Community > Posts By > TattooedDude81

TattooedDude81's photo
Thu 05/19/11 05:38 AM

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!

Love Ya!!:wink:

You just HAD to put the chic with them boots on didn't ya Troublebug? laugh Just HAD to!!!

TattooedDude81's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:39 PM
Thanks red lips laugh drinker

TattooedDude81's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:29 PM
Well my 30th birthday has arrived. Didn't think I'd make it this far but I have! Nothing special planned, sleep, get up in the morning, mingle with you people, then off to work! Just another day but I'm sure my friends will make it special in their own way happy drinker

TattooedDude81's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:32 AM

You need to stop worrying and just let things happen. It will your too sweet for it not to. Just relax, and in the mean time. Keep whipping the women on here into a frenzy my friend!!

I'm not worrying, and keeping you women in a frenzy is a blast! HAH!laugh

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:49 PM

I prefer any woman that isn't like my ex-wives AT ALL laugh ..I know, good luck to myself on that one!

just how many r we talkin' here? all at the same time? just wonderin' as u got a mess of us on the hook now:wink: laugh

I have 2 ex-wives.

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:56 AM
a wet towel and a wet shower...cause I just took a shower happy

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:43 AM
I'm listening to Slipknot now, I'm almost ready to leave for work. I'm a Maggot for life :wink: As you can see by my tattoo on my leg!

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:40 AM

I'm the best of both worlds! laugh Born in 'Bama, lived there for a few years now I'm in Chicago.

This true BAMA boy!! laugh laugh :wink:

They both have their good points. I've been involved with both. And both have good and bad points. Depends on the couple.
Like me-- I LOVE riding around in a pickup truck through the woods. But its nice to be with someone that likes to dress up and go out on the town (not just the local pub)


TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:35 AM
AMTRAK! I use it often, even though I have a car. Gas up here is outrageous!

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:33 AM
Kissing a tiger might suck!

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:32 AM

where all my sexy chicago women lets meet n hook up !!!!! 8]

They are dead n gone laugh

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:31 AM

I just whipped Auburn's as$ 34-0...does that count yet? laugh

Haha. Alright, I'll consider it. Only because I know even your TV has lost all hope. laugh

ahah YES! I'm in!

Just so you know, your TV has filed a formal complaint. laugh

haha, well my Sox are suckin, the Blackhaws are out of the playoffs and college football season hasn't started the TV will be off for some time yet! TV shows just bore me, I find no interest. Now movies, that's a different story. I have a plethra of Blu-Rays

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:24 AM
Seeing as how I didn't eat anything at all yesterday, I tried eating a little bit ago since I leave for work in 40 minutes, and well, yea..not hungry. Hate my meds!

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:23 AM

Yep, every night, I hate being alone, Hmmmmm I have a big pink puppy that I cuddle but it's just not quiet the same as having someone hold me and love me..:smile:

Not me. I am a bed hog and love having my bed all to myself. bigsmile

Nope I hate being alone, I have to be snuggled up safe to sleep properly..
Normally one of my kids jumps in with me, I hate beoing alone and I hate the dark.. Yuck

Ahh now it makes sense being afraid of the dark. Me I love the dark which is why I went to the dark side. (a little star wars reference) laugh

LOL I love the dark in the bush as nothing can get me, but in town it's just plain scary, to many wierd noises and stuff out there that I dont know what it is..I need someone snoring beside me so I can't hear the noiseslaugh

Hahah, you'd hate trying to sleep here then! Also noisey in Chicagoland at any time of day/night.

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:22 AM

I just whipped Auburn's as$ 34-0...does that count yet? laugh

Haha. Alright, I'll consider it. Only because I know even your TV has lost all hope. laugh

ahah YES! I'm in!

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:16 AM
I just say f*** it and see where it goes! If it works, then so be it. If not, back to single life.

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:13 AM

I work entirely too much I'm told and don't have time for a woman..that comes from women themselves laugh So I guess I'll cradle a beer in my hand every night after work and pass out, go to work, and repeat!

I hear ya - you'd think they'd just be glad ur working - I've had men want to meet me at all kinda weird times and I work till like 8 or 9 at night and then usually hit the gym

almost afraid to get involved cuz I don't wanna hear itgrumble

so...lovelife??? what's that?

While it's definitely good to have a job, I'm not sure I could date someone who is a workaholic. Or who has really odd work hours.. or an opposite schedule than me. For a while, it would probably be ok, but I doubt it would work long term if I didn't see them much.

it's not easy - I did for 5 years and ultimately it was not the schedule variance that was the reason for our break up

but I think it is easier if there is at least enough overlapping time in the schedules to get some couple time in everyday. unfortunately for many of us the traditional 8-5 day is a luxury we can't find....and a lot of cute guys work 2nds anyway:tongue: laugh

good morning singmeflowerforyou nice new photo!

How'd you know I worked 2nd shift?! laugh (I really do)

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:11 AM
I just whipped Auburn's as$ 34-0...does that count yet? laugh

TattooedDude81's photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:07 AM
I prefer any woman that isn't like my ex-wives AT ALL laugh ..I know, good luck to myself on that one!

TattooedDude81's photo
Mon 05/16/11 09:16 PM

I know. I personally prefer the bigger women, they rock my world!


Here's my address....

LOL, I don't see it yet..... :wink:

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