Topic: Bad Luck Charm
TBRich's photo
Thu 08/09/12 06:31 AM
Do you think that a person can be a bad luck charm. I had to go pick up a friend last night as he had been in a car accident. This guy always refuses medical treatment and has real scary accidents- there were ambulances taking people away when I got there. All he wanted was to get dinner. Anyway driving to get him dinner, I had three people run stop signs in front of me. This was the reason for his latest accident. He was already upset and was screaming that he was cursed, as I needed to swerve three times to avoid another accident. What do you think?

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:11 AM

Do you think that a person can be a bad luck charm. I had to go pick up a friend last night as he had been in a car accident. This guy always refuses medical treatment and has real scary accidents- there were ambulances taking people away when I got there. All he wanted was to get dinner. Anyway driving to get him dinner, I had three people run stop signs in front of me. This was the reason for his latest accident. He was already upset and was screaming that he was cursed, as I needed to swerve three times to avoid another accident. What do you think?
you mean he is a Jinx?


TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:15 AM
Hmm, sounds like my birthday every year, it's jinxed. I do not go anywhere or do anything. I sit my a$$ inside. Once ya hit 21 anyway, birthdays mean nothing except you're just getting older than they're not fun.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:19 AM
Quite the opposite, ya'll sound pretty lucky to me.
The unlucky would be asking that from Hell.

pyxxie13's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:49 AM
I do no think people are cursed although it sometimes can feel that way. I agree with soufie though.. lucky is the term. :wink:

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 02:45 PM

He was already upset and was screaming that he was cursed, as I needed to swerve three times to avoid another accident. What do you think?

You should have punched him in the neck.

Tell him it is the curse of screaming in a moving vehicle while the operator is trying to avoid having a similar fate.

He probably is just bad at paying attention and it makes him prone to accidents more. I think we make our own luck, but sometimes I have to wonder about some people I admit.

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 02:53 PM
it was on tv, so it must be true

bad luck schleprock

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 08/09/12 03:54 PM

Do you think that a person can be a bad luck charm. I had to go pick up a friend last night as he had been in a car accident. This guy always refuses medical treatment and has real scary accidents- there were ambulances taking people away when I got there. All he wanted was to get dinner. Anyway driving to get him dinner, I had three people run stop signs in front of me. This was the reason for his latest accident. He was already upset and was screaming that he was cursed, as I needed to swerve three times to avoid another accident. What do you think?

No, I don't believe that someone could be a bad luck charm. It sounds like he was scared.

motowndowntown's photo
Thu 08/09/12 04:27 PM
I sincerely believe my ex GF was one hell of a bad luck charm.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 08/09/12 04:44 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Thu 08/09/12 04:45 PM

Do you think that a person can be a bad luck charm. I had to go pick up a friend last night as he had been in a car accident. This guy always refuses medical treatment and has real scary accidents- there were ambulances taking people away when I got there. All he wanted was to get dinner. Anyway driving to get him dinner, I had three people run stop signs in front of me. This was the reason for his latest accident. He was already upset and was screaming that he was cursed, as I needed to swerve three times to avoid another accident. What do you think?

I think some people are so stone crazy they are a threat to themself and everyone around them.

Not to be mean guy with friend's like that you don't need enemies. Yikes!

It is all well and good to try and be a humanitarian but I would avoid this guy like the plague until he got himself in check. It is a miracle that you were not hurt, killed, or did the same to someone else letting and out of control person like that to be in your moving vehical. Sometimes you just have to stop and wait for people to CHILLAX or walk away!

krupa's photo
Thu 08/09/12 06:08 PM
Seriously...if your friend is gonna be doing that crap as you are trying to help....and endangering you and everyone else....

he ain't your friend....he is a f'n kid.

Drag that idiot out of the car by the short hairs and leave him.

no photo
Fri 08/10/12 06:41 AM
Not bad luck. Just I get a fair [or maybe UNFAIR] amount of errrr, [to put it as politely as I can] "weirdo's", trying to follow me. The same thing happens to my gran a lot too. Maybe it's our smile. Instead, I'll try to look as intimidating as possible, next time I go outside. Sometime you just can't escape smelly people, or dirty people. When you have to travel on public transport. I swear they can't smell their own rot. sick. If anyone smelly, sits next to me on a bus/train, I pretend my nose hurts, so that i have an excuse to cover my nostrils from their B.O. It's a bus. Everyone has to use it to get from A to B, so not really much I could do about that. It's normally smelly feet.

no photo
Fri 08/10/12 06:59 AM

Not bad luck. Just I get a fair [or maybe UNFAIR] amount of errrr, [to put it as politely as I can] "weirdo's", trying to follow me. The same thing happens to my gran a lot too. Maybe it's our smile. Instead, I'll try to look as intimidating as possible, next time I go outside. Sometime you just can't escape smelly people, or dirty people. When you have to travel on public transport. I swear they can't smell their own rot. sick. If anyone smelly, sits next to me on a bus/train, I pretend my nose hurts, so that i have an excuse to cover my nostrils from their B.O. It's a bus. Everyone has to use it to get from A to B, so not really much I could do about that. It's normally smelly feet.

You could take those perfume and cologne samples they give out in magazines, and hand them to the offending party. A lot of people say it is rude, but then again, so is not taking care of your hygiene.

no photo
Fri 08/10/12 02:02 PM
Edited by Rawrr_Girl on Fri 08/10/12 02:04 PM

You could take those perfume and cologne samples they give out in magazines, and hand them to the offending party. A lot of people say it is rude, but then again, so is not taking care of your hygiene.
Spooky that you suggested that to me, as my mum works for 'Avon', so she has a constant supply of perfumes, make-up, etc :) I can easily get hold of lots of samples then. I'm one of her customers, too. laugh

blueeyes2000's photo
Fri 08/10/12 02:37 PM
Who knows? But if anyone has nothing but good luck, can you send me some lucky lottery numbers? I want to win dammit,LOL