the Trinity. However, it is a use of language beyond what we can generally comprehend, unless one is very precise in what they ask.

John8659's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:59 AM
Edited by John8659 on Mon 12/26/11 11:02 AM
Exercise is both of body and mind.

For the body, I have quite a gym in my basement and I let the Weider system guide me in that. However, due to circumstances, I have not used it in a few months.

For mental exercise, I started Lucid Dreaming at about 8, and that led me to language, logics and analogics.

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