Community > Posts By > whattheheywastaken
Interracial dating.
Interracial dating?
Yes please. |
Quotes and sayings
"The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do." -Anonymous.
Edited by
Mon 08/19/13 04:57 AM
How long do you think this show will last? I always fear that the script-writer may get bored of it, or run out of idea's. I know it's got to end one day anyway, because that's inevitable, but I'd hate for it to end next year. I don't think they should make Sheldon be in a relationship, because it defeats who he is as an independent guy, with his own idea's, and unique ways of living. It's what I like most about him. Apart from his ignorance. lol. He shuns people a lot, but even then he's funny ;) All I know is, if Two and a Half Men keeps chugging along without Charlie Sheen and the kid is on for about 30 sec. per episode, I have faith that TBBT will somehow manage. And I think they'll focus more on Raj's love life. |
It should have ended with season 5 in the episode "Swan Song"! Yep, that's the one. |
I'd watch a rerun of supernatural over an all new episode of once upon a time.
I was pursued agressively by a guy once, so I asked him " Are you ready to be my man?" Of course he replied sure am. A week later I called him & he says I'm chilling with my fiance yep, a douche. |
Love the show. I think it should have ended several seasons ago, but a good show.
This thread is coming dangerously close to another nice guy thread.
What would make a guy
A Hopeless man will hold onto whatever he can. He goes blind and deaf and is trapped in a box of his own imagination. The Doctor: I am definitely a madman with a box! |
Welcome To The Darth Side?
wtf - part 2
WTF Everyone in my department is either at home sick or on vacation.
i don't believe in the ONE
It's simple math. There are over 7 BILLION humans on the planet.
You'd have a better chance playing the lotto. |
Who's tears are they?
Stole a ring from the Green Lantern Corps.
What turns u off?
Those that refer to 'nice guys' as flawed. Those who whine about nice guys finishing last when it's clear they're not a nice guy. agreed. |
finish my sentence - part 29
and lands on a massive trampoline, bouncing back into the sky. The trajectory nearly hits...
Things that pisses U off
American Idol.
What turns u off?
Those that refer to 'nice guys' as flawed.
Nice guys.
A lady is running toward a bus she has to catch or she will be late for work. A guy is just getting off the bus as the bus gets ready to leave. As the bus starts to move, the guy knocks on the door shouting "HEY" and points towards the lady running behind the bus. The doors open and the lady gets on. The 2 never meet again, but that's ok, because he didn't stop the bus as a ploy, it was just the right thing to do. That's not finishing last.