Community > Posts By > Lionlover1973

Lionlover1973's photo
Sat 01/27/07 06:00 PM
hey all Im new to this site. Figured Id give a shout and see how many
other Jville people are out there.. Or anyone in the area for that
matter.. Ladys this means you! LOL.. Well dont wanna take up to much of
your time so check out my profile .(i dont expect ya to read it all..
It's kinda long,but I like detail) And post anything you want here !

Lionlover1973's photo
Thu 10/12/06 07:51 AM
well again u need to move forward.. hearts dont heal easy ..and every
little thing stirs up memorys. If I can suggest reading material THE
GRIEF RECOVERY HANDBOOK by JOHN W JAMES.. ive been reading it when ever
i have time when my 3 yr old isnt runnin around like the energizer
bunny. I'm new at this too.. 14 years and she left..lotsa head games i
could fill 5 pages with the story but hey we all got our own problems
and this sint the place.maybe i'll do a seperate post for it.. anyway..
Im still readding and not to far in but basicly its time.. How much
depends on you.. Minutes .Days. Years.. all depends.. but first thing is
dont rush it.2nd when your readdy make sure your readdy..if your not
dont move forward.. Just get the book lol .. Library may have it .. I
live in a small town of 900 and this one did.. if not they can order
it..Like i said im not far in but its making sence..Its not easy..I
havent even tried dating yet.. So no clue how that will go..But im a
lover so If anyone gets hurt it'll be me and well thats better then the
other person .. I need to keep readding so I dont gt hurt eather LOL

Lionlover1973's photo
Thu 10/12/06 07:23 AM
well look heres the story.. both cheat .. and for diff reasons all
together.. maybe shes looking for something she feals your not giving..
maybe its she thinks your doing the same.. maybe she just cant stay
faithful. im dealing with the same deal..14 years.. cheated mutiple
times with 3 diff guys.. Always blamed myself but heres the
key//Cheating isnt fair on eather person.. Sets both up for a fall.. The
head games that go with it almost hurt more then the act itself.. As i
said its both ..Hey ive done it too.. not recently but ive done it..
Know something..I kick myself in the ass every day for it ..I hurt the
person i was with.. but i hurt myself too... Lost alotta god girls that
way... Learn from it .. if its you doing the cheating wake up! ya just
gonna hurt in the long run..If youve been cheated on ..I know it hurts
but keep going forward..i dont know how..Im learning myself.... goodluck