Community > Posts By > TattooedDude81

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 01:44 PM

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 01:01 PM

Double standard in my experiences with marriage is when the (ex)wife can go do whatever she wants, but when I want to do something with others (friends, well, the ones I used to have) she would get all uptight about it and throw a hissy fit. That's just one example, there's many others. Hence why...I'm never getting..married..again. I've had 2 marriages/divorces and I refuse to do the BS again.

laugh laugh But third times a charm I thought flowerforyou

Could be, but, I can pretty much 100% assure you that marriage for me will never happen again.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 12:59 PM
The ONLY reason this song, made it a song, is because they had Zakk Wylde as a guest appearance as the guitar player. Yea, I have this song on my iPod, but then again, anything Zakk plays in, I have it all.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 12:55 PM
I completely agree people on Welfare assistance should be drug/alcohol tested. I've seen with my own eyes people that take advantage of the system.

My social security case isn't based on taking advantage of the system. I know they are two different things, and you mentioned (Andy did) that Bi-polar is one of them he knows about and people cope, etc, etc. Since I may as well just blurt everything out, since I have nothing to lose now, I have 2 types of bi-polar, 2 types of schizophrenia, severe social anxiety (I'm on the max legal limit for Klonopin), and borderline personality disorder. I know social security system is messed up. Yes, I see my doctor every month. Know who decided I should try to get disability? My doctor. And that "everyone gets denied the first time" saying is not true, mine took 4 months on the first try and everything else followed. My case is bad enough they say I shouldn't work in the public. Hell, just yesterday we had child support court to get the payments modified because I'm getting way less money now than I was when I was working a year and a half ago. I wasn't even in the courthouse 10 minutes and had a panic attack. I showed the guards my papers and they immediately took me and my daughter's mother into a private room with a door and shut it. The judge took out case first, and cleared out the courtroom so I would be comfortable. That's just a glimpse of my everyday life. I have many things I can't do, hence why I'll probably be single the rest of my life, who the hell wants to put up with it? Nobody. Do I still have a drivers license? Yup, for now, but they said in 10 years or less I'll most likely lose it, and no, I don't own a car.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:41 AM

I'm gonna be in a pissy mood all day probably. Having several heated discussions, so boom, manic bipolar here we go, time to bust out the hatred (that's one side, the other side is I clean like crazy, comedown, then sleep for hours).
Bi-polor rocks dude!:banana:

I just LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE being bi-polor.whoa

If you dont like me, wait 5 minutes, then decide.:laughing: :laughing:

I'll always like ya, no worries.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:40 AM
I'm single, probably always will be. Only thing I could call a marriage is my music and my guitar.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:29 AM
I'm gonna be in a pissy mood all day probably. Having several heated discussions, so boom, manic bipolar here we go, time to bust out the hatred (that's one side, the other side is I clean like crazy, comedown, then sleep for hours).

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:27 AM

Big, wide world of difference between those who can't and the lazy slacker. IMO.

sure is,, now if only we had a soul searching machine that could be attached to each needy person to figure out which they were,,,,

Can't, is mine, if a 90 page full report from my psychiatrist and a 135 page report of my psychology testing (among other things) isn't enough, well then, what the hell is..

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:16 AM

Ya know, I'd LOVE to hear what you all think of Social Security benefits. I'm on social security, will be for the rest of my life and I'm only 31 years old. I'm mentally disabled, and have a severe case of social anxiety, I can't walk into a Wal-Mart without a serious panic attack. Want ME to do work and volunteer with others? I don't think so, it'd be a bad situation. Not mentioning the other 3 serious illnesses I have. Always amazes me at the people working, props, if I could work I WOULD, I actually miss working, but there's not a damn thing I can do about it. The last 2 jobs I had, fired. WHY? Medications and they found out about my illnesses, that's out of my hands. Not because I didn't work hard enough, I busted my a$$ everyday. Now it's just to the point of it's worse enough, and will GET worse over time. It's a train ride that will never stop. It's in the bloodlines, it's hereditary in my family and I just happened to be next in line to get it all. If you call my grandma spending the last 20 years of her life in a mental institution BS, I feel sorry for ya. Do I receive benefits? Of course, but I'm getting LESS than a 40 hour work week at min. wage.

This issue has been brought up many times. Social security and welfare are different. People who can't work because of a disability is a different situation then welfare.

Oh I know it's not, but the OP of this discussion said "and social security, we're not even going there" wtf?

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:03 AM
Ya know, I'd LOVE to hear what you all think of Social Security benefits. I'm on social security, will be for the rest of my life and I'm only 31 years old. I'm mentally disabled, and have a severe case of social anxiety, I can't walk into a Wal-Mart without a serious panic attack. Want ME to do work and volunteer with others? I don't think so, it'd be a bad situation. Not mentioning the other 3 serious illnesses I have. Always amazes me at the people working, props, if I could work I WOULD, I actually miss working, but there's not a damn thing I can do about it. The last 2 jobs I had, fired. WHY? Medications and they found out about my illnesses, that's out of my hands. Not because I didn't work hard enough, I busted my a$$ everyday. Now it's just to the point of it's worse enough, and will GET worse over time. It's a train ride that will never stop. It's in the bloodlines, it's hereditary in my family and I just happened to be next in line to get it all. If you call my grandma spending the last 20 years of her life in a mental institution BS, I feel sorry for ya. Do I receive benefits? Of course, but I'm getting LESS than a 40 hour work week at min. wage.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:18 AM
But then again, I'm a paranoid schizophrenic, so I'm looked badly upon anyway, so what the hell do I know? I just think they are watching our every move.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:17 AM

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:15 AM
Hmm, sounds like my birthday every year, it's jinxed. I do not go anywhere or do anything. I sit my a$$ inside. Once ya hit 21 anyway, birthdays mean nothing except you're just getting older than they're not fun.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:13 AM
Double standard in my experiences with marriage is when the (ex)wife can go do whatever she wants, but when I want to do something with others (friends, well, the ones I used to have) she would get all uptight about it and throw a hissy fit. That's just one example, there's many others. Hence why...I'm never getting..married..again. I've had 2 marriages/divorces and I refuse to do the BS again.

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:09 AM
Blood by In This Moment...songs just rocks the boat, I actually love the whole album too. Other than that, favorite artist of all-time is Metallica, and if I had to choose a favorite song by them, it'd be Sad But True.

TattooedDude81's photo
Mon 08/06/12 10:16 AM

Gone in 60 Seconds...on Blu-Ray, and damn did it look awesome. That Shelby Mustang car chase in the end.. drool

Original or remake? I still find the 40 minute car chase at the end of the original hard to beat.

The remake, doesn't matter, it was on Blu-Ray lol, I also have Bullit on Blu-Ray and that car chase it awesome too. You can't beat Blu-Ray..perfect sound and perfect picture in 1080p. It's not the same on a 720p TV

TattooedDude81's photo
Mon 08/06/12 10:03 AM
Gone in 60 Seconds...on Blu-Ray, and damn did it look awesome. That Shelby Mustang car chase in the end.. drool

TattooedDude81's photo
Mon 08/06/12 10:01 AM
likes to cuddle and smile

TattooedDude81's photo
Mon 08/06/12 10:00 AM

Meeting people is easy. :thumbsup: Meeting people that aren't total morons and you don't want to kill, well, that's a different story....... pitchfork devil

^ What he said

TattooedDude81's photo
Mon 08/06/12 09:59 AM
loves to water ski

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