friends with benefit(fwb)
Edited by
Ron B
Wed 07/13/22 03:14 PM
"Once you started to cant blame him for not wanting more." She has every right to blame him for his dishonesty. |
EMF Disruptor
CPAP masks aren't so bad. I wear one every night. It has made a world of difference in my energy level.
I live in Texas. We definitely have the highest execution rate of any state. It is not "cheap". The nearly endless appeals and special housing are EXPENSIVE.
In recent years, Texas has offered the option of "Life Without Parole". It has a number of advantages, such as no automatic appeals and housing in general population (still expensive but less so). While I have no fundamental objection to the Death Penalty, I do have concerns about it's uneven application and the number of times an executed convict was later found to have been falsely convicted. Life Without Parole is a better choice. At the risk of appearing off topic, I think we have a lot of people in prison who shouldn't be there. Our "War On Drugs" has turned into a war on ourselves. Most drug "crimes" are essentially victim-less. Most of the problems blamed on drugs are really a product of the laws against those drugs and the resultant high prices. |
It is unfortunate that the question of evolution stirs so many to extreme emotion.
Darwinian style evolution does not rule out the possibility of God or "Intelligent Design". To those who say "it's only a theory" and to those who say "it's proven". you are both somewhat right but wrong. Darwinian evolution (new species from old) has not been proven (we haven't been observing long enough for that) but the claim that it is "only" a theory ignores the huge amount of evidence that has been accumulated in it's favor. Converseley, the claims of Creationism and "Intelligent Design" are simply claims with no supporting evidence. There is certainly reason to doubt them. There are many examples of extremely poor "design" in living species. Would a truly INTELLIGENT designer make all those mistakes? |
you can argue till the sun ceases to exist... there's a line.... A line that for the truth, ...Anybody read, "The Mad Cowboy"? all undisputed facts there. facts might just save YOUR ***.... they saved mine, literally. Your delusions are not convincing. you twist other's words to fit your safe little place. nice. I didn't say it like that, and definitely not in that order. YOU manipulate, belittle, and deflect and of-course, bully.... because you're weak and afraid. That's the only way you know how to survive..... on the backs of others, and the "milk of human kindness". I did not change the order of your delusional rant. I merely removed portions of it for compactness. I feel sorry for you. |
I consider myself a conservative libertarian. i believe in small government and being able to keep most of what you earn with a small amount going to fund necessary government spending. I think liberals are a bunch of ******* hiding behind ado all for me government because they are to lay to take care of the problems in their own lives so they want government to do it for them. liberals and race hustlers have crippled a whole race of people in this country for decades telling them they don't have a chance at a good education or hope of finding a good paying job while flossing the system themselves. It is time for the black community to dump those chains that have been placed on them by liberals and stand up and say enough of you doubting me or my ability and show them they are wrong, and that is starting to happen. we have to many morality laws in this country. if there is no victim there should be no crime. drugs should be legal, as well as prostitution. no person or body should be able to tell someone what they can and can't do with their own body. it comes down to self ownership either i own me or i do not and as it stands now i do not. I think your view of liberals is a bit extreme. It applies to some but, in my opinion, not most. Most mean well, but have not fully considered the results of their preferred policies. |
Also, much of the land cattle are grazed on is unsuitable for row-cropping.
you can argue till the sun ceases to exist... there's a line.... A line that for the truth, ...Anybody read, "The Mad Cowboy"? all undisputed facts there. facts might just save YOUR ***.... they saved mine, literally. Your delusions are not convincing. |
How much energy does it take to produce a steak? Meat and dairy products, particularly from cows and other livestock, account for around 14.5 percent of the world's greenhouse gases each year, which is about the same amount as emissions from all cars, trucks, airplanes, and ships combined. According to a study published last year in the journal Science, beef and lamb have the biggest climate footprint per gram of protein, followed by pork and chicken. In this calculation of the average greenhouse gas emission associated with different foods, plant-based foods tend to have the smallest impact. Of course, they are also less yummy. Thankfully, this doesn’t mean we all have to go vegan. Just eating less beef, lamb and cheese would be enough. In other words if Americans, Europeans and Japanese gave up steak then greenhouse gases 'related to the production of the food they eat' would fall by 13 percent to 25 percent - more than due to the emissions from cars / trucks Some food for thought. I eat a lot of vegetables and the problem is, eating loads of vegetables creates gass (ask the cows) my question is this. If we all suddenly switched to eating loads of wegetables and stuff, wouldn't we then become the primary source of greenhouse gas? If my theory is right we could be on the brink of farting ourselves into an early demise. I wonder if anyone has botherecd to work it out. If we all switched to a vegan diet, our extra gas production would be less than the gas production of the animals we would no longer eat. The advocates of this approach ignore the fact that if we quit raising these animals and idle the fields and pastures used to feed them, they will simply be replaced by wild herbivores such as deer. They produce gasses too. I will grant that there could be a net reduction, but it would be much less than is generally claimed. It still won't matter because anthropogenic climate change is not significant. |
What did you give up for Global Warming or acid rain? All proven to be money grabbing hoaxes. Acid rain was real and a real threat in some locations, but the threat was exaggerated with regard to most locales. Anthropogenic climate change is largely mythological. |
I used to sail quite a bit... occasionally there IS a very red sunrise... when those occur, best be pullin in the sheet and grippin the tiller tight for a storm is not far under the horizon. "Red sky at morning, sailor take warning. Red sky at night, sailor's delight" |
Do you like Italian food?
Thanks, Sparkling Crystal for coming to my defense.
I was reluctant to reply directly to certain critics for fear of seeming combative. Again thanks for that and all your helpful suggestions. |
I don't photograph well, but here goes.
Thanks Sparkling Crystal. I loved your suggested edit. I will work on the pictures.
Edited by
Ron B
Mon 11/25/19 03:57 AM
I edited out much of the sexual. Let me know if it is still excessive. |
Edited by
Ron B
Mon 11/25/19 03:56 AM
I didn't realize I look grumpy. Thanks for letting me know.
I'll get some different pics. |
My profile is rubbish 😂
I do see some problems.
As several have pointed out, that name is bad. You need to list some couple oriented interests. A friendly not self-absorbed picture would also help. Tell her about yourself. |
Rate my profile
It seems you dropped sex as an interest, per recommendations. That's good, but you need to add more interests appropriate for couples.
Profession is a problem. Unemployed? Do you plan to remain that way? Let her know something about your work background/plans. Most women aren't looking for a bum. (NOT saying you are a bum.) Good luck! |
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I have to agree with poetry writer. You haven't really said anything about yourself, and more pics would be good.
Your location should indicate where you ARE, not where you are FROM. Freebird made an excellent point. FILL OUT the questionaire. |