Community > Posts By > pimpwagn23

pimpwagn23's photo
Sat 11/05/11 06:39 PM
Aren't I trying to prove what happened in the book? How would I do that without the book?

I will type this verse out for you:

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like unto him" Proverbs 26:4 (hope you can translate that)

pimpwagn23's photo
Sat 11/05/11 06:13 PM
@Kleisto - Since you know soo much about the bible I won't need to quote anything. If you look at Matthew 20:28 and Matthew 26:28 their it will explain why he was born to die.

Read Daniel 8-11:5 This actually did happen. (the four winds being - Lysimachus, Cassander, Seleucus and Ptolemy)

Daniel 11:6 also a remarkable prophecy that did happen.

Daniel 11:7-11:21 (think its contained in all those verses) yet, another prophecy that was true.

Their is far more but for the sake of proverbs 26:4 I'll stop there

pimpwagn23's photo
Sat 11/05/11 05:37 PM
Well put Morningsong.

@luv2rock - Love the fact that you are giving the bible a legitimate chance and not shooting it down before reading it.

The bible is a book of interpretation. Close to 1/3 of the bible is prophecy - a history book written in advance of the history it records. It has been extremely accurate.

pimpwagn23's photo
Sat 11/05/11 12:56 AM

No, its nothing similar to why you don't believe the big bang theory. You know very little about the big bang theory. You choose to believe that the Lord made everything in six days simply because the Bible said so, or your mamma told you. You believe purely on faith, or the information was programmed into your brain and you just can't get it out.

I know nothing about it? hahaha I know more about it then most people who believe it. You shouldn't be so quick to judge.

pimpwagn23's photo
Sat 11/05/11 12:04 AM
There is an immense amount of evidence to contradict a 6 day creation process. While there may be cause to question the big bang, there is no evidence that outright contradicts it.

Btw a better analogy instead of a cat eating a bicycle. If I came up to you and said thousands of pieces of timber were set in motion by a tornado in a lumberyard and this ultimately resulted in the amazing design and complexity of the house you live in would you be open minded or sane?

Now for my last post on this topic I will explain why I feel the big bang is unbelievable for me.

A few important questions that the THEORY can not answer:
Where did all the matter in the universe come from?

If all the matter in the universe was compressed into a small dot, what caused this to happen? Where did gravity come from that held it together?

If this "dot" spun rapidly until it exploded, then where did the energy come from to start the spinning?

Also, in an environment without friction you would have this spinning dot going so fast it would then explode. If this happened, then all of the particles and matter being expelled from this "spinning dot" would all have to spin in the same direction as the dot they exploded from. Which is a known law of science.

This matter which is said to have created the planets would all need to spin in the same direction as the object it came from. Which we know that Venus and Uranus spin backwards. And for your sake we can disregard the moons that not only spin backwards but travel around their planets backwards.

We also know (A)matter cannot be created or destroyed and (B)everything tends towards disorder.

So (A)The big bang ignored that law and (B)Instead of the big bang creating the universe it would actually be the other way around, which it is the universe is wearing down and becoming more chaotic.

If you believe in the evolution of the earth - precambrian granites are not the product of evolution of the earth (known fact) but were here at creation (which was stated in Genesis 1:1) - tried to stay away from the biblical part of this but it's a neat fact, I think.

Their is only 2 choices:
Someone created earth or it created itself (despite known laws of science contradicting everything about it).

And if anyone believes god used the big bang to create the world then message me and I will explain that is as false as the big bang but I am tired of typing at the moment.

In conclusion if you believe the big bang then I'd switch theories to plasma cosmology, which is far more believable.

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 10:55 PM

You are not very open minded

What do you base that on? Specifically?

If I came to you and said: "Your cat just ate my bicycle!" and you scoffed at my stupid accusation - would that make you closed minded? Or just sane?

more or less a robot of society and I'm sorry for you.

That sounds like a retreat into self-assurance.

The big bang is a theory why are you so upset that everyone doesn't feel the same way?

My frustration has nothing to do with people believing what I believe - only the fact that people believe completely and utter stupidity and nonsense. You may have trouble with that, since you seem inclined to false dilemmas. There are more than two options. There is (a) believing what I believe (b) believing something other than what I believe, but which is non insane, and not completely stupid, and (c) believing things that are insane or completely stupid.

For example - I disagree with Metalwing about many, many things - it doesn't bother me in the least.

Every person who believes in 6-day creationism is further evidence of our failure as a society to teach our children to value truth and to develop decent critical thinking skills.

The consequences of this in a democracy are farther reaching that any discussion about the history of the universe.

Do you think everyone should have all of your beliefs?

No. drinker

yes it's interesting in all, I love science but I choose a different THEORY.

So... how do you feel about evidence?

The "evidence" is unconvincing and I don't believe it.
A cat ate a bicycle? That is a very bad analogy.
To you another way of thinking might be "stupidity and nonsense" but that's where the open minded kicks in, for most people anyway.

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 10:38 PM

Perhaps. Therefore your evidence is not convincing.

It is not enough. Even to the people who think they discovered something that "may" be the temple or castle of King David, they don't know for sure.

Even they are not convinced, so why should I be convinced? Also, too many scholars and historians disagree with them. With so much controversy, I cannot be convinced unless it is something I really want to believe.

I only want the truth. That is why I want evidence. I weigh the evidence on both sides. Your evidence is not enough to outweigh the lack of evidence. If King David was so important there would be an unquestionable amount of outside evidence. There is not.

Jeanie the only absolute bottom line without a doubt fact in life is if you drop something, it will fall. That is the ONLY absolute fact that could not possibly be wrong. If I am mistaken here, please share another absolute fact that could not be false.

None of that even applies to the meaning of "proof" or the value of "evidence" in this case.

Understand that I seek evidence that will convince ME. (Not you.) (You are already convinced.)

Hence if your so-called "evidence" is weak -in my opinion- and compared to what I already know, then you are correct --- It will not be accepted as proof by me.

When you present evidence TO ME, it is up TO ME to evaluate it and decide if it is valid or convincing enough to withstand my own personal scrutiny.

Yes, I am the judge of the evidence you present to me.

You might, however, find some babe in the woods, who might accept your evidence and believe you, but in my case, it is not enough and it is not conclusive.

Hahaha It's kind of like the big bang theory thread for me..well played Jeannie, well played

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 10:23 PM

I can't argue that just remember it is the big bang theory, it is just a theory

Are you saying we shouldn't take it seriously, because the label used by very cautious and conservative-minded scientists to describe it is 'theory' ?

You do know that scientists use the word theory in a different way than non-scientists do, right?

that things exploded and created the universe

Thats not exactly correct. All of time, space, and energy - the universe itself - started as a rapidly expanding... uh, bubble. This early expansion didn't create the universe, it was the universe.

which I find insane as you find the 6-day.

There is an immense amount of evidence to contradict a 6 day creation process. While there may be cause to question the big bang, there is no evidence that outright contradicts it.

I was posting how I felt, however, not posting so that someone that has no say in what I believe to be my truth could disrespect the way I feel on the topic.

Truth is not a matter of 'how you feel', it is a matter of what is true and what is not.


You are not very open minded more or less a robot of society and I'm sorry for you. The big bang is a theory why are you so upset that everyone doesn't feel the same way? Do you think everyone should have all of your beliefs? I don't feel science can explain everything, yes it's interesting in all, I love science but I choose a different THEORY.

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 10:19 PM

I can't argue that just remember it is the big bang theory, it is just a theory that things exploded and created the universe, which I find insane as you find the 6-day. I was posting how I felt, however, not posting so that someone that has no say in what I believe to be my truth could disrespect the way I feel on the topic.

Have a great night!

What is "Scientology"? or what does it mean to you?

A scheme

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 06:22 PM
I can't argue that just remember it is the big bang theory, it is just a theory that things exploded and created the universe, which I find insane as you find the 6-day. I was posting how I felt, however, not posting so that someone that has no say in what I believe to be my truth could disrespect the way I feel on the topic.

Have a great night!

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 06:18 PM

Look at that strange man beating his head against the wall. I wonder what his problem is.laugh

Its the 21st centaury, the majority of us in the USA have access to computers, access to public education, and we still have people like peteman around who seem to think the 6-day theory is more reasonable than the big bang theory.


HOW did you get the idea from what I said that I believe in the 6-day theory? I don't at all.

I believe in the Big Bang, I just thought the multi-universe theory advanced by some quantum physicists was interesting. Please read my previous comment again. Thanks.

Peteman! my apologies! I just copied the wrong handle - I was talking about pimpwagn, who posted 2 before you, and on the previous page.

I wasn't commenting on you at all, but on pimp.

Oh I'm supposed to believe everything on the internet? Hahaha please....

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 06:17 PM would the big bang theory even make im supposed to believe that 20 million years ago small matter exploded and created the earth with water, trees, clouds, and existence of life...not to mention the theory also includes creating the whole universe..very very unlikely

of course the big bang theory makes no sense to you. you don't seem to have the slightest grasp of what the theory is as evidenced by your 20 million year timeline not to mention the nonsense of the earth, trees, water, clouds, life, etc., occuring anywhere near the time of the big bang. even our own sun appeared no less than five billion years ago. a theory will never make sense unless you've correctly studied the theory.

Clearly you haven't correctly read the whole thread or you would have realized I corrected myself and also you should know that I do know what the THEORY is I choose not believe in scientology kthxbye

no indeed i don't read every post. i comment on the posts that i choose to comment on and your post illustrates that you don't understand the theory. if you've corrected your timeline to 13.75 billion years, the latest estimate of the age of the universe, then great, you're on your way to understanding. the THEORY did not originate with scientologists btw.

Ive searched for a while and yet to see a number such as 13.75 but close i think 16 was the most common..but its good to see no one really knows anything about it so let a theory be a theory everyone can choose a theory and believe it

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 09:48 AM
I was just pointing things out that people could find as flaws. Of course, no 2 people are alike and all I mentioned may not apply to one individual person. Every candidate is going to have their issues, which is why we vote, to pick the 1 that we least disagree with.

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 09:44 AM
You should never judge anyone for what they have done. Everyone is capable of anything.

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 09:06 AM
I don't care for politics but I try to pay attention because I feel that everyone should exercise their right to vote. Some RP flaws that actually matter that I have noticed no federal college loans, doesn't believe in gloabl warming, eliminate the FDA, no National healthcare. I'm sure their is way more but those ones could be considered his more critical flaws.

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 08:05 AM
The more photos you have of yourself the better. I have been a member for 3 days or so and have received quite a few messages. In your profile make sure you fill in as much as possible, as well.

pimpwagn23's photo
Fri 11/04/11 07:27 AM
Well that is pretty much right on. Whatever the case may be some people will not read it because of the difficulty in comprehension. If you were to the KJV back in the 1600s after it was written then it would be easier to understand but over the years the way the language has changed is not helping anyone.

pimpwagn23's photo
Thu 11/03/11 10:10 PM
hahaha 10 for sense of humor and making me laugh at 1:10 in the AM

pimpwagn23's photo
Thu 11/03/11 09:43 PM
I'm sure this thread will get a lot of hits with all the different people and religions or lack of on this site. Will be interesting to see what is said.

@Jeannie I glanced over the book 'Invention of the Jewish People' it definitely looks interesting and supports any argument that could be brought about Jewish race and/or religion or neither.

pimpwagn23's photo
Thu 11/03/11 09:30 PM
Have you tried to talk to them recently? Maybe they feel the same way. I'm not really sure how to "feel better" since I have never been in this predicament.