Liar liar for a partner
ok so everyone lies.... got that. How about I add a twist? The severity of a lie....different? The frequency of lies....different? I'm asking because I'm being told that everyone lies by my ex...whom is an ex for being an impostor type of liar. Someone who paints himself from the beginning as something he is NOT kind of liar. But will also lie about whether he went fishing that day or not. Liar liar liar all the time lying about one thing or the other. I understand that everyone can lie from time to time. In my book though, if you lie to come back with the truth asap and tell me you lied, and that you are sorry, and will try harder to muster the courage to not do it again. Then you get forgiveness. Otherwise? If I have to catch you, it's totally different. To me what lying is??? A lack of courage to tell it like it is. If you did it? FESS it! If you don't want to have to? Then don't do stupid crap to cause the temptation to lie in the first place. Simple. people lie about their age...about their shoe size ....about which planet they are from that's why Love is the degree of stupidity that one is willing to endure from a person place or thing if the lies are as such or has reach sure a point that you can not endure them...then you dump them |
So we focus on guns...
so all the government needs to control it's citizens are Bulldozers? Martial law can be enforced by placing a Bulldozer on every block it's time for all the citizens to have C-4 or some anti-tank missles People can be VERY creative and resourceful when they have to be. Reading this thread reminded me of a video I saw called "The Coconut Revolution."...The tribesmen started out with nothing but an unconquerable spirit and some spears & arrows, but managed over time to steal and replicate enough of their enemies' stuff to use it effectively and win against their country's army, the Australian army, and the foreign mercenaries hired by the corporation that started all the trouble. Maybe I should post the vid for "educational purposes"...just in case you guys ever find yourselves fighting a guerrilla war: (BTW...Rio Tinto is a Rothschild company if I recall correctly) are you sure about that? let's ask AndyBgood? hey AndyBgood...if some tribesmen with only spears and arrows decided to start a war with a rootin tootin gun owner such as yourself...who would win that war? |
So we focus on guns...
so all the government needs to control it's citizens are Bulldozers? Martial law can be enforced by placing a Bulldozer on every block it's time for all the citizens to have C-4 or some anti-tank missles They better not try to take my dozer. JennieBean...they would take your Tarot Cards ..then you would be defenseless |
So we focus on guns...
I so remember that movie! I was nine when that came out. That Caterpillar D-9 was PISSED off! But the Colorado Killdozer had a very angry driver in it. I think the odd thing was he killed no one. Took out the city hall, a bank, several businesses, some homes, and every last target was people who really did screw him over. He took his own life instead. Even the "System" was part of what had been done to this man. He did nothing to anyone who had nothing to do with what he had suffered. I found the story behind this incident. This thing would have taken a tow missile hit probably! And @funches, dude, do you remember the Civilian Defense? During WWII and the Korean Conflict people trained to integrate with police and the National Guard so that people with guns were not running around all willy-nilly! We have forgotten the things that made us a great and powerful nation both abroad and at home. If they had Civil Defense training I would go! Would you? Civil Defense goes a long way but do we have that today? HELL NO! Now we have to depend on fireman and police and other bogus authority figures to protect us from harm. We don't roll up our sleeves and get dirty any more. Gotta look all MTV for the girls now. Please, this is how I would have dealt with killdozer sight unseen. Shape charge on a rope, Ambush the vehicle. Drag the shape charge in front of the treads with a rope from a safe location out of sight of his guns. And right when he is just about to crush the charge take out his tread on one side. Dynamite can do the job if you put a plate of soft metal like lead or copper over the dynamite. Mining explosives would not have worked the same way. Another variant would be to put a huge charge of dynamite, about ten to 15 sticks under a manhole cover using a pothole to set the manhole cover over it and when the dozer was over the manhole cover POP GOES THE ARMOR! I could in theory kill an M1 Abrams too or at least disable it enough to make killing it easier. I just need access to the right materials. You don't need C4. It works better. Even an ANFO charge placed the right way CAN kill a tank or flip it over but that is MUCH better for whole scale wiping people out. Pit traps do wonders for a tank. So does immolating it in fire. No tanks can survive being on fire for long. Their engines need to breath air. And if you get it hot enough on the outside the crew dies on the inside. I LOVE FIRE! And low flying helicopters... Use a cheap rocket to drag a cable into the rotors of a flying helicopter and watch several million in hardware hit the ground hard! PLEASE! America WANTS me to be on its side! I have knowledge that makes me dangerous but to use it to go around killing people? Those that are a credible threat YES. Everyone else? WHY? What would making everyone around me fear me serve me? People are scared of me just becasue and that is bad enough! people pretend they know me and everyone else. So Funches, Civil Defense training?...are you talking about sitting on the couch blowing people up in video games? civil defense training would be what the Israeli do, their government require it's citizens including women to serve at least two years in the military also being a gun owner and then trying to justify the damage that dozer guy was doing as only harming those that he felt harmed somewhat disturbing |
Gun control is putting the shots where and only where you want them. so AndyBgood... do that means you recommend that all the crazies place a laser scope on their automatic rifles? training for carry concealed makes me feel better knowing some YAHOO ain't trying to play super cop. Obama feels the same On top of that we have not even gone over OPEN CARRY! no need to regulate that. but you already stated that you want it to be regulated with a "legitimate" conceal carry gun card..... I can see that person has a gun! So what you want to justify drinking alcohol on a campus too? no reason to drink alcohol on campus and get in trouble while it's legal to take prescription drugs And sounding like Obama? Really? I still want to own an MBR. (MAIN BATTLE RIFLE) I appreciate the engineering myself. And it has decent horsepower. Oh but 30 round clips are scary. I like 100 round clips myself! far in your posts you talked about being responsible and get gun training and about how no one should carry guns to public events or public places unless they have a "legitimate" gun conceal carry card.... your vision is comparable to Obama |
We will get back to the nuke and law enforcement arguments. Right now I would like to focus on the assumption that gun control has a direct correlation to gun violence... "Drivinmenutz"...that would be a useless argument ....because it's obvious that before there were guns..there were no gun violence .... and it's obvious that if you take away all the guns there would be no gun violence but since the 2nd amendment gives the citizens the right to bear arms and commit gun violence... therefore you have to place in laws and restrictions the same that you would do with anything else that presents a clear and present danger to society and it's citizens one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to school.... now all you have to do is say that you don't believe that such a law have any direct effect on curbing gun violence please say you don't believe...please Yes, before guns there was no "gun" violence as the technology wasn't invented yet. Yes, if you take ALL the guns away "gun" violence will most likely cease as well... So how would one take all the guns away? the 2nd amendment forbids taking guns....but it doesn't forbid placing laws with the intent to protect society from their irresponsible usage I guess that depends on the law being issued... So how would these new laws "protect society from the irresponsible"? "Drivemenutz"...I've already presented a question to you that you didn't answer ...but anyway ...let's try that question again THE QUESTION; one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to you believe such a law would curb gun violence? |
Liar liar for a partner
in some shape form or fashion... "Everyone Lies"
We will get back to the nuke and law enforcement arguments. Right now I would like to focus on the assumption that gun control has a direct correlation to gun violence... "Drivinmenutz"...that would be a useless argument ....because it's obvious that before there were guns..there were no gun violence .... and it's obvious that if you take away all the guns there would be no gun violence but since the 2nd amendment gives the citizens the right to bear arms and commit gun violence... therefore you have to place in laws and restrictions the same that you would do with anything else that presents a clear and present danger to society and it's citizens one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to school.... now all you have to do is say that you don't believe that such a law have any direct effect on curbing gun violence please say you don't believe...please Yes, before guns there was no "gun" violence as the technology wasn't invented yet. Yes, if you take ALL the guns away "gun" violence will most likely cease as well... So how would one take all the guns away? the 2nd amendment forbids taking guns....but it doesn't forbid placing laws with the intent to protect society from their irresponsible usage |
NICE! Now I am Rambo. NO. I am a Wolverine! Misunderstood, a survivor, capable of killing an animal over 340 TIMES its own size, and willing to take on Bears. Now between you and me if we both had a pistol who has a real advantage over the other guy? In a face off the guy who trained with his gun has the advantage. But man for man, not counting anything else? For as big as you are you would have no advantage over me at all. We could kill each other very easily. Now, do not compare Obama to a Samurai at all! Samurai had to fight for a living. Obama is a limp wristed party planner who's idea of a hard day at work is gauged by how much *** he had to kiss! If he and Vladamir Putin got into a fight Obama would be done in under 10 seconds, world leader for world leader. Obama also has NO honor and no real code of ethics save one, cram HIS idealistic agenda down our throats. He is a male Marie Antoinette living in utter denial of how big a mistake he has made and the disaster he is about to unleash on us all! Now comparing civilian to military firepower, Here is a though, how many of those soldiers are Americans? Really. Ask a soldier some time if they were ordered to go door to door to confiscate weapons what they would do. It is the UN soldiers I would be more afraid of. Nut then again what would keep me from ambushing a few blue helmets and relieving them of their hardware and dignity? WOLVERINES! You see the problem is where can we run when our homes are being destroyed? There is no where to run! If you don't find a point where you decide to stand your ground you will always be running. The gun control issue is all about the second amendment and also about our rights to protect ourselves. Gun Control is all about taking them away gradually! One restriction leads to another then to another in a slippery slope that is lubricated by momentum! Suddenly our constitution is burned and we are back to the Feudal days! We have lost sight of the ideals of PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! And you keep trying to digress others to the subject of nuclear weapons. Dude, get over it. The pollution alone is deterrent enough. if you are so scared about nukes lets go pound N Korea once and for all! Lets get that problem done with. Then go to Iran and kick their sorry ***** back into the Straights of Hormuz so they can take a bath for a change! You put FAR too much faith in all the wrong people my friend! Likewise you are trying to use warped space logic to bend our arguments and make them sound confrontational. How many times has Obama said one thing and gone complete 180 degrees on us? Lets see, TARP II, the deficit and spending, and about his Health care? Did it fix ANYTHING? Did I just hear a resounding NO from the crowd? I THINK I DID! ~ that is a tilde & that is an Ampersand AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION! I CAN MAKE A LETHAL WEAPON OUT OF A MICROWAVE OVEN FOR REAL! DO I want to do that? Hell no. I need it as a microwave over. I would rather have warm food than a small underpowered beam weapon that makes people swell up like balloons and cooks their insides! Where is my Particle beam cannon in the 40 Megawatt range? How about my terminator robot? Am I allowed one of those? Come on. Want to see what outclassed police look like? Red neck Ingenuity! Oddly the only man who dies in this was the driver of the killdozer! This guy would have been more than a match for the LAPD! Besides, HOW ABOUT MESSING WITH BIO WEAPONS? Why should private companies have the right to make ways of killing us all more efficient than a nuke? You live in far too much fear my friend! I don't fear the military as much as I fear these career politicians playing god from their seat of authority! There will always be dumbshytes among us and we need to weed them out. It is people like Obama who i am scared of especially when they operate purely on their PERSONAL BELIEF SYSTEM! OBAMACARE IS A FAIL! Obama has no sense of moderation nor is he doing ANYTHING about keeping congress focused on their spending habits. Is America in the Black at least in terms of operating? 1 trillion in the red STILL just for this year's budget alone? And while we need him where is he? Kissing ***, going to Hawaii, and taking all kinds of fun trips telling the world how bad we are and we apologize for being such bad people! He should be up congress's *** on a daily basis about our problems. Nope, he can focus more on trying to use executive orders to screw us some more. And on top of that I DOUBT HIGHLY he was born in America! 2 years to produce his birth records? It only took me two weeks to get mine! So now what? I am the one needing a tinfoil hat here? My construction hard had it aluminum but not tinfoil, is that good enough? I am not giving my trust up to anyone with as many skeletons hidden in their closet as Obama! Nukes... Yeah, if you had no idea how to make one you would kill yourself. If you did you would know just how much of a whore it is just to contain the radioactivity let alone handling the fissile materials! And then the effects radiation has on electronics. Hope your bomb don't decide to set itself off! Personally without the lab or containment bunker let alone the deployment site and deployment vehicle I would not want to mess with one. If anything I would MUCH rather figure out how to create a dielectric short between the Ionosphere and the ground in a way I can target any place on earth and dump the biggest lightning bolts on cities people have ever seen. I am talking, "Pay me 10,000 long tons of gold and 10,000 long tons of platinum or watch New York City get erased from the map." Oh to be able to go Scorpio on the UN! Picking on America and being able to do so with impunity would be a sign to the rest of the world they have NO CHANCE! I think zapping a bunch of refineries and power stations causing a HUGE disaster and then informing someone of my demands would very much have their attention. Especially if I could likewise take out the satellite advantage they have with the same system! I am pretty sure the scale of what I have in mind would cause EMP far greater than a whole bunch of Nukes going off! NICOLAI TESLA THEORIZED ABOUT SUCH A WEAPON AND EVEN HAD EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE ITS VALIDITY! I can imagine potential threats within the scope of our technology that would make you get fear goose bumps. Hell, how many doomsday nutjobs out there have tried to unleash biodeath on us already? More than our government will admit to! Anthrax is the particular favorite. But Ebola, now we are talking! In an ideal world we all would just get alone. Not the case! So shall we dance on extremes again? you're making excuses why people shouldn't have the right to bear nukes because they might be dangerous ...that appears to be the same argument Gun control advocates are making about guns you seem to agree with them more than you are willing to admit ...for claim that only those with "legitimate" carry conceal gun card should be able to take guns into schools, courthouses etc... I don't remember anything in the 2nd amendment about citizens needing a gun conceal carry card to bear arms can you explain why someone would need one ..and can you explain this without sounding like Obama? For one just the toxicity of Radioactive substances in the first place! WE THE PEOPLE DO BEAR NUKES but under a strict structure of authority and rules we adhere to tightly. sounds like something Obama would say It takes a lot to be allowed to hold the keys to Armageddon! Next. sounds like something Obama would say What do you do with a nuke once you build it? We do not store active weapons. Active weapons are set on delivery systems just in case they get the order. So what if I have 25 kilotons of force in my basement aye? That is an over reactive extreme to the right to bear arms. Now bazookas, rpgs and flamethrowers? A little over the top but frankly in the right hands they are safe. In the wrong hands they are not. Machine guns, They are FUN AS HELL TO SHOOT! Behind a .50 BMG I feel like GOD! Never got to light off a BIG BIG gun yet. Did some rocketry as well including making some 'eh, well, best I not talk about it style rockets just to see if I could do it. Red match heads! That is all I will say. And they go up like hells bells! One of those hybrid motors made my Estes rocket into a magic act. Now you see it, now you don't. All I could do was follow the white line into the sky where I could see the streamer coming down BARELY! I was one of those science geeks in high school. One of the scary ones! sounds like something an asylum escapee might say But again just becasue I wield such power do I have a right to use it to hold sway? sounds like something Obama would say I do not see the second amendment entitling anyone to use capital firepower in the name of gain. But in the name of defending our homes? sounds like something the USSR would say I actually feel the restrictions we have are stupid and don't address the real problems. Likewise we can't seem to get the fact in our heads there will always be Bad Seeds!
sounds like something the NRA would say I feel if you want a nuke knock yourself out. I just hope you know how to keep a from grip on the tail of that tiger! and that's why Obama is trying to place in laws and restriction on guns keep a grip on that tiger ... do you see how much you have in common with the philosophy of Obama 100% fallacious comparisons! Wow, I did not think I would have seen that coming. I think like Obama, the USSR and the NRA? I MUST BE ONE COMPLETELY CONFUSED FUCQING LIBERAL! ROTFL my friend... ROTFL! Obama took the tiger by the tail when he gave Wall Street the bail out WE should have gotten. He is afraid of being the guy in the middle should a full blown rebellion break out thanks to him. Too bad he took a job being a puppet. he should be scared. He is sure not serving MY interests. He isn't serving America! We all know he sold out. Its supposedly the American way. So is living in fear of guns! Geez... if you're not like Obama..then explain why you believe that only those with "legitmate" conceal carry gun cards should be the only ones allowed to carry guns into schools courtrooms public events etc...because that sure sound like gun control...perhaps that's why you keep foregetting to answer that question remember explain it without sounding like Obama |
it's amazing how you guys keep making excuses and denying your 2nd amendment right to bear this NRA brainwashing? to help only sell their products of guns and ammo but anyway "RoamingOrator"... as for you claiming that your brother can handle nukes....don't your brother have you for a brother, and you already promised that you would set off a nuke if you ever got hold of one ... you ever visit your brother? Well, like I said, my brother is responsible enough to handle a nuke, which means he's responsible enough to know where to hide it from me. Duh! (Oh, and you can just call me "RO," I don't mind) And I'd also argue that a nuke isn't a weapon. Oh, it can be used to cause death and mass destruction, but it isn't a weapon, because in and of itself, it cannot be projected to kill others. You can't throw a nuke, its too heavy. You can't shoot a nuke, it doesn't have a propellant. You can't sling one, once again too big. The weapon part of a nuke is the delivery system. Whether it is a missile or plane, it is what delivers the payload that should be legal to own. I can go buy a plane anywhere, and I've already made the statement that I think I should be allowed to have missiles. The delivery system is what makes a weapon. The act of thrusting is what makes a spear a weapon. The act of firing is what makes a bow a weapon. The act of hurling is what makes a stone a weapon. Munitions, are not covered by the Second Amendment, just the arms. I can reload my own shells, make my own black powder - Grandpa taught me. The Framers did the same or at least could. Don't forget, the cartridge wasn't invented yet, neither the charge, so technically munitions and ammo are not protected by the Second Amendment, they didn't think of it, because these were home-made items. Which means that nukes are not covered by my rights, much to the NRA's dismay (and note they don't mention ammo much, except when dealing with the size of a clip). So yes, nukes can be regulated. We can do it to other sovereign nations, so to do it to the people is no stretch. RoamingOrator....the nuke would be in your Brother's could he hide it...all you need is a geiger counter to find it ...or find the places in his home that has a radiation sign or a skull and crossbones on it ..if he didn't have those he would be irresponsible apparently your brother isn't responsible with a nuke if he allowed you into his home knowing that you would set it off given the chance .... also trying to argue that nukes are not a weapon only shows how you are in denial...try to sell that argument to those on Hiroshima and Nagasakia that nukes aren't a weapon .... also try to sell that argument to the American people I can't believe you are even using such an argument...desperation perhaps? |
NICE! Now I am Rambo. NO. I am a Wolverine! Misunderstood, a survivor, capable of killing an animal over 340 TIMES its own size, and willing to take on Bears. Now between you and me if we both had a pistol who has a real advantage over the other guy? In a face off the guy who trained with his gun has the advantage. But man for man, not counting anything else? For as big as you are you would have no advantage over me at all. We could kill each other very easily. Now, do not compare Obama to a Samurai at all! Samurai had to fight for a living. Obama is a limp wristed party planner who's idea of a hard day at work is gauged by how much *** he had to kiss! If he and Vladamir Putin got into a fight Obama would be done in under 10 seconds, world leader for world leader. Obama also has NO honor and no real code of ethics save one, cram HIS idealistic agenda down our throats. He is a male Marie Antoinette living in utter denial of how big a mistake he has made and the disaster he is about to unleash on us all! Now comparing civilian to military firepower, Here is a though, how many of those soldiers are Americans? Really. Ask a soldier some time if they were ordered to go door to door to confiscate weapons what they would do. It is the UN soldiers I would be more afraid of. Nut then again what would keep me from ambushing a few blue helmets and relieving them of their hardware and dignity? WOLVERINES! You see the problem is where can we run when our homes are being destroyed? There is no where to run! If you don't find a point where you decide to stand your ground you will always be running. The gun control issue is all about the second amendment and also about our rights to protect ourselves. Gun Control is all about taking them away gradually! One restriction leads to another then to another in a slippery slope that is lubricated by momentum! Suddenly our constitution is burned and we are back to the Feudal days! We have lost sight of the ideals of PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! And you keep trying to digress others to the subject of nuclear weapons. Dude, get over it. The pollution alone is deterrent enough. if you are so scared about nukes lets go pound N Korea once and for all! Lets get that problem done with. Then go to Iran and kick their sorry ***** back into the Straights of Hormuz so they can take a bath for a change! You put FAR too much faith in all the wrong people my friend! Likewise you are trying to use warped space logic to bend our arguments and make them sound confrontational. How many times has Obama said one thing and gone complete 180 degrees on us? Lets see, TARP II, the deficit and spending, and about his Health care? Did it fix ANYTHING? Did I just hear a resounding NO from the crowd? I THINK I DID! ~ that is a tilde & that is an Ampersand AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION! I CAN MAKE A LETHAL WEAPON OUT OF A MICROWAVE OVEN FOR REAL! DO I want to do that? Hell no. I need it as a microwave over. I would rather have warm food than a small underpowered beam weapon that makes people swell up like balloons and cooks their insides! Where is my Particle beam cannon in the 40 Megawatt range? How about my terminator robot? Am I allowed one of those? Come on. Want to see what outclassed police look like? Red neck Ingenuity! Oddly the only man who dies in this was the driver of the killdozer! This guy would have been more than a match for the LAPD! Besides, HOW ABOUT MESSING WITH BIO WEAPONS? Why should private companies have the right to make ways of killing us all more efficient than a nuke? You live in far too much fear my friend! I don't fear the military as much as I fear these career politicians playing god from their seat of authority! There will always be dumbshytes among us and we need to weed them out. It is people like Obama who i am scared of especially when they operate purely on their PERSONAL BELIEF SYSTEM! OBAMACARE IS A FAIL! Obama has no sense of moderation nor is he doing ANYTHING about keeping congress focused on their spending habits. Is America in the Black at least in terms of operating? 1 trillion in the red STILL just for this year's budget alone? And while we need him where is he? Kissing ***, going to Hawaii, and taking all kinds of fun trips telling the world how bad we are and we apologize for being such bad people! He should be up congress's *** on a daily basis about our problems. Nope, he can focus more on trying to use executive orders to screw us some more. And on top of that I DOUBT HIGHLY he was born in America! 2 years to produce his birth records? It only took me two weeks to get mine! So now what? I am the one needing a tinfoil hat here? My construction hard had it aluminum but not tinfoil, is that good enough? I am not giving my trust up to anyone with as many skeletons hidden in their closet as Obama! Nukes... Yeah, if you had no idea how to make one you would kill yourself. If you did you would know just how much of a whore it is just to contain the radioactivity let alone handling the fissile materials! And then the effects radiation has on electronics. Hope your bomb don't decide to set itself off! Personally without the lab or containment bunker let alone the deployment site and deployment vehicle I would not want to mess with one. If anything I would MUCH rather figure out how to create a dielectric short between the Ionosphere and the ground in a way I can target any place on earth and dump the biggest lightning bolts on cities people have ever seen. I am talking, "Pay me 10,000 long tons of gold and 10,000 long tons of platinum or watch New York City get erased from the map." Oh to be able to go Scorpio on the UN! Picking on America and being able to do so with impunity would be a sign to the rest of the world they have NO CHANCE! I think zapping a bunch of refineries and power stations causing a HUGE disaster and then informing someone of my demands would very much have their attention. Especially if I could likewise take out the satellite advantage they have with the same system! I am pretty sure the scale of what I have in mind would cause EMP far greater than a whole bunch of Nukes going off! NICOLAI TESLA THEORIZED ABOUT SUCH A WEAPON AND EVEN HAD EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE ITS VALIDITY! I can imagine potential threats within the scope of our technology that would make you get fear goose bumps. Hell, how many doomsday nutjobs out there have tried to unleash biodeath on us already? More than our government will admit to! Anthrax is the particular favorite. But Ebola, now we are talking! In an ideal world we all would just get alone. Not the case! So shall we dance on extremes again? you're making excuses why people shouldn't have the right to bear nukes because they might be dangerous ...that appears to be the same argument Gun control advocates are making about guns you seem to agree with them more than you are willing to admit ...for claim that only those with "legitimate" carry conceal gun card should be able to take guns into schools, courthouses etc... I don't remember anything in the 2nd amendment about citizens needing a gun conceal carry card to bear arms can you explain why someone would need one ..and can you explain this without sounding like Obama? For one just the toxicity of Radioactive substances in the first place! WE THE PEOPLE DO BEAR NUKES but under a strict structure of authority and rules we adhere to tightly. sounds like something Obama would say It takes a lot to be allowed to hold the keys to Armageddon! Next. sounds like something Obama would say What do you do with a nuke once you build it? We do not store active weapons. Active weapons are set on delivery systems just in case they get the order. So what if I have 25 kilotons of force in my basement aye? That is an over reactive extreme to the right to bear arms. Now bazookas, rpgs and flamethrowers? A little over the top but frankly in the right hands they are safe. In the wrong hands they are not. Machine guns, They are FUN AS HELL TO SHOOT! Behind a .50 BMG I feel like GOD! Never got to light off a BIG BIG gun yet. Did some rocketry as well including making some 'eh, well, best I not talk about it style rockets just to see if I could do it. Red match heads! That is all I will say. And they go up like hells bells! One of those hybrid motors made my Estes rocket into a magic act. Now you see it, now you don't. All I could do was follow the white line into the sky where I could see the streamer coming down BARELY! I was one of those science geeks in high school. One of the scary ones! sounds like something an asylum escapee might say But again just becasue I wield such power do I have a right to use it to hold sway? sounds like something Obama would say I do not see the second amendment entitling anyone to use capital firepower in the name of gain. But in the name of defending our homes? sounds like something the USSR would say I actually feel the restrictions we have are stupid and don't address the real problems. Likewise we can't seem to get the fact in our heads there will always be Bad Seeds!
sounds like something the NRA would say I feel if you want a nuke knock yourself out. I just hope you know how to keep a from grip on the tail of that tiger! and that's why Obama is trying to place in laws and restriction on guns keep a grip on that tiger ... do you see how much you have in common with the philosophy of Obama |
‘Gun control’ has had a long history:- “The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other type of arms. The possession of these elements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to permit uprising, therefore, the heads of the provinces, official agents, and deputies are ordered to collect all weapons mentioned above and turn them over to the government.” Toyotomi Hideyshi, Shogun, August 29, 1558 didn't the Shogun allow everyone to have firearms in Hiroshima and Nagasaki's time to get over that "Tyrannical Government" mentality ...or save it for when the Aliens from Outer Space Attack and take over The argument you're making lacks clarity,Logic and Reason! It's actually a Hula-Hoop-Argument! I've seen the date...even found the website you google copy and pasted if from point was that guns are obsolete against nukes |
Well, your argument about nukes is foolish to begin with. Nuclear weapons need maintenance, like firearms, which is something one cannot just do at the dining room table. It requires training and expertise to do so, which isn't something you can "google," nor can you get the parts required at the local Walmart. Not to mention the average person wouldn't have the shielding necessary to store one in his home. I can keep a gun here without exposing myself and my neighbors to radiation. Plus, the trace amounts of lead I use with my firearms probably won't kill anyone. So you really are comparing apples with tires. Now as far as someone who could be in possession of one, well, I'd offer up my brother. He's about the most friendly and forgiving person I've ever met. He bares no animosity towards anyone or anything and would be the exact kind of person one should consult before even considering using a nuclear weapon. Now as far as the government using a nuke, you must first understand the tactical reason for doing so. I'll point out that while some might say it's semantics, the U.S. government never used a nuclear weapon. They did us an atomic one, but that is not the same thing, as there is a very large difference in firepower and triggering mechanism. Now to do so with the aim of putting down a rebellion would be useless and not tactically feasible. There are only two reasons to use a nuke (or as before an atomic): 1. to destroy the enemies infrastructure and ability to produce munitions, 2. to destroy the will of the populace to wage war. In the case of a rebellion (which is actually what we are talking about in the case of the 2nd Amendment and this topic), it would be pointless. The Republic's military would be the one in control of munition production, so they'd be harming themselves. The populace whose spirit you are wishing to break would be your own, so by doing so, you'd be more likely to add support to the rebellion than to break the spirit of the rebels. Tactically there is no reason to use a nuke, as we now understand more about radiation than we did when the bombs were dropped on Japan. They could easily do just as much damage to our own troops and people as they would to the enemy. If we didn't use them in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq, the concept of using them on our own soil, where the winds would infect our large cities with radiation, is well, ludicrous. it's amazing how you guys keep making excuses and denying your 2nd amendment right to bear this NRA brainwashing? to help only sell their products of guns and ammo but anyway "RoamingOrator"... as for you claiming that your brother can handle nukes....don't your brother have you for a brother, and you already promised that you would set off a nuke if you ever got hold of one ... you ever visit your brother? |
NICE! Now I am Rambo. NO. I am a Wolverine! Misunderstood, a survivor, capable of killing an animal over 340 TIMES its own size, and willing to take on Bears. Now between you and me if we both had a pistol who has a real advantage over the other guy? In a face off the guy who trained with his gun has the advantage. But man for man, not counting anything else? For as big as you are you would have no advantage over me at all. We could kill each other very easily. Now, do not compare Obama to a Samurai at all! Samurai had to fight for a living. Obama is a limp wristed party planner who's idea of a hard day at work is gauged by how much *** he had to kiss! If he and Vladamir Putin got into a fight Obama would be done in under 10 seconds, world leader for world leader. Obama also has NO honor and no real code of ethics save one, cram HIS idealistic agenda down our throats. He is a male Marie Antoinette living in utter denial of how big a mistake he has made and the disaster he is about to unleash on us all! Now comparing civilian to military firepower, Here is a though, how many of those soldiers are Americans? Really. Ask a soldier some time if they were ordered to go door to door to confiscate weapons what they would do. It is the UN soldiers I would be more afraid of. Nut then again what would keep me from ambushing a few blue helmets and relieving them of their hardware and dignity? WOLVERINES! You see the problem is where can we run when our homes are being destroyed? There is no where to run! If you don't find a point where you decide to stand your ground you will always be running. The gun control issue is all about the second amendment and also about our rights to protect ourselves. Gun Control is all about taking them away gradually! One restriction leads to another then to another in a slippery slope that is lubricated by momentum! Suddenly our constitution is burned and we are back to the Feudal days! We have lost sight of the ideals of PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! And you keep trying to digress others to the subject of nuclear weapons. Dude, get over it. The pollution alone is deterrent enough. if you are so scared about nukes lets go pound N Korea once and for all! Lets get that problem done with. Then go to Iran and kick their sorry ***** back into the Straights of Hormuz so they can take a bath for a change! You put FAR too much faith in all the wrong people my friend! Likewise you are trying to use warped space logic to bend our arguments and make them sound confrontational. How many times has Obama said one thing and gone complete 180 degrees on us? Lets see, TARP II, the deficit and spending, and about his Health care? Did it fix ANYTHING? Did I just hear a resounding NO from the crowd? I THINK I DID! ~ that is a tilde & that is an Ampersand AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION! I CAN MAKE A LETHAL WEAPON OUT OF A MICROWAVE OVEN FOR REAL! DO I want to do that? Hell no. I need it as a microwave over. I would rather have warm food than a small underpowered beam weapon that makes people swell up like balloons and cooks their insides! Where is my Particle beam cannon in the 40 Megawatt range? How about my terminator robot? Am I allowed one of those? Come on. Want to see what outclassed police look like? Red neck Ingenuity! Oddly the only man who dies in this was the driver of the killdozer! This guy would have been more than a match for the LAPD! Besides, HOW ABOUT MESSING WITH BIO WEAPONS? Why should private companies have the right to make ways of killing us all more efficient than a nuke? You live in far too much fear my friend! I don't fear the military as much as I fear these career politicians playing god from their seat of authority! There will always be dumbshytes among us and we need to weed them out. It is people like Obama who i am scared of especially when they operate purely on their PERSONAL BELIEF SYSTEM! OBAMACARE IS A FAIL! Obama has no sense of moderation nor is he doing ANYTHING about keeping congress focused on their spending habits. Is America in the Black at least in terms of operating? 1 trillion in the red STILL just for this year's budget alone? And while we need him where is he? Kissing ***, going to Hawaii, and taking all kinds of fun trips telling the world how bad we are and we apologize for being such bad people! He should be up congress's *** on a daily basis about our problems. Nope, he can focus more on trying to use executive orders to screw us some more. And on top of that I DOUBT HIGHLY he was born in America! 2 years to produce his birth records? It only took me two weeks to get mine! So now what? I am the one needing a tinfoil hat here? My construction hard had it aluminum but not tinfoil, is that good enough? I am not giving my trust up to anyone with as many skeletons hidden in their closet as Obama! Nukes... Yeah, if you had no idea how to make one you would kill yourself. If you did you would know just how much of a whore it is just to contain the radioactivity let alone handling the fissile materials! And then the effects radiation has on electronics. Hope your bomb don't decide to set itself off! Personally without the lab or containment bunker let alone the deployment site and deployment vehicle I would not want to mess with one. If anything I would MUCH rather figure out how to create a dielectric short between the Ionosphere and the ground in a way I can target any place on earth and dump the biggest lightning bolts on cities people have ever seen. I am talking, "Pay me 10,000 long tons of gold and 10,000 long tons of platinum or watch New York City get erased from the map." Oh to be able to go Scorpio on the UN! Picking on America and being able to do so with impunity would be a sign to the rest of the world they have NO CHANCE! I think zapping a bunch of refineries and power stations causing a HUGE disaster and then informing someone of my demands would very much have their attention. Especially if I could likewise take out the satellite advantage they have with the same system! I am pretty sure the scale of what I have in mind would cause EMP far greater than a whole bunch of Nukes going off! NICOLAI TESLA THEORIZED ABOUT SUCH A WEAPON AND EVEN HAD EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE ITS VALIDITY! I can imagine potential threats within the scope of our technology that would make you get fear goose bumps. Hell, how many doomsday nutjobs out there have tried to unleash biodeath on us already? More than our government will admit to! Anthrax is the particular favorite. But Ebola, now we are talking! In an ideal world we all would just get alone. Not the case! So shall we dance on extremes again? you're making excuses why people shouldn't have the right to bear nukes because they might be dangerous ...that appears to be the same argument Gun control advocates are making about guns you seem to agree with them more than you are willing to admit ...for claim that only those with "legitimate" carry conceal gun card should be able to take guns into schools, courthouses etc... I don't remember anything in the 2nd amendment about citizens needing a gun conceal carry card to bear arms can you explain why someone would need one ..and can you explain this without sounding like Obama? |
what "entity"
Has killed more people than any other? it's a toss up between Mosquitoes or watching chick flicks |
Why Do Reasonable People Elope?
so they can have enough money to get the hotwings deal at Red Lobster |
The reason the (current)government will not use nukes is because we've become too big of wimps to take the political hit from that kind of "collateral damage." It makes us look like bullies. We didn't even use our fuel/air devices in either of our most recent wars. We called ahead to tell the Iraqis where we'd be bombing to reduce civilian casualties, so if you think nukes are still an option, you haven't a clue about how our government likes to maintain the illusion that we are not oppressive. However, it is hard for me to argue that I should have nukes, as personally, I don't want one. The reason is, if I had one, I would use it! I wouldn't think twice about it, which is precisely why I shouldn't have one. I do think I should be allowed to have artillery and surface to air missiles though. I'd love to have a "SAM" battery so that I could declare a "no fly zone" over my home and enforce it. I should be allowed to do so, since in actuality the "air space" is mine. I believe that there are people that could handle owning nukes as a deterrent, maybe they should. using nukes is like cheating on ones spouse...if they did it once it would be naive to claim that they would be incapable of doing it again ..which is why I do get it when people keep trying to use the argument that the governemnt wouldn't use nukes also you stated that if you had a nuke that you yourself wouldn't think twice about not using it and that this was precisely the reason you felt that you shouldn't have one why don't that same philosophy apply to guns... you also claim that there are people you believe can handle owning nukes?....can you name a couple of them and then explain why you believe they can handle nukes?...anyone we know? |
define LOVE!
what is love for you? greasy food and beer while watching a crappy sci-fi movie |
define LOVE!
define LOVE!
the degree of stupidity one is willing to endure for and/or from a person place or thing |
When one makes statements that implies that firearms are "obsolete when it comes to the firepower of the government," one only shows an ignorance of history. All revolutions throughout civilization have come about by the will of a poorly armed populace going up against a much more militarily superior government. During the French Revolution they attacked musketeers with pitchforks and hoes. During the Russian Revolution they took muskets and single shot rifles against cavalry and machine guns. During the recent Libyan and Syrian Revolution they took weapons they picked up off the dead soldiers against tanks and airplanes. To think that the American populace could not win a revolt because the military has "nukes" is just stupidity. First of all, the government wouldn't even consider using the nukes. We won't use them against foriegn enemies, we sure won't use them on our own population. Second, you are assuming that rebels won't also have access to the same equipment. They will, even if it is just confiscated from local armories or pulled off of the corpses of the dead littering battlefields. Third, you are assuming that all of the military personnel will "stay and fight for the flag." This was proven false in our first civil war. And lastly, you are assuming that "nukes" are something that cannot fall into the hands of rebels, which is also false. Governments fall, it is the natural historical course of any empire. All have done it over history. Oh, sometimes the names stay the same (China for instance), but the ruling powers and the type of rule that is imposed always changes. It will happen here, it is not a matter of "if," but "when," and "to what extent it is achieved." The number one rule in warfare is "never underestimate your enemy." This is very thing that "straw man" argument is doing. Now back to your regular programming. you claim that the government wouldn't use nukes or wouldn't consider using them against any foriegn nation ....well that sums up your lack of knowledge when it comes to History ...perhaps you should read up on Hiroshima and Nagasakia ...perhpas you will learn that the government would use nukes also the 2nd amendment do not state that you have to fight a revolution with only pitchfork,hoes or guns, it states that you have the right to bear arms.....but yet you guys are incapable of conceiving that it means you have the right to have nukes...but yet you just want to sit around and cry about not taking away your obsolete guns so what do you say?... come on, fight for the right for the citizens of USA to bear nukes...doing that will pop people into reality about placing nukes or gun with irresponsible citizens without any laws or restrictions either do that..or stop crying about gun control |