Community > Posts By > funches

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Tue 02/05/13 02:48 PM

The oppressed have a LONG history of becoming the oppressors! And yet here YOU are still clinging to the past. Some of us are trying to look ahead and not get stuck in the mire of such fallacious belief!

cool AndyBgood...perhaps that is an indication that you will no longer "google cut and paste" quotes from Thomas Jefferson...or "google cut and paste" useless stuff about The Roman Army, or "google cut and paste" black and white photos from the 1940s showing The Civil Defense Neighborhood Watch Militia that didn't excercise their 2nd amendment rights and choose not to carry guns you stated...look ahead

Cut and paste? PLEASE! I can't cut and paste from a college text book unless it is online!

wouldn't the fact that I mention that you "google cut and paste" is referring to doing it online?...."google" should have been the hint

but it is easy enough to find a lot online isn't it? Gee, and I manage to back up my claims and this is all you can offer?

to "google cut and paste" is not backing up your claims...but it may be an indication that you can't think for yourself or perhaps incapable of placing what you read into your own thoughts, also the author that you "google cut and paste" from can't be asked any questions......that's why I choose not to "google cut and paste" or hide behind them

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 11:50 AM

The oppressed have a LONG history of becoming the oppressors! And yet here YOU are still clinging to the past. Some of us are trying to look ahead and not get stuck in the mire of such fallacious belief!

cool AndyBgood...perhaps that is an indication that you will no longer "google cut and paste" quotes from Thomas Jefferson...or "google cut and paste" useless stuff about The Roman Army, or "google cut and paste" black and white photos from the 1940s showing The Civil Defense Neighborhood Watch Militia that didn't excercise their 2nd amendment rights and choose not to carry guns you stated...look ahead

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 09:35 AM

What u think,what women wants??

closet space

WORD ^ this is the only worthwhile answer on here

if a guy values the woman he is with, make sure she has her own closet, the guy should "never ever" place anything of his in her closet, doing so is the equivalent of trying to steal the food from a wolf's mouth

if you can, give or build her "a walk in closet" lined with full length mirrors

if you don't like the woman you are cable television and a toilet in the walk in closet and you won't see her for months

Personally; I never minded sharing my closet with a guy. I just put the extra clothes in a bin under the bed. I also don't have a lot of shoes so there is room for his as well. However if I needed or wanted a bigger closet; I would build it myself. Guess I am not your typical woman. bigsmile

perhaps being about to accomplish the feats you named is a requirement for women in the military...not sure there is much room for a walk in closet on a Nuclear Vessal

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 07:49 AM

Those who turn swords into Plowshares will plow for those who do not!
-Thomas Jefferson

to bad Thomas Jefferson didn't give his slaves that option

you're here praising Thomas Jefferson who was to his slaves part of a tyrannical government that use guns to deny others their Rights ...

but yet at the same time you're here cursing those in today's government that you believe is trying to do the same thing to you that Thomas Jefferson done to his slaves

sort of ironic

And to double the irony, Thomas Jefferson BOUGHT his slaves from Brown men WITH Cotton and Sugar who traded them for Cotton and Sugar from Black men in Africa who likewise had guns to grab up unarmed black men from their own country!


The East India Trading Company...

And supposedly England had banned slavery in England before we did. Didn't mean they didn't stop human trafficking. Anything to make a buck huh? BTW, wasn't Spain likewise up to their eyeballs in the Slave Trade?

A situation SO ironic it actually has a cold feel to it huh?

Brown men with Cotton nor The East India Trading Company were members of the founding father which help frame the Bill of Rights while denying the Rights of others

So what? America was conceived with the right idea but it took time to accomplish that. The struggle just for Women's suffrage took how long? But the fact is America made huge strides held back by politicians.

The ultimate problem is how Americans became complacent and self centered. But what you don't see is that a Foreign business sold slaves when their parent nation abolished slavery! THAT'S ENGLAND!

Oh but again you jump to extremes. Well, let us look at the History of Afghanistan... Children have been fighting in their war as young as 11. They have been known to play sniper in the hills and CHILDREN wreaked havoc with the Russians. In all reality on a lot of shooting trips I have been on the KIDS ARE THE ONES MORE CONSCIOUS ABOUT SAFETY THAN THE ADULTS ESPECIALLY AFTER OUR MORNING SAFETY MEETINGS BEFORE WE SHOOT. So armed kids honestly are more trustworthy than adults when they are taught the realities of guns and not allowed to play stupid games. We have had one kid get stupid and got a time out all day long for waving a loaded gun around. it was his dad who was on him faster than starving dogs on a freshly opened can of dog food. And likewise we have revoked the privilege of some adults to go with us becasue of disobedience to rules like NO ALCOHOL OF ANY KIND ON THE RANGE! And considering the campsite is usually on the range you are either drinking or shooting, but NEVER EVER BOTH AMONG US! Safety FIRST!

And that is SOP among many others who I know shoot.

But back to Irony... So you want to becry tyranny? How about Affirmative Action? How about the illegal operations within our own government?

And Obama is leading the way? Planning parties and trying to push Executive orders on us like a tyrant himself. Scuttlebutt has it he has given the order to make civilians the enemy! So with that in mind he is who to what now to us?

Why is it I have a bad feeling this man may have the words 'Sic Semper Tyrannus' on his head stone? The way he is going he may just wind up being a scape goat for the real evil among us. When you educate yourself on what money and banking is things become clear and terrifyingly real.

If Obama is all that why did he go all George Bush on us? Bailing out Bankers? To what end? To support some illusionary notions about economy? they WHOLE system is tailored to screw people and keep us at each other's throats and gun control is just a diversion! I suppose I am making that up too?

So what? We lay down our arms and kneel under their thumb? Americans need to shape up and vote for the little guy for the change. Not some banker Schill. Obama sold us out some more. Kerry would have done the same though! Gotta shove NWO down our throats.

Would be nice if they had a bill of rights and a Constitution for us to go by. What is coming will set us back past the Magna Carta! Get ready for some quality serfing!

you keep trying to make the fact that Jefferson brought slaves from places where slavery was supposedly abolished as being a good thing in Jefferson's favor

if Jefferson knew that slavery was abolished in England and he still brought slaves from them...then that makes him the same type of corrupted politician that you have been here in the forum complaining about ....remember your posts as to how "you hate corruption" ...but yet here you are praising a politician that done corruption

also if Jefferson as you claim knew that slavery was abolished in ENGLAND....did he not ask himself or them why?

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 07:39 AM

Aw hypocrisy....

A whole nuther thread though...

Because a person cannot really see outside of their perspective which is always biased to their understanding of their experiences. It is hard to find a lack of hypocrisy in what people believe or say.

As for the president, you bet he will fail at some of the things he tries to do. Some because even as smart as he is, he cannot see outside of his own personal perspective. For example, he was not in favor of gays marrying when he came into office the first time. Somehow in the process of doing his job, he realized that they should be given all the rights of everyone else. Religion blocked this view for him before that time.\

Getting to universal healthcare is not a feat he is capable of with the ignorance he deals with in congress. So he will fail.

But sometimes the try is what is needed. Several tries and it will get over the wall. President Obama will not do it but it may be done by one of the next presidents of his caliber and more easily because of the change he has brought himself.

Obama can only pave the way to the's inevitable that healthcare will become Free for all due to advancements in technology example is how Doctor visits can take place over The Internet, it will even be possible to dispense medicine even perform operations via the web which would drop the bottom out of healthcare cost
yep,and Medical and Pharmaceutical R&D will take place by itself!
Nothing to worry about,nothing to worry about at all!bigsmile

Nothing is Free in Life,not even Death,since it will cost you your Life,as my Old Man so aptly used to observe!

if nothing in life is free...then you would have no problem paying taxes, because one day you will need Free Healthcare

don't believe me...go ask those that lost everything in hurricaines or tornados or other disasters what they think about Obamacare

Obamacare is just like laywers, you complain about them... until one day you need them

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 07:31 AM

Those who turn swords into Plowshares will plow for those who do not!
-Thomas Jefferson

to bad Thomas Jefferson didn't give his slaves that option

you're here praising Thomos Jefferson who was to his slaves part of a tyrannical government that use guns to deny others their Rights ...

but yet at the same time you're here cursing those in today's government that you believe is trying to do the same thing to you that Thomas Jefferson done to his slaves

sort of ironic

Indeed, the Irony is apparent. However the words he speaks are no less true... He was quite wise, and America has matured since then, recognizing the error in it's ways. President Lincoln was responsible for a movement that ultimately freed the slaves. He was a large supporter of Jefferson. Also ironic...

if you speak for the rights of one group of people while in the same breath denying the same for another group,... that is not being wise, that is being clueless

if Lincoln was truely a supporter of Jefferson he would have opted to have sex and make babies with slaves not Free them

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 07:24 AM

We will get back to the nuke and law enforcement arguments.

Right now I would like to focus on the assumption that gun control has a direct correlation to gun violence...

"Drivinmenutz"...that would be a useless argument ....because it's obvious that before there were guns..there were no gun violence ....

and it's obvious that if you take away all the guns there would be no gun violence

but since the 2nd amendment gives the citizens the right to bear arms and commit gun violence... therefore you have to place in laws and restrictions the same that you would do with anything else that presents a clear and present danger to society and it's citizens

one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to school....

now all you have to do is say that you don't believe that such a law have any direct effect on curbing gun violence

please say you don't believe...please

Yes, before guns there was no "gun" violence as the technology wasn't invented yet. Yes, if you take ALL the guns away "gun" violence will most likely cease as well...

So how would one take all the guns away?

the 2nd amendment forbids taking guns....but it doesn't forbid placing laws with the intent to protect society from their irresponsible usage

I guess that depends on the law being issued...

So how would these new laws "protect society from the irresponsible"?

"Drivemenutz"...I've already presented a question to you that you didn't answer ...but anyway ...let's try that question again

one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to you believe such a law would curb gun violence?

Unfortunately it just isn't that simple. But i suppose i will "bite the bullet" on this one.

It was interesting to me that I couldn't seem to find any laws that were passed on this issue until 1990. Admittedly I only searched the topic for about 15 minutes so i may have to revisit the issue.

Anyhow the law passed in 1990 allowed for the declaration of "gun free" zones. Another passed in 1994 prohibited "juveniles" from possessing and/or selling handguns. Perhaps there were school "rules" established prohibiting weapons.

All the information i seem to come up with shows that school homicides (couldn't seem to single-out "gun" homicides from the rest) directly coincided with the rest of the country which fell dramatically starting in 1993. As a matter of fact it continued to call until about mid 2012. (Interestingly it still remains less then 50% of what it was in the 90's)

So to answer your question, i believe that such a law would do little to curb gun violence in schools or anywhere. It would appear that people were already following this "rule", as parents can all agree that letting your 8 year old take off to school with a loaded gun is wrong. Perhaps this was the point you were trying to make?

"Drivinmenutz"..perhaps if I make the question simplier....

1:you either believe that children without restrictions should exercise their 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school


2: you believe that restriction should be put in place that take away children 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school

whichever one you pick...explain why you believe it would or wouldn't curb gun violence

This question cannot be answered with completely honest opinion, as it has been oversimplified (there are more moving parts than allowed to address.)

But hey, i will play along as i believe you ultimately have a point.

Option 2. Because children have not yet fully matured. Also, many have not yet received the proper instruction on how to handle a firearm. This could lead to accidental shootings. This is why we have gun safes and don't leave loaded guns lying around when 5-year-olds are running around.

This what you were looking for?

now that you have choose option that perhaps an indication that you believe that taking away the children's 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school would also curb gun violence?

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 07:19 AM

Things that make you run...

First date he asks me out to McDonalds.

some people like to bring their children of the corn on the date with them......then everyone can get a Happy Meal

I actually had a date once where the lady brought her two year old along to the restaurant.

Yeah, that was a lot of fun trying to chat up someone that was trying to kill two birds with one stone by coming into the town to see her divorce lawyer and meet me with a noisy brat in tow on a rainy day. She actually blamed me for all of the hassle when I called her later and it had been her idea to meet that day.

yep, if you want to get to know the woman, you may have to deal with their children or grandchildren, it reminds me of how I use to have to sit and watch The Teletubbies and Doria The Explorer....

watching the Sci-fi channel do not prepare you for the children shows on PBS...I'm still having nightmares about Elmo's World

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 07:10 AM

What u think,what women wants??

closet space

WORD ^ this is the only worthwhile answer on here

if a guy values the woman he is with, make sure she has her own closet, the guy should "never ever" place anything of his in her closet, doing so is the equivalent of trying to steal the food from a wolf's mouth

if you can, give or build her "a walk in closet" lined with full length mirrors

if you don't like the woman you are cable television and a toilet in the walk in closet and you won't see her for months

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 05:44 PM

Things that make you run...

First date he asks me out to McDonalds.

some people like to bring their children of the corn on the date with them......then everyone can get a Happy Meal

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 05:26 PM

We will get back to the nuke and law enforcement arguments.

Right now I would like to focus on the assumption that gun control has a direct correlation to gun violence...

"Drivinmenutz"...that would be a useless argument ....because it's obvious that before there were guns..there were no gun violence ....

and it's obvious that if you take away all the guns there would be no gun violence

but since the 2nd amendment gives the citizens the right to bear arms and commit gun violence... therefore you have to place in laws and restrictions the same that you would do with anything else that presents a clear and present danger to society and it's citizens

one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to school....

now all you have to do is say that you don't believe that such a law have any direct effect on curbing gun violence

please say you don't believe...please

Yes, before guns there was no "gun" violence as the technology wasn't invented yet. Yes, if you take ALL the guns away "gun" violence will most likely cease as well...

So how would one take all the guns away?

the 2nd amendment forbids taking guns....but it doesn't forbid placing laws with the intent to protect society from their irresponsible usage

I guess that depends on the law being issued...

So how would these new laws "protect society from the irresponsible"?

"Drivemenutz"...I've already presented a question to you that you didn't answer ...but anyway ...let's try that question again

one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to you believe such a law would curb gun violence?

Unfortunately it just isn't that simple. But i suppose i will "bite the bullet" on this one.

It was interesting to me that I couldn't seem to find any laws that were passed on this issue until 1990. Admittedly I only searched the topic for about 15 minutes so i may have to revisit the issue.

Anyhow the law passed in 1990 allowed for the declaration of "gun free" zones. Another passed in 1994 prohibited "juveniles" from possessing and/or selling handguns. Perhaps there were school "rules" established prohibiting weapons.

All the information i seem to come up with shows that school homicides (couldn't seem to single-out "gun" homicides from the rest) directly coincided with the rest of the country which fell dramatically starting in 1993. As a matter of fact it continued to call until about mid 2012. (Interestingly it still remains less then 50% of what it was in the 90's)

So to answer your question, i believe that such a law would do little to curb gun violence in schools or anywhere. It would appear that people were already following this "rule", as parents can all agree that letting your 8 year old take off to school with a loaded gun is wrong. Perhaps this was the point you were trying to make?

"Drivinmenutz"..perhaps if I make the question simplier....

1:you either believe that children without restrictions should exercise their 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school


2: you believe that restriction should be put in place that take away children 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school

whichever one you pick...explain why you believe it would or wouldn't curb gun violence

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 04:24 PM

Those who turn swords into Plowshares will plow for those who do not!
-Thomas Jefferson

to bad Thomas Jefferson didn't give his slaves that option

you're here praising Thomas Jefferson who was to his slaves part of a tyrannical government that use guns to deny others their Rights ...

but yet at the same time you're here cursing those in today's government that you believe is trying to do the same thing to you that Thomas Jefferson done to his slaves

sort of ironic

And to double the irony, Thomas Jefferson BOUGHT his slaves from Brown men WITH Cotton and Sugar who traded them for Cotton and Sugar from Black men in Africa who likewise had guns to grab up unarmed black men from their own country!


The East India Trading Company...

And supposedly England had banned slavery in England before we did. Didn't mean they didn't stop human trafficking. Anything to make a buck huh? BTW, wasn't Spain likewise up to their eyeballs in the Slave Trade?

A situation SO ironic it actually has a cold feel to it huh?

Brown men with Cotton nor The East India Trading Company were members of the founding father which help frame the Bill of Rights while denying the Rights of others

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 04:13 PM

Aw hypocrisy....

A whole nuther thread though...

Because a person cannot really see outside of their perspective which is always biased to their understanding of their experiences. It is hard to find a lack of hypocrisy in what people believe or say.

As for the president, you bet he will fail at some of the things he tries to do. Some because even as smart as he is, he cannot see outside of his own personal perspective. For example, he was not in favor of gays marrying when he came into office the first time. Somehow in the process of doing his job, he realized that they should be given all the rights of everyone else. Religion blocked this view for him before that time.\

Getting to universal healthcare is not a feat he is capable of with the ignorance he deals with in congress. So he will fail.

But sometimes the try is what is needed. Several tries and it will get over the wall. President Obama will not do it but it may be done by one of the next presidents of his caliber and more easily because of the change he has brought himself.

Obama can only pave the way to the's inevitable that healthcare will become Free for all due to advancements in technology example is how Doctor visits can take place over The Internet, it will even be possible to dispense medicine even perform operations via the web which would drop the bottom out of healthcare cost

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 12:09 PM
smoking cigarettes while coughing up phlegm

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 11:58 AM
Edited by funches on Mon 02/04/13 12:00 PM

Those who turn swords into Plowshares will plow for those who do not!
-Thomas Jefferson

to bad Thomas Jefferson didn't give his slaves that option

you're here praising Thomos Jefferson who was to his slaves part of a tyrannical government that use guns to deny others their Rights ...

but yet at the same time you're here cursing those in today's government that you believe is trying to do the same thing to you that Thomas Jefferson done to his slaves

sort of ironic

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 08:58 AM

I agree but the NRA did go all out for gun control in the sixties when black folks were having problems and wanted to carry, funny huh?

The same as The Founding Fathers, drafting the Bill of Rights as they were denying Rights to others

Absolutely correct.

Undoing the ignorance of our constructors is a difficult job for sure

that's what Obama is doing,... just like they Tobacco companies were held accountable for their product which resulted in billions of dollars being place into the Health care System...

it was deem that smokers were also killing others with their secondhand smoke or causing others health problems and the smokers just didn't care, so as usual the government had to step in and place restrictions or "smokers control laws" and enforced them which caused smokers to start crying about their "Right" to bear cigarettes...

no one was taking away their right to smoke, just that if they wanted to committ slow suicide by smoking to keep it a suicide and not a homocide by affecting others with their secondhand smoke

Obama is simply doing the same to the NRA when it comes to the Mental Health System

Welcome to the world of political lobbying! The one place where a minority voice can possibly whine enough to make changes forced on America by UNDUE process! now the leader of the NRA is a minority ...

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 08:49 AM
Edited by funches on Mon 02/04/13 08:50 AM

What u think,what women wants??

closet space

Closet space has to be filled in, but with what? What do 'woman' fill closet with???laugh
Men have asked themselves the same question for hundreds of years: What do women want? What they never understood was that the answer was right under their nose—shoes. Women have a keen ability to spot a gorgeous pair of shoes on any shelf within a one mile radius.
On the outs with her or hoping to get 'next to her'; easy! Just get her a pair of shoes from Christian Louboutin, available at your local Neiman Marcus or at Sax Fifth Avenue in NYC; or a pair of heels from Gucci, Jimmy Choo, or hey, how about guaranteed triumph with a pair of high heeled boots from Manolo Blahnik! (Only several thousand dollars, but hey, she just might be worth it...:wink: )
Other brands to always consider are Versace, Brian Atwwods, Louis Vuittons and hey, besides Pradas, there are Miu Miu's, from Miuccia Prada herself or Fendi's. Basically any combinations of a few pairs will be exactly what any and all women want...they drool just thinking about having any of them....:laughing:
And only you know if she might be worth the pleasures she will give you in return....Have fun!$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I use to think it was shoes, but after helping family and friends move ..I found that they all had about 10 to 40 shoe boxes that they wanted to take with them but the boxes had no shoes in them

I think that they buy the shoes for the shoe boxes..but maybe for the reasons you names for the designer label on the boxes like Prada, jimmy Choos etc.

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 08:40 AM
drink enough alcohol and everyone start to look like Supermodels...

no photo
Mon 02/04/13 05:10 AM
Edited by funches on Mon 02/04/13 05:11 AM

I agree but the NRA did go all out for gun control in the sixties when black folks were having problems and wanted to carry, funny huh?

The same as The Founding Fathers, drafting the Bill of Rights as they were denying Rights to others

Absolutely correct.

Undoing the ignorance of our constructors is a difficult job for sure

that's what Obama is doing,... just like they Tobacco companies were held accountable for their product which resulted in billions of dollars being place into the Health care System...

it was deem that smokers were also killing others with their secondhand smoke or causing others health problems and the smokers just didn't care, so as usual the government had to step in and place restrictions or "smokers control laws" and enforced them which caused smokers to start crying about their "Right" to bear cigarettes...

no one was taking away their right to smoke, just that if they wanted to committ slow suicide by smoking to keep it a suicide and not a homocide by affecting others with their secondhand smoke

Obama is simply doing the same to the NRA when it comes to the Mental Health System

no photo
Sun 02/03/13 01:00 PM

I agree but the NRA did go all out for gun control in the sixties when black folks were having problems and wanted to carry, funny huh?

The same as The Founding Fathers, drafting the Bill of Rights as they were denying Rights to others

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